Documenting from Scotland the rise of the One World King; the "masonic" Sun God.

Saturday 30 May 2009

Arthur's Treat ?

Referring back to yesterday's posting regarding Prince Harry and his visit to the Big Apple's Ground Zero to lay a wreath commemorating the dead of 911, it is maybe just coincidence that we read from the Edinburgh Evening News, that, again on the 29th, 28 members of the band of the Royal Regiment of Scotland assembled at the top of Salisbury Crags, in full uniform, to pose for photographs being taken by an airborne Royal Navy (search and rescue) Sea King helicopter.

What needs to be considered here, for those not acquainted with the geography of Edinburgh, is that Salisbury Crags is contained within Her Majesty the Queen's Holyrood Park, directly next to sphinx-like, extinct volcano, Arthur's Seat, which is where in fact the helicopter hovered.

From wikipedia:
From some angles, Arthur's Seat resembles a lion couchant. Two of the several extinct vents make up the 'Lion's Head' and the 'Lion's Haunch'.

Additionally, albeit perhaps, future global king, Prince William (Arthur Philip Louis), is currently posted to a two year training course - codenamed Golden Osprey - to become a search and rescue Sea King helicopter pilot with the Royal Navy.

Maybe I am fishing, but could he have been involved in this exercise, after all, the 29th May was
Oak Apple Day:
a holiday celebrated in England to commemorate the restoration of the monarchy in Great Britain and Ireland.
These ceremonies, which have now largely died out, are perhaps continuations of pre-Christian nature worship.


grailcode for in-depth biblical prophecy
Those interested in further esoteric possibilities should look up the background of the oak apple, see: of oaks and apples.

Friday 29 May 2009

Sham 69

Today, 29/5/2009, we note from the BBC that Prince Harry laid a wreath at Ground Zero as part of his first official overseas engagement.

Other highlights of his trip to the US of A include a visit to a 911 British victim's memorial, a polo match for the benefit of "his" African Lesotho Sentebale charity, and a visit to Harlem Children's Zone, some sort of educational support centre.

From the above link:

BBC correspondent Laura Trevelyan, who is covering the visit in New York, said the visit had been "carefully choreographed to dispel his playboy prince image".

"Officials organising the trip hope Prince Harry's deployment alongside American forces in Afghanistan will make his public engagements poignant," she said.

"They'll also be hoping that America's enduring fascination with the Royal family will generate positive headlines for the Prince's visit."

From wikipedia, re the charity Sentebale:

When the charity's first accounts were published in March 2008, it was revealed that despite raising more than £1 million in the first 18 months of its operation, just £84,000 was handed over to projects in Lesotho.

In the same period however, Sentebale spent £190,000 on salaries, £86,000 on a website, £26,000 on equipping its office in Maseru and £47,000 on work done before the charity was formally established. In particular, Sentebale's director in Lesotho, Harper Brown, receives a salary and benefits package worth between £90,000 and £100,000 per year.

Meanwhile, the Lesotho Child Counselling Unit remains without any funding to provide even such basic requirements as running water and food for the children.

Whilst on the subject of Africa I have, synchronistically perhaps, this week received a communication asking me to share details of why US firms are wary of investing in Africa. It can be found here.


note the domino's on the twin bottles, Hurry Up Harry, single cover, double six, double 5, and five six. A total of 33.

note, also see Ray's to-bolden-go-where-nobamas-gone-before
& my post from last year Bay City Stroller.

Thursday 28 May 2009

More Green Monkeys

Coolio, Gangsta's Paradise :

You betta watch how ya talking and where ya walking
Or you and your homies might be lined in chalk

On Wednesday, we saw Prince Charles speaking to a symposium of scientists at St. James' Palace in London, in regard to the ominpresent "threat of climate change".

From the BBC,
Prince urges action over climate, we read:

The prince told them: "I don't know about your own experience, but it seems to me that whilst there is now only a mercifully small, if vociferous, number of people who do not accept the science of climate change and who should know better, there are still a great many who fail to recognised the real urgency of the situation.

"In so many ways we already are in the last chance saloon."

"So, somehow, global decision makers have to be persuaded that strong, committed and co-ordinated action is needed now, not in 10 years' time, or even in five, but now."


Wednesday 27 May 2009

Light bringing monkey business ?

Scientists have genetically modified primates to make them glow green and pass on the change to their children.

Though primates modified to generate a glowing protein have been created before, these are the first to keep the change in their bloodlines.

Future genetic modifications to primates could aid efforts to cure such diseases as Parkinson's.

No problem then.

Sunday 24 May 2009

Brown Pipe Engineering

Let me introduce you to Scotland's first, confessed, homosexual Church of Scotland minister, Reverend Scott Rennie. Already appointed to Queen's Cross Church in Aberdeen, this attachment has caused furore and deep division within the Kirk, indeeed so much so that the General Assembly called a vote on the decision last night - a vote which was resolved in favour of Scott, by 326 to 267. See Gay minister hurt by church row .
This time last year, I wrote to the Church of Scotland Assembly, questioning their decision to allow Prime Minister Gordon Brown to speak at their annual conference. There were no protestors, but my main problem stood, in that, in my opinion, Mr. Brown followed a freemasonic, Luciferian inspired ideology, indeed the very ideology which Jesus both despised and warned about during his time here. I asked if there was any chance I could speak to the very same conference to explain my interpretation of current global events in the context of, for example, this quotation from Gordon's speech (and of course the Bible):

And we find that from the timeless wisdom of all the great religions - from which billions across the world derive daily inspiration - there is a consistent ethical core that propels us to act: encapsulated in the golden rule that informs not just Christianity and Judaism but also Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism and Islam - showing that we are not moral strangers but there is a shared moral sense common to us all:

And from these common precepts of the world’s great religions, we can - perhaps for the first time - move from old battlegrounds where religions confronted often each other to a higher common ground where people of all religions can unite around what binds them together.

As expected, it transpired there was none.


Full text of Brown's NWO speech here.

Tuesday 19 May 2009

With friends like these, who needs enemies ?

I don't want to dwell on our children and their future, although it is indeed the point - forward planning - yet the following (linked) media report from the BBC jumped out at me today, yet another children's BBC TV programme, the "pippling" infested Waybuloo, this one apparently designed by psychologists "to teach toddlers emotional intelligence so they find it easier to make friends".

I will leave it at that, I have a toddler to think about.


Monday 18 May 2009

The Predator

We have touched on the connotations between competitive sport and the New Global Order in many previous posts here at newspaceman, and today we saw the forthcoming Rex mundi, Prince William, give a statement in his current capacity as President of the Football Association as to why the 2018 Soccer World Cup should be held in England.

The link to the ultra professional youtube style presentation is available
here, albeit unfortunately I have no sound to enable me to comment further - although I visually dig the Prince - he's so cool, he's so fine.

By the time 2018 rolls in, one can scarcely bring oneself to imagine what the new global world will be like, maybe with dozens of cloned young would-be-Wills, clip on ties discarded, safely playing soccer with gayful abandon under the all seeing eye of the omnipresent live google earth CCTV link, whilst their slipper clad parents, delinquent of reality, savour their offspring's prowess from the comfort of their own armchairs.


Sunday 17 May 2009

Strangled from birth

Whilst I am all for educating children, it sometimes seems that the process has become a little new world order (slavery) orientated, what with dinner hall biometric identification checks, policemen on duty in schools, and other similar monstrosities inflicted on the poor bairns of today's "advanced" global society. It appears more of a conditioning process.

At least back in the seventies and early eighties one had the choice of adapting one's school uniform to show a degree of rebelliousness: perhaps forgoing the shirt for a Fred Perry tennis top, and adapting the tie to create a personal fashion statement with a big fat knot, the rest cunningly stuffed into the gaps between the button holes.

Yet, forgoing reminiscing, we note from the BBC that perhaps neck ties, and indeed the entire uniform, are part of the aforementioned new world process, as we read of the installation of compulsory clip on ties:

Clip-on ties are replacing knotted school ties, as schools worry about health and safety worries, says a survey of school uniform suppliers.

There are also claims that clip-on ties can stop pupils from customising the size of the knots in their ties.

Uniforms are an "instrument of social levelling," says the association.

"There is little opportunity for pupils to style their tie with short tails and fat knots - as seen in programmes featuring schoolchildren such as Hollyoaks and Grange Hill," says the Schoolwear Association.

The growing number of academies is also influencing school uniforms, says the report, promoting the idea of a smart, traditional image.
These schools often make a point of enforcing a strict uniform policy - and the association predicts that this more "corporate look" will filter out to other schools.

"These schools are using uniform to make a statement to their pupils and to the wider community that they mean business.


Thursday 14 May 2009

Antiques Roadshow ?

"Injected with a poison!
There's a rainbow inside the mind"

We spotted Merovingian Di's Wills on 22/3, fraternising with "da youth", via BBC TV's Newsround.

Last Tuesday was, da opposite side of da spectrum, as Wills met a very old granny, in an almost unannounced, yet media followed, apollo-guise-ing fashion, about his own grandmother's lack of dresses in respect of the centenarians tributary card. From,
Prince apologies to 109 year old, we note :

A 109-year-old woman wrote to the Queen to complain about the birthday cards she received and Prince William turned up by surprise to apologise

Catherine Masters from Oxfordshire wrote to say the Queen was wearing the same outfit in each of the five congratulatory cards she had received.

The Prince visited Ms Masters at her nursing home and said his grandmother would change her outfit this year.


Friday 8 May 2009

MacMayan - A Forthcoming Tragedy

Whilst there are those who somehow believe that the cessation of the Mayan calender in conjunction with the dawning of the Age of Aquarius on 21st December 2012 symbolises a new, to-be-welcomed, spiritual age for humanity, I personally disagree, and in fact prophesise an age of all encompassing, technological based slavery with, as regular readers will know, Prince William as figurehead of the emerging and controlling New Global Order. Biblically, this is referred to as Hell and the antichrist. I see it, additionally, as previously identified in a post, as sort of a wrong way round Billy Goat Gruff.

Dad and wicked stepmother.

Reinforcing my paranoia perhaps, yet another media news story with esoteric significance has reached the eyes of the all seeing newspaceman: concerning Her Majesty the Queen and a visit on Thursday to open a new 33 million pound wing at Altnagelvin hospital in Londonderry, Ireland.

Firstly, we read from the BBC report of how the Queen "was such a hit when she toured the maternity ward that a new mother decided to name her baby after her". The fortunate child is to be known as Maya "Elizabeth" Mullan.

From the same report we hear how just prior to this engagement the Queen visited state of the art Lisneal College- itself set in a 22 acre site with a biometric payment system in the canteen- where she was presented with gifts by head girl Rachael Devine (flowers) and head boy Robert Macbeth. (a miniature replica cannon). Thinking, laterally, James Shelby Downard's KK33, thinking cannon fodder.

Whilst on the track of Downard and Macbeth, it also comes to my notice that the captain of the helicopter which crashed into the North Sea, killing 16, and discussed in my 1st April post, Dew Herd, was named Paul Burnham. Nothing to do with burning those flu carrying pigs, rather Birnam wood.


see also Howen Nowen Browen Cowen.

Tuesday 5 May 2009

All star spellbinding cast

From today's BBC, Princes join Bond on YouTube film:

Princes Charles, William and Harry are to star with James Bond star Daniel Craig in a YouTube film promoting environmental protection.

The 90-second film for the Prince's Rainforest Project also features the Dalai Lama, actor Harrison Ford, singer Joss Stone and footballer Pele.

The film which will go out on several websites shows William and Harry urging the planet to be saved "for all of us".

It features the royals alongside a digitally-rendered frog urging action to protect the world's rainforests.

"We all stand together"

Monday 4 May 2009

The Untouchables

Not got much to write about at present but these photos from the BBC website today jumped out at me, they concern a charity race on Sunday in London for Barnado's, where all the participants dressed as nuns. One had to click on the smaller (above) picture first under the caption England's Big Picture, then the larger picture is "revealed", as if by magic.

The chap in the fighter jet is Prince William, during his ongoing military training; the photo from last year, again courtesy BBC.
From wiki:
Two hundred [and] ninety-two 292 = 22·73, noncototient, untouchable number. The continued fraction representation of pi is [3; 7, 15, 1, 292, 1, 1, 1, 2...]; the convergent obtained by truncating before the surprisingly large term 292 yields the excellent rational approximation 355/113 to pi, repdigit in base 8 (444).

see also pi in the sky.