Documenting from Scotland the rise of the One World King; the "masonic" Sun God.

Tuesday 30 June 2009

Common-wealth games

We resurrect our post from Sunday, Paisley Pattern, where we touched on the two swine-flu deaths at the Royal Alexandria Hospital, linking them to the ongoing herding of humanity via a double edged, media driven, psychological sword of fear and celebrity worship: the eventual outcome of this herding process yet unknown, but extremely frightening if taken, for example, in conjunction with the Biblical Book of Revelations - as for sure we live in some sort of "end days" for humanity as we know it; although some may call it, and see it, as a golden age. We shall return to that in time.

To continue the theme:

Last Wednesday at 12.40am in Paisley Drive -which sits in the leafy district of Willowbrae in the evening-shadow of Arthur's Seat, Edinburgh - 39 year old Douglas Downing was blasted twice at close range with a shotgun after returning from walking his dog. It appears it was a case of mistaken identity.

Today at Edinburgh Sheriff Court, Kenny Anderson, a Commonwealth Games gold medalist boxer, was charged alongside Dean Scott with the attempted murder of 23 year old David Togher last Tuesday evening in Hay Drive, Craigmillar, Edinburgh. Mr. Anderson also resides at Paisley Drive, although he returned from training in Los Angeles (thinking Michael Jackson) at the police's request and was arrested at London's Heathrow early this week. His last major bout was in Glasgow last year when he fought Nathan King. Mr. Scott, his co-accused, was slashed "around a dozen times" on Sunday night in the Inch housing estate, again Edinburgh.

We touched on the Inch in my post
I can see the wood, and the trees in January, where I noted a murder in Hazelwood Grove (just after the finding of the severed head in Hawthornvale) stressing both the esoteric qualities of the hazel tree and the proximity to Craigmillar Castle - a place "best known for it's association with Mary, Queen of Scots". What I did not bother noting at the time was the fact that Craigmillar once supported a thriving dairy industry - which blends in well with many recent posts - around the turn of the century. The scene of the assault in the agricultural resonating Hay Drive is a mere arrow-shot from the Castle.

A quick look at the mythology of the willow, bearing in mind Paisley Drive's Willowbrae - brae meaning hill:

Most willow species grow and thrive close to water or in damp places, and this theme is reflected in the legends and magic associated with these trees. The moon too recurs as a theme, the movement of water being intimately bound up with and affected by the moon. For example, Hecate the powerful Greek goddess of the moon and of willow, also taught sorcery and witchcraft, and was 'a mighty and formidable divinity of the Underworld'.

See too: Ray's recent post, the Harry Potter series and Tolkien's Lord of the Rings on this topic.

As discussed many times here before, in the morning shadow of Arthur's Seat sits both the new Scottish Parliament and the historic Royal Palace (and Park) of Holyrood, where in fact the Queen is currently residing on her ritual, annual vacation. From the well worth reading in full:
The Roseline Journey (part 3):

St Margaret’s loch lies beneath Arthur’s Seat in Holyrood Park. The Loch is named after Queen Margaret who was married to King Malcolm the Third. Part of her dowry was the Holy Rood cross on which Jesus was crucified. The Scottish Parliament adopted the name for their new building opposite HolyRood palace at the foot of the Royal mile. King Malcolm III had inherited the throne from Macbeth in 1070....The Roseline passes directly through St Margaret’s loch.

Just before I go, there is another Paisley related story which has cropped up in the news today. It concerns Irish politician, Ian Paisley Junior, being fined £5,000 for contempt of court in respect of Loyalist Volunteer Force founder, Billy (William) "King Rat" Wright. The link is
here, readers may remember his father's outburst in the European Parliament when he claimed the Pope was the antichrist.

Another case of mistaken identity ?



I do not wish to delve too deeply into this, like Crowley, but when I wrote my aforelinked Hazelwood Grove murder post I perhaps took the salmon of wisdom story too literally. For, according to a Mr De Vere in his fascinating Dragon Kings study, the Druidic salmon of wisdom alludes to the consuming of menstral blood in order to give one powers of prophecy.

See James Shelby Downard re JFK and Macbeth.

The Glasgow bombers worked at the RAH.

Last image is Prince and the Revolution - Paisley Park

For a quicker, less demanding exercise, to glean the undertone of the rapidly forthcoming future simply divide the amount of links on the slave resonating, top pictured, chain by 3.

Edin. Evening News - Shooting link to stabbed man

Kenny Anderson in trouble.

Monday 29 June 2009

Squaring the circle ?

Sticking with lightning strikes, the number 4, it's square of 16, military operations, swine flu, farming, the Queen, Loch Ness and occult rituals, we note today from the BBC of Her Majesty's highland visit to both Culloden battlefield and the new Glendoe hydro-electric power scheme.

Beginning with Culloden, the location of the last battle on British soil and where Charles Edward Stuart or Bonnie Prince Charlie was defeated, we are told that she is the first serving British monarch to visit the site, the date of the battle being 16/4/1746. The end of the battle was brutal, so much so that the victorious English general was given the nickname "Butcher" Cumberland.

Of Glendoe power station, located just above Loch Ness near the Black Watch's Fort Augustus base, we note that the main 5 mile tunnel which was constructed for the plant was blessed by superstitous workers, who placed an icon of Saint Barbara within it. From the
wikipedia entry on the latter:

However, she continues to be a popular saint in modern times, perhaps best known as the patron saint of artillerymen, military engineers, miners and others who work with explosives because of her old legend's association with lightning, and also of mathematicians.

Will come back to the promised, energy carrying, lay lines tomorrow.


Sunday 28 June 2009

Paisley Pattern

A second death from swine-flu has occurred here in Scotland: overnight a 73 year old gentleman passed away at the same medical hospital as the first victim - the Royal Alexandria Hospital in Paisley.

Paisley is probably best known globally in respect of the Paisley pattern, a teardrop shaped design similar to the Yin yang, originally from Persian and Indian cultures and associated with the cow-worshipping Hindu faith. It was extremely popular in 1967, the Summer of Love, really the time when outdoor music festivals in the manner of Glastonbury took off, although the latter, held on a dairy farm situated on a ley line convergence, did not begin until 3 years later.

In my Mexican swine-flu related post yesterday, I promised to expand, in a numerical context, on the choice of 27th June as Armed Forces Day. We have touched on the occult (semi-hidden) properties of 27 on numerous occasions, it being 3 cubed (3x3x3), the countries in the Treaty of Lisbon etc. etc.,, but I think the most significant part in this particular choice of date is that, as stated yesterday, it is the 178th day of the year with 187 remaining. Adding the digits gives us 16, four squared, in both instances, whilst subtracting one from the other provides 9, nine being 3 squared. Recalling equations and schoolboy geometry, specifically Pythagoras' 345 right angled triangle, we observe that this is, and always has been, essential to any constructural building project, including the Pyramids. Just as the military is essential and the right angle to the close to completion building of forthcoming Sun God, Prince William's, New World Order governed global world.

Going back to Scotland, it requires noting that Armed Forces Day in Glasgow was marred by sect-Aryan related violence. 13 individuals, 12 men and a woman arrested.
BBC report here.

To close, remember the unfortunate second swine-flu victim's age - 73 - the same age as Glastonbury organiser, Michael Eavis. We have dwelt on Aleister Crowley in very recent posts, mainly in respect of his mountaineering exploits. Page 73 (as linked below), from his Book of Lies -Liber 333 - is titled THE MOUNTAINEER. Cockney rhyming slang for lies is porkies, short for pork pies.

Back tomorrow with the Or-well book-giving HM Queen's visit to Scotland and, maybe, Paisley Park's Prince and the Revolution.

Saturday 27 June 2009

Stork Raven Mad

We have touched on occultist Crowley in the last couple of posts and from there we fly - hopefully without being shot - to the raven, a bird marinated in ancient myth and fokelore.

For yesterday, HM the Queen visited the annual Royal Highland Show at Ingliston, Edinburgh, the first time since 1984 that she has attended the event. Readers may recall that Her Majesty gave the Mexican president, Felipe Calderon, a copy of Orwell's 1984 on 30th March, around a week before the swine flu outbreak. Not that I am insinuating the leather bound copy was inpregnated, just a noteable coincidence. What's brewing in your cauldron Felipe?
Whilst at the agricultural event she was honoured with a competition-prize style gift: a years supply of ice cream from Scottish producer Mackies, their logo as above underneath the Glastonbury design; the Clan Mackies twin raven and "mad for it" Liam Gallacher style four-toed lion decorated coat of arms as below.

Surmising the date of the Or-well gift, 30/3, whilst ignoring the pointless zero, gives us a freemasonic top level resonating 33, tying in nicely with today's date, 27/6, chosen to be the UK's first, now annual, Armed Forces Day. Squaring up, we additionally figure that today is the 178th day of the year, thus 187 days remaining. Both add to 16. We will come back to all of that tomorrow.


Friday 26 June 2009

Suffer our little children

The passing of superstar Michael Jackson may seem remote in the context of the bovine flow of recent posts; however we must bear in mind the accusations of child molestation which were previously laid against him. Here in Scotland, one who indulges in nefarious behaviour against wee-ones is known, colloquially, as a beast. I think the same applies for the rest of the United Kingdom too.

The most famous Jackson incident I can recall was at the Brits in 1996 when Pulp frontman, Jarvis Cocker, "mooned" at him - mooning being another colloquialism - which means to bend over and expose one's buttocks (although Jarvis did not actually expose his, rather just pointed his posterior in the general direction). We read more of this escapade from
wikipedia :

Cocker invaded the stage at the 1996 BRIT Awards in a spur of the moment protest against Michael Jackson's performance. Jackson performed surrounded by children and a rabbi, while making 'Christ-like' poses and performing his recent hit, "Earth Song". Cocker and his friend Peter Mansell (a former Pulp member) performed an impromptu stage invasion in protest.

Summing up, we see clear connotations with Crowley and the Christ impersonating Jackson in both a beastly manner and their love of mind-altering drugs, whilst Cocker plays the ritual Glastonbury event this coming weekend. Pictures are of the famed pyramid tent, lightening from this year and Crowley - the bottom two are somewhat intertwined.

Thats £175 plus a £5 booking fee, equaling £180, or three £60's


Thursday 25 June 2009

Ill communication

Following on from recent posts where we noted a slender, perhaps contentious, link to infamous occultist Aleister Crowley, we note from the BBC today under the headline, Actor tackles "the great beast" , that an actor and writer, John Burns, has produced a "one-man play" called Beast, A.C., a Passion for Evil, which he will perform at two locations in the Highlands over the next few weeks. Apparently Mr. Burns got interested in the black majickian through their mutual interest in mountaineering; although it must be noted that Crowley was also a great naturalist.

I don't want to get further involved in this topic - once warned, once badly bitten, therefore shy - however feel it is my duty to advise that farmers up here in Scotland refer to their livestock as beasts and, additionally, I refer readers back to
A flash in the pan from the 20th June , where I again noted agony aunt Joan Burnie and Roseburn: Joan being the feminine form of John.


Wednesday 24 June 2009

A Cornish Nasty

"I believe Wills can rebuild Camelot and I will be his Merlin. We will return to the chilvary, pageantry and glory of King Arthurs court. William will re-make the Monarchy by showing love, leadership and compassion."~Excerpt from "Diana: Life of a Legend" Published by Globe International Inc. 1999

Yet another animal related story has cropped up which ties in beautifully with the ongoing, noted, drift of events: badgers, bullocks, Prince William etc. etc. We read from the BBC of how 17 a year old collie dog, Lucy, has somehow managed to travel 550 miles to Haddington, East Lothian, after vanishing from her home in Cornwall on 6th February. Her owners, Sonya and William McKerron were reunited with their pet after she was taken to the Edinburgh Cat and Dog Home by the finders, where her implanted micro-chip was discovered.

This resonates on so many levels with my fears for future humanity: a collie being a black and white coloured herding dog, Haddington being only 6 miles along the A6093 from Pencaitland, the scene of the 16 electrocuted bullocks and, most incredibly of all perhaps, that the name McKerron comes from McCarron, which itself derives from the Irish, MacCarrghamhna, a calf. (
see here) . Notwithstanding their Christian names, William and Sonya, the latter meaning wisdom and being a diminutive form of Sophia (see Gnostic interpretations).

We must also bear in mind the connections of both Cornwall and Edinburgh to King Arthur, the K9's name, Lucy - perhaps Lucifer, the microchipping, and the ongoing, ultimately most important, farming aspect.


Full BBC story here.
wikipedia - King Arthur.

Tuesday 23 June 2009

Trampling all over the world ?

News fresh in today concerning last week and a military operation in Afghanistan again ties in well with my general thoughts behind last week's postings, as we read from the BBC of a major assault against Taliban forces spearheaded by Inverness based Scottish Regiment, The Black Watch, who's logo is pictured above. What you won't find noted on the latter's wikipedia entry is that their beastly nickname is the sheep-shaggers; which also herds in well with the cows and pigs gist of last week's events. ( BBC report here)

It appears that the operation actually began "just after midnight, which would make it Saturday, the day of the Solstice (and Prince Willams birthing ceremony), by my reckoning.

Also from today, we find that ancient architectural folly, Prince Charles', financial figures have been released into the public domain, his personal income (mostly from farming enterprises) squarely rising to a bovine busting £16.4 million, whilst the taxpayers contribution to his working endeavors rose to £3.03 million. At the same time he somehow managed to pay less income tax. (
BBC report)

In that vein, another event detailed today was the selling of some Princess Diana memorabilia at auction, the BBC leading the story with her school eraser as pictured.
BBC report here

Last and maybe least, again from today, a BBC "magazine" article titled "Why do cows attack", written in the aftermath of a tragic bovine event at the weekend; a vet named Liz Crowsley trampled to death on the Pennine Way it appears. Which, I suppose, takes us back into Scotland (the Way ends just inside the Scottish border) or bearing in mind occultism and Aleister (Crowley), further north to Inverness, the base of those aforementioned wellington boot wearing squaddies and the location of a large music festival, Loch Ness situated Rock Ness, two weekends ago, the Sun-day when lightening killed 16 cows.


Monday 22 June 2009

Hare today, gone tomorrow

From the BBC today another wildlife story I am afraid, this one concerning a pair of hares (witchcraft) which were found with multiple injuries and nailed to a gate (crucified) in Dark Lane, Frome, Somerset, whilst an unfortunate badger was found three weeks ago at the same location.

Following on from my thoughts of last week, it is interesting to note the location, Dark Lane (speaks for itself), Frome (from Rome?) and Somerset, (the setting of the Summer), tying in well with the timing angle, given the longest day of the year was at the weekend - which is in fact Prince William's birthday, although he was "born" by Caesarean during an eclipse, thus replacing the Sun, occult wise.

Notwithstanding the latter, during the compiling of the Doomsday book, the manor was owned by King William.


BBC report here.

Saturday 20 June 2009

A flash in the Pan ?

Referring to recent posts regarding esoteric messages related to mankind's slave based future, another couple of interesting matters have come to light, most definitely worth noting and, in that context, it is worth revisiting already stated matters whilst expanding in a hopefully more concise and logical manner.

As such, I need to highlight last week's events again, this time in chronological order, new additions are in italics:

Sunday 14th :

16 bullocks electrocuted by lightening at Saltoun House Farm, East Lothian
Andy Murray, Scots tennis player, beats James Blake to win the Aegon Championships at Queens.
Jacqueling Fleming becomes first European (Scottish) victim of Mexican Swine Flu

Monday 15th:

The State advise that the enquiry into the Iraq War will be held secretly.
Newspaceman buys a portion of pasta bake from Law-son's butchers @ number 16 for £6.66
(Kenneth) Calman Commission announce sweeping reforms needed within Scottish Parliament.
Mull of Kintyre based Paul McCartney announces his plans for "meat-free Mondays" to help battle of "climate change" . Ultra good idea ?

Tuesday 16th:

Police training Ford Mondeo vehicle crashes, with four occupants, on the A82 Doune-Dunblane road. Road closed all day.

Wednesday 17th:

Birkhall based Royal gamekeeper, Robbie Elliot, fined £450 for killing a badger (the French pure dig - that badger pig) with an unchecked snare.
Manchester band, Oasis, play Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh

Thursday 18th:

Baby badger saved from storm drain in Ceres Road, Cupar.
Lightening strikes house (owned by Mrs. Jacob) in Oakwood Lane, Manchester at 22.00.
Royal Princes, William and Harry, give joint press conference.
William John Paul "Liam" Gallacher, from Oasis, calls Edinburgh "fucking biblical"

If we face facts by explaining in more depth the "new stories" and thus begin with the earliest report, the Dunblane massacre escapee, Andy Murray, the logo of Queens tournament sponsors Aegon, which he won on Sunday, is reproduced here, note the square, note too the initials of his opponent, JB, resonating the pillars of the freemason's tracing board.

As well as that, we were treated to Paul McCartney, ex Beatle, extolling the benefits to humanity of being vegetarian and, as such, seemingly somehow saving the planet. No real rationale was offered, reminiscent of Beatlemania. Were they really that good, or was/ is it just media driven hype ?

Next up Oasis, playing Murrayfield Stadium, the band firstly hitting the historic High Street to soak in the atmosphere. Local primary school, Roseburn, is closed for a half day, mothers are up in arms about it, according to the Edinburgh Evening News. We need to bear in mind here that Manchester rooted Oasis are fronted by Liam (and Noel) Gallacher and claim McCartney's Beatles to be their main source of inspiration. There was some fighting and bloodshed at the concert, captured by the Evening News, the perpetrators looked like squaddies, they had the haircuts and muscles. Bet they could not eat as much pasta bake as me though. Next day, Liam goes to various public houses in the Capital (The Jinglin Geordie in Fleshmarket Close together with the Halfway House), where he states that Edinburgh is, as noted, "fucking biblical", and that:

On stage, Liam dedicated Cigarettes and Alcohol to "everyone who had half a day off" and the "snobby" mums at Roseburn, but in the cold light of day, he reflected: "They didn't p*** me off, I thought it was cool. I just hate posh people who work all day. It's about time they spent time with their kids and I reckon they should have had a full day off with their kids, not just a half day off. It's about the kids."

We know how the freemasons gleaned the latter part of their wealth, cigarettes and alcohol, but, to close, another lightening strike, this time on a house in Oasis' home town, the owner, a Mrs Jacob.

Lets sum up the week in a Scottish, freemasonic - creators of our present Western world - context.

It started on Sun-day with the lightening strike, 16 bullocks, 4 squared, the location East Lothian, an area steeped in ancient Scottish myth, legend and history. Round about the same time, Andy Murray wins the Aegon sponsored Queens competition. Andy had a "close encounter" whilst being "educated" at Dunblane Primary school when proved freemason and child abuser Thomas Hamilton carried out the massacre, the first one in the ongoing, upsetting, globally replicated saga. Some say it was an occult ritual, Hamilton being a Mancunian candidate. The first Scottish victim of Swine flu occurs today, her baby will die too, shortly.

Then Monday and McCartney with his meat free days programme to help with climate change. (cc=33) Synchronistically, newspaceman purchases a portion of meat based pasta bake for £6.66. The Cal-man Commission (33) advocates sweeping reformation for Scotland's economy. The essential part of world domination; Iraq War, enquiry; is to be held in secret , it is announced by top level Gordon Brown.

Tuesday sees 4 police officers crash in a training car, a Ford Mondeo, the date being the 106th anniversary of car manufacturer Ford's founding. Mondeo means world. Henry Ford advocated Fordism, see Huxley's Brave New World. On the square.

On Wednesday we note the court appearance of Royal gamekeeper, Robbie Elliot, for snaring a badger. Badgers are black and white creatures, see the mason's chequerboard, the point that missed me up to now was that the snare kills by strangling the poor animal. We observe parallels of this during the freemason's initiation, where the candidate swears various oaths with a noose round his neck and a trouser leg rolled up. Poor fools, lambs to the slaughter.

(a mental disorder?)

Oasis play Murrayfield, Roseburn Primary is closed for a half day. We touched on (lay-line) Roseburn earlier this year in the post
Sounds of Blackness where we noted the discovery of architectural plans under a bush for the Royal - Holyrood Palace - residence by a Jack Russell terrier called Polly (=parrot=pirate=templar=freemason), who happened to be owned by a newspaper agony aunt called Joan Burnie.

Thursday comes up and a saved child-baby-cute badger story appears, from pig related, Roman Goddess, Ceres Road in Cupar. Beatles worshipping Mancunian (Manchester born) Liam Gallacher declares Edinburgh to be "biblical" and that mothers should spent time with their children -"it's about the kids". Bang on Liam, but no one listens to him, they consider him an ill educated oaf. Thus, everything he says has the opposite effect. Therefore, he is a double edged sword and he only has four toes you know. (Tawaret ? Lost ? I need help here aferrismoon) Nothing is reported about his brother, the Christmasy sounding Noel.

Same day, another pair of brothers, Royal Wills - da lion king - and Harry, are able to give a joint press conference, basking like cats in the sun, at their military ambitions and brotherly love. Remember, when a lion takes a new pride over, first thing it does is kill, and eat, all the cubs who are from the previous (perhaps physically defeated) male lions bloodline. I saw it on TV, the "new" lion shook the babies to death and then ate them like a Lawson's butchers pasta bake.

Our week ends with more lightening, on Thors-Day, at the Jacob's manor, House of Jacob?, in Druidic sounding Oakwood Lane, Manchester.



The Jinglin Geordie public house is named after goldsmith and philanthropist George Heriot. He also opened a school for the fatherless children (faitherless bairns) of Edinburgh. He was born on 15th June.

A cowan in freemasonry is a unskilled worker, a dry state dyker for example, one who builds without cement or concrete. He is despised by those in the brotherhood.

Swine Flu first reached Europe via Scotland, the Ask-hams living up to their name. (see previous posts last month)

Dry-stane dyked stairway, as pictured above, is Jacob's ladder in Edinburgh. Not a stones throw from Liam's Capital drinking dens.

Manchester lightening strike.
Oasis shut Primary school.
McCartney's meat free day plans.
Oasis' Liam Gallacher meets the people.

Thursday 18 June 2009

Talking Heads

We begin today's esoteric journey into the dark future ahead for humanity with what seems a minor news story from yesterday: Royal gamekeeper, Robbie Elliot, being fined £450 for killing a badger with an unchecked snare on Prince Charles' Birkhall estate on Royal Deeside. Thus, to begin simply, the name badger possibly comes from the French, bechuer, to dig, appropriate enough, for the light avoiding, nocturnal, bear-like animal loves digging. So, in the spirit, lets do a bit excavation work ourselves.

Badgers have historically been persecuted (indeed we used to eat a lot of them, especially the white colonists of America historically, whilst even today the French eat it where it is prepared in the manner of ham) however, nowadays, the species in the UK is in imminent danger of a state-sponsored cull, it's supposed crime: to be a carrier and spreader of bovine TB. You will remember the (4 squared) 16 electrocuted-in-a-thunderstorm blood brother bullocks on Sunday, 14th, as noted in my last post.

Monday, again as noted in my last post, saw the State advise that the enquiry into the Iraq War would be held secretly, almost in the manner of the American founding Scots freemasons; whilst sleeping on that hoodwinking brought us into Tuesday, 16/6, when, early on in the morning, a Ford Mondeo police driving school vehicle with four officers inside crashed on the A820 Doune - Dunblane road. Now the Ford motor company was founded exactly to the day 106 years before, by Henry Ford in 1903 in Dearborn, Michigan, America and Mondeo means world; yet, forgetting numerical consistencies, perhaps as significant is the Dunblane connection.

Most will be aware of the now sadly globally oft-repeated pupil massacre which took place at Dunblane Primary on 13/3/96 by Thomas Hamilton, and the resulting "conspiracy theory". The latter itself is both complex and multi-level - regarding child abuse, freemasons, sex rings and zionist New World Order plans to name but some strands. Lord Cullen chaired the enquiry into the affair, as he did with the Lockerbie bombing appeal. Cullen became part of the Order of the Thistle just last year, the "honour" bestowed upon him by HM The Queen, Head of State, in Edinburgh.

Flashing back to Sunday, bullocks day, where we saw Andy Murray, the Scots tennis player, winning Queens. Andy was at Dunblane primary the day of the massacre

Back to badgers though, because, unusually, a second report regarding the black and white creatures has popped up on today's, Thursday's, BBC News. This time though it was a loveable little baby one which was rescued by the Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals after falling down a storm (go back to the bullocks) drain in Ceres Road, Cupar.

Ceres was a Roman goddess, actively and in-depthly investigated (recently resurrected) by half Scottish sounding American researcher, Todd Campbell, in his latest related post
Ceres Strikes? (like lightening?) where he ties in the Mexican pig flu outbreak. Returning again to beef curtains Sunday then, and the death of the first European from the virus, Jacqueline Fleming, from Glasgow. Her premature baby died the next day:

Jacquline = It is of French origin. Feminine form of Jacques, the French version of James and Jacob (Hebrew) "he who supplants"

tr.v. sup·plant·ed, sup·plant·ing, sup·plants
1. To usurp the place of, especially through intrigue or underhanded tactics.

Today too, in the week that Prince Charles was media-depicted as overbearing and old fashioned, seemingly badgering the Royal Family of Qatar into changing their design plans for the old Chelsea Barracks site in London, we saw Princes William and Harry, brothers in some sort of love, speaking of their desire for a military career.

Pretty cute.


Badger snaring report.

Baby badger saved report

Monday 15 June 2009

Beef Curtains ?

Today, Scots born British Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, announced, at 3.30, that there would be no public enquiry into the Iraq war fiasco, rather the "investigation" would be carried out privately. No bones about it.

Also today we heard that the Calman Commission, chaired by Kenneth Calman, has advised that, in their opinion, radical changes should take place within the Scottish Parliament, in terms of it's powers and revenue raising policies. (KC and the sungod gang)

If you think these are unconnected, some food for thought:

As most should know, America and Britain began the Iraq War on the basis that bogey man Saddam had stashed a pile of mass destruction weaponry in order to have a dash with the West. No weapons were ever found.

The history of today's date in terms of Britain and America seems relevant; from
wiki :

1645 -
English Civil War: Battle of Naseby – 12,000 Royalist forces are beaten by 15,000 Parliamentarian soldiers.

American Revolutionary War: the Continental Army is established by the Continental Congress, marking the birth of the United States Army.

1777 – The Stars and Stripes is adopted by Congress as the Flag of the United States.

Now remember who built America - those light loving, swash buckling, freemasonic, Scots born, 33 loving, slave drink and tobacco trading gold hunting pirates - themselves "born" from the Knights Templar. The same characters who architect this Brave New World, while we build it. Old habits die hard.

Iraq and 9/11 catalysed "our world" and today we see the "gold" of the New World forming. But to perform alchemy, everything must go back to base.

Last post I touched on the Rio Paris flight, perhaps hit by lightening. On April 1st we saw a helicopter ditch in the North Sea, 16 dead, the day before the London G20 summit.

Yesterday, Sunday, the day before the Iraq enquiry decision unveiling, and the sure to bankrupt Scotland aforementioned CC report implementations, saw a most unusual happening here, in Scotland. In East Lothian, an area steeped in Scottish history, a bolt of lightening apparently struck a farm animal, an 18 month old bullock, killing him and15 of his half- brothers in the process. As the farmer notes,
from the BBC:

The beef farmer said: "It is a shocking thing to see. I felt numbness, it was unbelievable.

"They were all either sitting or lying where they had fallen in a regimented row. I have never seen anything like it in my life.

It requires noting that the Queen is to visit the agriculturally based Royal Highland Show, for the first time since 1984, this week, in the year of homecoming. (see king conn.)

Also, the sun moved out of the sign of Taurus - the Bull (sidereal astrology) around 15th June.


Saturday 6 June 2009

The Red Hand Gang

It is interesting, given my thoughts of Prince William as up-and-coming "freemasonically appointed" global king of the New World, to note that 44th American President, Barack Obama, is due to speak later today at the American cemetery near Omaha Beach in France later today as part of the 65th D-Day (codenamed Operation Overlord) anniversary.

The cemetery being the very place where mind warping movie, The Omen's, original main "Damien" poster was pictured, the film itself being released in the UK on 6/6/76, exactly 33 years ago to the day. From the BBC:

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown and Canada's Stephen Harper will also be at the service, as will Britain's Prince Charles.

He was invited after the US intervened in a cross-channel row over the lack of an invitation for Queen Elizabeth.


Additionally interesting is that the production of the Omen was plagued with what some crew members considered a curse. Both the scriptwriter and Gregory Peck's (Robert Thorn) aeroplanes were hit by lightening. Recalling this week's Airbus 330 disaster, Rio de Janeiro to Paris, there were 216 passengers, 216 being 6x6x6.