Documenting from Scotland the rise of the One World King; the "masonic" Sun God.

Wednesday 29 July 2009

Pan - damonium

Back on the 19th July we noted the controversy over the State sponsored Sabbath sailing of the ferry from Stornoway on the Isle of Lewis to the Scottish mainland, in particular with reference to the lewis aspect in connection with freemasonry. (See awkward customers).

In many recent posts we have touched on the unseasonal weather being experienced, specifically lightning strikes, and last night Stornoway had it's turn, with a twister hitting the island, damaging houses and turning over a motor vehicle. From the BBC,
Mini tornado wreaks havoc on isle:

Most of the affected homes were in James Street and the Garden Road area, where a number of cars were also damaged.

Lightning also caused power to be lost across the town after residents reported hearing a 10-second blast.

BBC Stornoway reporter Norman Campbell said the tornado appeared to travel from the ferry terminal area, up Matheson Road to the Goathill area.

Readers with a knowledge of freemasonry and indeed their Knights Templar (and beyond) forerunners will know their preoccupation with goat worship, in terms of Pan/ Baphomet/Dionysus, a preoccupation we have highlighted in many previous posts
(for example here), whilst the twister resonates Dorothy and her expedition to Oz - we noted the parallels between the latter and the Beijing London Olympic 2012 handover in the post things are not always as they seem which starred Leona Lewis, amongst others.


Note: Matheson - as in the route of the tornado - means "son of the bear"
bottom image is the King from the Lewis chessmen.

wikipedia Isle of Lewis.

Tuesday 28 July 2009

Cats out the bag ?

Another day, another top Scottish feline story, as we note from the BBC under Policeman takes "big cat" video. It seems that the remarkable images shot, on a railway line, could be "one of the best pieces of footage of a big cat in the UK ever."

No ordinary policeman though. Tying in well with my last few posts is that fact that PC Chris (Christopher) Swallow is a military version, indeed based at Faslane naval base on the Clyde; that's the nuclear one that Prince William visited on the Roman festival of Armilustrium back in 2007 whilst, on the same day, his Grandmother, HM the Queen, visited the Diamond Light Source synchroton science research facility where, amongst other things, they carry out a form of atomical alchemy in order to understand viruses. (see here) :

Per wikipedia, 19th October is a Roman festival, in honour of the planet of war, Mars. It is named Armilustrium, a day when the weapons of the soldiers were "ritually purified and stored for winter".

Starting to work it out yet ?


Monday 27 July 2009

Hark ! The Herald Panthers sing...

What has totally escaped me over the last month is the ongoing military operation in mountainous Afghanistan, codenamed Operation Panther's Claw.

We did indeed touch on it in my post from 23rd June,
Trampling all over the World, where I noted that the as yet unnamed operation had began on the sun drenched Solstice (Happy Birthday Prince William) and had been spearheaded by, as is usual, a Scottish Regiment, in this instance the Inverness based Black Watch.

It seems that today, 27th July, the 36 day long first stage of the offensive has ended and been classed as a great success by a warmongering Commander of the UK forces.

In my as yet globally recognised post of Friday, Top Kat, we again saw the number 36 crop up like a squaddies haircut in relation to King James 1st and 6th and, in that spirit, it is perhaps uncanny that we read from wikipedia that another famous battle ended on today's date back in the the year 1689: The Battle of Killiecrankie.

It was at this batttle that James 6th son, James 7th (who had fled the country by this point), supporters - the Jacobites - scored a stunning victory over troops loyal to King William of Orange (King Billy) , a victory which made little impact overall in the grand scheme of things, William having been already crowned King on 11th April. My post from 2008,
Ex luna, scienta covers this latter date in a bit more depth, including the Apollo 13 moon mission and Prince William receiving his RAF wings from his father.

Lets move back to the panther and her claws though. If I close with a couple of images - the royal coat of arms of Scotland and a panther as described in medieval bestiaries -
it should make my job slightly easier; although interested parties should have a good look at the linked article, particularly in terms of the "man-womanish" and immortal Greek god, Dionysus, the eromenos (a sort of unpaid rent boy) of the centaur Chiron (see : Doctors Who ? for more on this topic)


For more on the "Lion rampant" see Hurray for Holyrood from last February where I noted the appearance of a white stag in Scotland, and it's implications:

"called it "an execrable army, savager than any race of heathen yielding honour to neither God nor man" and that it "harried the whole province and slaughtered everywhere folk of either sex, of every age and condition, destroying, pillaging and burning the villas, churches and houses".

Saturday 25 July 2009

Burnt offerings

This weekend sees another happening in Bonnie Scotland, an outdoor music festival called Wickerman, held in prime bovine "grazing ground" close to Dundrennan, and named after the 1973 movie ,The Wicker Man, seemingly because the locality was "inextricably linked with various locations used within the classic British horror film."

One of the highlights of the festival, which this year includes the Human League, Zion Train and the Magic Numbers on the main stage, is the burning of a giant wicker effigy, in this instance, Robert Burns, in celebration of his 250th birthday anniversary and of course Homecoming 2009.

Given my musings in yesterday's post re Bible alterer, James Charles Stuart, and his mother, Mary, Queen of Scots, it should be noted that Dundrennan Castle was where she spent her last ever night in Scotland, afterwards being captured and taken to England for execution by decapitation where, it is said, it took three attempts to sever her head completely.

The film the Wicker Man is also interesting, basically revolving around a community of "Neo-druids" who believe in reincarnation and worship the sun, whilst engaging in occult rituals and magical practices in order to appease natural forces.


BBC report here
See too my June post re Glastonbury Festival etc.

Friday 24 July 2009

Top Kat

It appears that my last two posts have been spot on in terms of allegorical phoenixes, mountains, lion kings, 2012 and whispered secrets as we read, hot, from yahoo news under the headline, Prince William Hikes with the Homeless, of the future world king's forthcoming charitable endeavor.

He will join forces with four homeless people from Durham and Sunderland to hike to the top of a mountain, where they will plant a flag to celebrate "three years to go till the London 2012 Olypmics".

"The location of the hike has been kept a secret"

The ritual coincides with the world's largest clan gathering and Highland Games which takes place this weekend at Edinburgh's Holyrood Park (that's the one in the shadow of Arthur's Seat), Royal Mile and Edinburgh Castle. Prince Charles is patron of "The Gathering 2009" as the event is called and hosts some sort of shindig today, in preparation. (
Gathering clans are coming home) .

You also need to read my May post, Arthur's treat, re the spellbinding location of the latter event.

Another coincidence is that on 24th July 1567, Mary, Queens of Scots son - James Charles Stuart (the chap who authorised his own version of the Bible) was crowned James 6th King of Scotland at the tender age of 13 months. On 25th July 1603, 36 years later, he became King of England and Ireland too. We will skip on 36 being 6 x 6 for now.


Note: since writing this earlier it has transpired that William climbed the third highest mountain in England, called Helvellyn, close to pyramid-like (all-seeing?) Catstye Cam (see map & snap above). BBC report here.

Note too the ironic humour involved in the homeless angle; given ancient history

Thursday 23 July 2009

Doctors Who ?

I have been on a bit of a gallop over the last month and, casting my mind back, it all started with the electrocution by lightning of the 16 bullocks at Saltoun House Farm, East Lothian. Since then we have touched on a good few topics, all interconnected to warnings regarding the up and coming Prince William ( phoenix, sun god, antichrist, new world order king, Templar's Baphomet, call him what you Will).

Remarkably (hedge your bets and back me), it seems that just around the time on Tuesday evening that I finished my
Horse whiskerer post - which related to a horse being attacked by a suspected mountain cat - yet another strike hit East Lothian; as we read from the Edinburgh Evening News under the headline: Neighbours feared bomb as lightning bolt struck house:

NEIGHBOURS have told how they feared a bomb had gone off when a freak bolt of lightning tore into the side of a house in East Lothian, shattering the chimney, leaving a hole in the roof and even exploding a fireplace.

The young family who live in the home in Whinny View, Aberlady, were said to have been left shaken but unharmed by the strike during the severe thunder storm on Tuesday evening.

Apparently, 3 fire engines arrived, we read more from an eye witness account:

"One of them (firemen) told me he'd never seen anything like that kind of structural damage on a building from lightning. They were even taking pictures on their mobile phones, it was so unusual."

The residents, both understood to be doctors, were too shaken to speak about their ordeal.

Trotting along further, then what jumps out first is the address, Whinney View. Whinney, if we drop the e, being one of the characteristic noises a horse makes. We will skip on centaurs, Chiron, galactic centre and 2012 for the moment. The explosion in the fireplace resonates the phoenix, the mythological bird which reincarnates itself through the vehicle of intense fire. The yet unnamed doctors, well the established medical profession anyway, like bankers, have direct links back to the Templars as we note from their own

Many Knights Templars joined the Order of the Knights Hospitallers, an Order dedicated to healing and caring for the sick, the founding fathers of the Hospital. Other Knights Templars formed a new type of Order and became absorbed into Freemasonry.

The history of triple golf haven Aberlady is also notable, as we glean from

Aberlady had strong links with the monasteries at
Iona and Lindisfarne from the 7th century, and its role was to facilitate the pilgrim traffic between the two sites. Previous archaeological excavations have shown traces of a Culdee chapel, and Pope Gregory X made reference to the church which he called "Aberlefdi".

Tto close, we canter back to Chiron, the half man half horse of Greek (and perhaps before) mythology. Whilst most centaurs were renowned for drunkenness, fighting and womanising this one was different, decent, kind and, from
wiki: He was known for his knowledge and skill with medicine....Ironically, Chiron, the master of the healing arts, could not heal himself, so he willingly gave up his immortality. He was honoured with a place in the sky, for the Greeks as the constellation Sagittarius, and in modern times represented by the constellation of the southern hemisphere, Centaurus.


Tuesday 21 July 2009

The Horse Whiskerer

I have always been interested in the tales of "big cats" roaming the Scottish countryside, thus the following story from the BBC today interests me whilst seeming to confirm their presence. Additionally, it contains further strands towards the ongoing Paisley pattern tapestry weaving, concerning the forthcoming sun-god/Rex Mundi; Robert Burns, secrets, mountains, Crowley etc.

From the BBC,
Injured horse "attacked by puma", we read of how experts were called in by police after the animal was found with serious injuries near Sundrum Holiday Park in Coylton, Ayrshire. It seems that the beast responsible was spotted back in May by a member of staff employed at nearby Sundrum Castle, and that the specialists have confirmed it is indeed a big cat, possibly a puma, or mountain lion, which is responsible for the equine attack.

We have of course touched on the Ayrshire connections recently, whilst mountains reared themselves in my posts concerning occultist Aleister Crowley and indeed the tragic military jet crash in the shadow of Ben Arthur, the cobbler.

Sundrum Castle has an ancient and important history related to Scotland, as we note from their

Sundrum Castle is amongst the oldest inhabited castles of Scotland, dating back to the wars for Scottish Independence when it was declared forfeit to the crown.

Sir Robert Wallace, a relative of Sir William Wallace, the Scottish freedom fighter, was appointed Sherriff of Ayr in 1342, succeeded by his son Duncanin 1359 who commissioned the building of the present castle in the 1360's....

...In the 1790's the Hamiltons carried out major alterations to Sundrum adding the rear west portions and northern extensions, establishing the Mews and its characteristic Clock Tower. John Hamilton of Sundrum was instrumental in reducing the claim for rent against William Burns, the father of Robert Burns helping to alleviate the family's plight.

A further four generations of Hamiltons continued to reside and improve the castle until 1917 when it was sold to Mr. Earnest Coats, a director of the Paisley firm of thread manufacturers.


4 legs good, 2 legs better

To begin, I don't wish to dwell on yesterday's noted fishing tragedy, however I have updated the post to include the name of the stricken vessel - Aquila, or Eagle, and her home base, Maryport.

Moving down south and reincarnating the bovine angle to recent posts, we note that Scots born British Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, addressed the TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design) conference in Oxford where he claimed that the "power of technology - such as blogs -meant that the world could no longer be run by elites".

Furthermore, that : issues such as climate change could not be solved alone, adding that digital technology offered a way to create a "global society".

But Mr Brown also stressed the need to create new organisations to tackle environmental, financial, development and security problems.

"We are the first generation to be able to do this," he told the conference. "We shouldn't lose the chance."

He said that older institutions founded after the Second World War, such as the United Nations or the International Monetary Fund, were now "out of date".

What I find most interesting about all of the above is his reference, by insinuation, to the current world being run by elites.

One wonders who they could be.


BBC report here.

Sunday 19 July 2009

Burning Issues

Recalling the fire last week at the Balmoral Bar, in Dalry Road, Edinburgh, it requires noting that another "massive blaze" occured last night in the same street , this time the location number 56, the British Heart Foundation charity shop.

Last week, see
(Baal) Morals and Dogma), we noted the Dalry connections with Ayrshire and Robert Burns, the latter location perhaps the heart of freemasonry given that Burns' lodge was Tarbolton, as we note from Robert Burns and Freemasonry:

Robert Burns was initiated an Entered Apprentice in Lodge St. David, Tarbolton on 4 July (ironic date) 1781, at the age of 23. His initiation fee was 12s 6d, and paid on the same date. Like many other times in his life, Burns came into the lodge admist a controversy. Originally, there had been only one lodge in Tarbolton, chartered in 1771 from the Kilwinning Lodge, which is said to be the oldest lodges in the world (again, another story worth telling, yet for another time).

I can perhaps help here, as it appears that Kilwinning - Lodge 0 - is the
Mother lodge of Scotland (and thus the world) with a "unique history" dating back to 1140.

Note too from the
BBC report that the second fire resulted in three firefighters being treated for minor injuries and that from the Kilwinning lodge (as linked) website, three members of the virtual reality TV show, Big Brother, visited on 20/02/2009. (see aferrismoon re 3's)

note, image reflects the 2009 Year of Homecoming, the beach etc.

Awkward customers

This weekend, Edinburgh played host to it's sixth "rat race", "a team challenge involving skills including navigation, running, climbing, mountain biking and kayaking". (bbc report here)

Today, for the first time ever, a scheduled ferry service from Stornoway on the Isle of Lewis to mainland Scotland has gone ahead, ignoring fierce opposition from some islanders who consider the Sabbath a holy day and, as such, have always kept it "holy".

The crossing was carried out by the vessel, The MV Isle of Lewis, despite the fact it broke down of Friday due to exhaust problems; it's sister ship, The MV Isle of Arran being drafted in to run a number of "emergency crossings to clear the backlog of passengers". A small protest was held in the ferry car park, as we note from the
BBC report:

As cars lined up in the ferry terminal car park, protesters gathered in silence behind a banner.
It read: "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy".

They sang Psalm 46 - God is our refuge and our strength - and prayed for the nation to "turn its back from sin and wickedness".

A number of women wiped away tears as they prayed for a return to the Lord's commandments

What is not noted in the linked report is that service operator, Caledonian MacBrayne (CalMac), are in fact state controlled.

Or that a lewis is, from
Pietre-Stones review of freemasonry: "a device that has been used by stonemakers and erectors for many centuries. It provides an anchorage in a stone which enables heavy lifting tackle to be attached to assist in the raising and lowering of stones that are too heavy or too awkward to be man handled into position during transportation and erection".

Thus, in the ferry story, we perhaps see the final stages of the building of what one could reasonably describe as a "Scottish" architected and engineered global rat-race.


An old post of mine on this topic, The Reason for the Sabbath, can be found
here. Readers may also be interested in this post and this one, regarding Lewis' and the 2012 Olympics.

Friday 17 July 2009

What's he got in his sporranses ?

We wired into Glasgow airport bomb hero and Queen's Gallantry medal holder, John "Smeato" Smeaton, age still 33, last year, mainly, although not exclusively, in my post Regal King Size et cetera, where we noted the 3.11pm terrorist attack time and the fact that Smeato was initially more interested in finishing his (regal king size) cigarette rather than "having a go" at the Paisley based terrorists, whilst additionally speculating that his resulting global fame could be linked to a freemasonic membership.

Today, Mr. Smeaton got married to American chick, Christy MacPhedran, at Balgonie Castle, Markinch, Fife. We note from the
BBC report that the groom was immaculate in the Ancient McNeill of Barra Highland dress.

Amazingly, maybe synchronistically, it was a Mr. MacNeill, who lamented on the scotch egg quaffing picnicker at Culloden in my very recent Hobbit inspired, regal king size pictured, post:
A box without hinges, key, or lid.

Notwithstanding that, from wikipedia, re Clan MacNeil, we read that "The clan itself takes its name from a Niall who lived in the 13th or early 14th century, and who belonged the same dynastic family of Cowal and Knapdale as the ancestors of the Lamonts, MacEwens of Otter, Maclachlans, and the MacSweens."

Cowal being derived from the peninsula in Argyll and Bute which includes Arrochar, and indeed Ben Arthur - The Cobbler, where the military aircraft crashed very recently. (
see here)


Thursday 16 July 2009

Do as thou Wills

From Fritz Springmeier's - The Black Nobility:

The 13th bloodline has kept its genealogies very secret. I would welcome more input from informed persons about this bloodline. The tribe of Dan was prophesied to be the black sheep of the nation of Israel which would bite the other tribes of Israel. The tribe of Dan had the snake and the eagle as its two logos. The tribe of Dan left its calling card all over Europe as it migrated west in the names of many places.

From the BBC today,
Chicago's Sears Tower to be renamed:

The Sears Tower in Chicago - one of the most famous skyscrapers in the world - is being renamed.

The 110-storey structure, which opened in 1973, is being rechristened the Willis Tower on Thursday.

From wiki re Illinois, where the "Hog butcher for the World" - Chicago is located


Note, although the BBC report states 110 storey's, wiki says 108:

It could have been otherwise, but it so happens that the distance between the earth and the sun equals about 108 (actually 107-odd) times the sun?s diameter. Likewise, it so happens that the distance between the earth and the moon equals about 108 (actually 109-odd) times the moon?s diameter. That sun and moon look equally big in the earthly sky is the immediate result of their having the same ratio between distance and diameter. Moreover, it so happens that the sun?s diameter approximately equals 108 times the earth?s diameter.

Know Thine Enemy

Back in April, I posted an article about a fire in the village of Aboyne called Sunny side up, reflecting on the 12th July, Battle of the Boyne, and the phoenix. A Christian blogger called Bjorn posted a comment, reflecting the eagle-phoenix connections with the G20, Istanbul, and Aquila earthquake whilst directing readers to his own thoughts which can be found here.

Now I would not say that I was an avid reader of his blog however I checked it from time to time, musing over his thoughts on the European Union, Obama, freemasons etc. etc., all of which seemed broadly similar to my own train of thinking. Curiously though, when I went to have an look on Sunday past I found that the author has been accused of being some sort of lucifer worshipping double agent by a hell and brimstone style "lady" called Constance Cumbey. Bjorn has obviously taken it badly judging by his blog

On Monday, 13th July, Aboyne was hit with flooding. (
BBC news report)


Wednesday 15 July 2009

A box without hinges, key, or lid...

The phoenix of mythology, unlike other birds, does not lay eggs, rather it retires to it's nest every 500+ years where it reincarnates itself through the vehicle of fire, indeed uses it's wings to fan the flames, and thus expedite the process.

Likewise, a scotch egg is not an egg per se. Rather it is a hard boiled egg, covered in sausage meat, coated in breadcrumbs and deep fried.

On that tangent, today, fresh from the BBC, we read of developments at Culloden battlefield - the one referred to very recently in the context of Her Majesty's visit and the English Butcher Cumberland (
squaring the circle ) - under the headline Anger at "war graves picnickers.

It appears that a Mr. Alasdair MacNeill, "a member of A Circle of Gentlemen, a society which recalls the Jacobite cause", is furious after spotting a family of tourists on the site indulging in an alfresco lunch on top of one of the grave mounds. Seemingly "the father was leaning against the headstone, eating a Scotch egg and smoking a cigarette".

Of the Circle of Gentlemen I unfortunately know little. According to the BBC it takes it's name from a secret society in Edinburgh which was loyal to Charles Edward Stuart - Bonnie Prince Charlie - after his defeat at the aforementioned battle and continued to meet late into the 18th century. They do have their own
website which, in addition to a rash of advertising albeit perhaps sympathetic to their cause, states that the only ancient society which could be compared to theirs is the notorious Hellfire club who's motto was Fais ce que tu voudras - do what thou wilt - later adopted by top occultist and mountaineer, Aleister Crowley. On writing this, it strikes me that eating a savoury snack on a old war-tomb is surely doing as "thou wilts".

Their site also states that no part of it shall be used without their permission, but, given the above and their claims, I have no hesitation in cutting and pasting the last paragraph of their history section:

Some also may say that ours is a secret society and as such should be viewed with caution. One only has to scratch the surface “The Circle,” to find that it holds many learned individuals and men of influence. There is no place for bigotry nor extremist views within our ranks, something that we are extremely proud and steadfast over.

Sounds familiar.


Tuesday 14 July 2009

Polly Saturate

We continue in the same manner: electrical storms, mountains, reincarnations, Scotland, monkeys, parrots, pirates, Templars, freemasons, warnings :

More outlandish weather has hit Scotland, as we note from the BBC yesterday -
climber escapes lightning strike - of how a mountaineer and safety officer, Heather Morning, and a friend, luckily escaped electrocution whilst climbing Stac Pollaidh in Wester Ross:

Ms Morning said: "We were doing a multi-pitch climb on the west face of Stac Pollaidh when we got caught out in a serious thunderstorm.

"We were at the top pitch and felt really vulnerable. There was a massive downpour that soaked us to the skin and it was raining centimetre-sized hailstones. There was also a drop in the temperature.

"Twenty metres above us there was a lightning strike. The rock face was crackling with electricity.

"If we had been any higher there was a chance we would have been hit by the lightning."

A climber of 40 years experience, Ms Morning said she had encountered violent storms in the US but not of such a scale in the UK.

From wikipedia on the mountain
Stac Pollaidh:

The name Stac Pollaidh is often anglicised to Stack Polly.

and of it's impressive sandstone pinnacles:

They carry names such as "The Sphinx", "Tam o' Shanter", "Andy Capp" and "Madonna and Child"

Tam o Shanter is a poem by top mason Robert Burns; Andy Capp a comic strip character from Hartlepool (a place famed for the hanging of a monkey during the Napoleonic Wars - the unfortunate animal mistaken for a Frenchman by locals ;
see wiki), Madonna and Child speaks for itself in terms of my ongoing line of thinking, as does the Sphinx, the man headed lion statue from Egypt with a uncanny resemblance to Arthur's Seat in Edinburgh.

Bearing in mind the Christian name of the intrepid climber, Heather, then second last word to aferrismoon (I am no expert on Egyptian Gods) from almost two years ago in his post Blink and you'll kiss it:

Osiris [ Bone - eye] was shut up in a coffin and pushed out to sea to end up trapped in an Erica [ heather] bush.

From wiki on the green skinned

The cult of Osiris (who was a god chiefly of regeneration and re-birth) had a particularly strong interest toward the concept of immortality.


Monday 13 July 2009

In a jam ?

Earlier this month I noted the mysterious child's voice in the Yell Sound, calling: "mayday, mayday, we need assistance", thus causing a fruitless search and rescue operation.(see here)

Today, we read from the BBC of how Lochaber mountain rescue team responded to the alarm raised by members of the public who reported hearing a shrill whistling in the Glen Nevis area, yet after a six hour search, found nothing. It appears that sika deer are getting the blame, seemingly they are known for whistling, as well as making "raspberry noises", during their mating season which, astonishingly, runs from September to November. (
BBC news report)

From wiki on
Glen Nevis:

Glen Nevis (from the
Gaelic Gleann Nibheis) is a beautiful and popular glen in Lochaber, Highland, Scotland, with Fort William at its foot

Several films have been shot in Glen Nevis, including some scenes from the Harry Potter movies, Braveheart and Rob Roy

On the
sika deer:

Sika deer were introduced to parks in the UK in 1860, but escapees have established themselves in our countryside.


Sunday 12 July 2009

(Baal) Morals and Dogma

Previous posts regarding the (re)incarnation of Prince William, a New World Order, freemasons, blah blah blah, refer.

An inferno erupted last night at the Balmoral Bar, 178 -182 Dalry Road, Edinburgh; occupiers of the tenements above safely evacuated. Tragically however, events included the death of a firefighter, Ewan Williamson.

It appears the fire service were alerted at 0038 BST, 11:38 GMT, just after Orangeman's (King Billy) Day had begun.

It should be noted that the colloquially described "old-mans" public bar was presumably named as a pun after either the more up market, five star, Balmoral Hotel in Edinburgh, or alternatively, the Royal Estate of Balmoral, of which Birkhall, forms part.Birkhall being the scene of the Royal estate's gamekeeper, Robbie Elliot, and his snared badger

Room 652 of the Balmoral Hotel was where JK Rowling finished "her" last book in the Harry Potter series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, apparently signing a statement to this effect on a statue of Hermes, Messenger of the Gods, and subsequently losing her deposit for this act.

Balmoral Castle was, too, where the Royal Family were staying when they "heard the news" of the death of Princess Diana, as immortalised in the Stephen Frears film, The Queen, starring Dame Helen Mirren. Another movie based on the location was Mrs. Brown with Billy (William) Conn-olly - resonating Billy Goat Gruff - playing the part of the randy gamekeeper.

Looking again at the scene of the destruction, it is worth noting the address of the bar (public house), 178 - 182, totalling 360.Then Dalry, a small inner-city suburban area - 100 yards from Haymarket - shares it's name with Knights Templar linked historic Dalry in Ayrshire; we note from wikipedia the Robert Burns (a freemasonic i-con) connections and that "Dalry (in Gaelic..“Dail-righ”) means "King's Valley"

Another warning that our road heads full circle.


note: top image from top freemason Albert Pike's book : Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.

middle one - harry potter deathly hallows symbol

wikipedia - Baal.

Wednesday 8 July 2009

Onward "Christian" Soldiers

A Royal Scots Dragoon tank travels down Edinburgh's historic "Royal Mile", the heart of Scotland's legal system - Edinburgh Castle to Her Majesty's Holyrood Palace - on Saturday, the platoon just back from keeping "democratic order" in Iraq.

A glimpse of the future ?


please see too, my post from last June - Bay City Stroller.

Tuesday 7 July 2009

Hair snare bunch ?

Did we see shades of the spirit of Bubbles loving, Michael Jackson, at work here last weekend in the UK when we read that on Friday, in Scotland at Edinburgh Zoo, a posse of barbary macaques escaped from their enclosure; some apparently still roaming free in badger infested Corstorphine Hill? (Monkeys on da loose at city zoo)

Then, on Sunday afternoon, 30 chimps escaped from their enclosure at Chester Zoo and broke into a kitchen area, forcing an evacuation of some 5,000 visitors. (Inquiry into zoo chimps escape)

One wonders...


Legal Eagle

We note from the BBC today that Price William, aged 27, has been made an honorary barrister at a "ceremony" (ritual) in London's ancient Middle Temple, presumably last night. He follows in the footsteps of his mother and the Queen Mother in this respect and is only the 6th member of the Royal Family to be called to the bench.

wikipedia we note the history of Middle Temple:

The Honourable Society of the Middle Temple is one of the four
Inns of Court exclusively entitled to call their members to the English Bar as barristers; the others being the Inner Temple, Gray's Inn and Lincoln's Inn. It is near the Royal Courts of Justice, within the City of London.

In the 13th century, the Inns of Court originated as hostels and schools for student lawyers. The Middle Temple is the western part of "The Temple", the headquarters of the
Knights Templar until they were dissolved in 1312; the awe-inspiring Temple Church still stands as a "peculiar" (extra-diocesan) church of the Inner and Middle Temples. There has never been an "Outer Temple", apart from a modern office block of that name - an order of 1337 refers to repairing the lane "through the middle of the Court of the Temple", which became known as Middle Temple Lane and probably gave its name to the Inn.


BBC Report here.

Monday 6 July 2009

Storm Warning

Previous posts refer.

We read from the BBC today of heavy floods hitting the "Kinross, Milnathort and Scone areas", with local councillor and Milnathort shopkeeper, Willie Robertson, commenting:

(The) "heavens opened" at about 0930 BST.

"It was raining like I've never seen in my life before, it was just torrential rain," he said.

From wikipedia we note the "rich history" of Willie's small village (we will forget Scone and the Stone of Destiny for the moment):

.. the town is perhaps best known for being the closest town to one of Europe's biggest music festivals, T in the Park, which is held annually at the Balado airfield.

Settlement in the area can be dated as far back as 2000BC, with two Neolithic standing stones being nearby where human remains were found and dated.

There is another nearby medieval castle on an island on Loch Leven, the infamous Loch Leven Castle. This castle is known to have been visited by Robert the Bruce in 1313 and 1323, but is perhaps most famous for the imprisonment of Mary Queen of Scots in 1567.

We have of course commented on Mary, Queen of Scots, very recently (the lady who got her head chopped off in three hits) in connection with Craigmillar Castle, however what also jumps out from the on-line encylcopedia entry is that:

On 13 December 2006 heavy rainfall caused the Back Burn, which runs through the centre of Milnathort, to burst its banks. This led to flooding, and some residents were temporarily evacuated from their homes.

December 13th of course being both St Lucy's Day and the date of the signing of the Treaty of Lisbon.
Since posting this, it has transpired that the town of Cupar has also been badly hit. The image below is of the carnage. Regular readers will remember Cupar from my 18th June post, Talking heads, when I noted the baby badger saved from a storm drain in Ceres Road.


BBC report.