Documenting from Scotland the rise of the One World King; the "masonic" Sun God.

Wednesday 25 August 2010

Knights in White Satin

Beginning where I finished the last post and Gandalf the Ruppell's Griffon vulture, I am pleased to report he was found safe and well, perched on a telegraph pole at an old brickworks at Easter Jawcraig, Slamannan, Falkirk. One wonders if, during his travels, he hovered above Climate Camp at Gogar, pondering over their performance art...

As for the camp itself and the promised "Monday of action" against the Royal Bank, it seemed to pass fairly innocuously; some super-glued rebels, and some placard waving seemed to be the grand total, although there were apparently some last minute skirmishes with the authorities.

Sunday however was slightly different. The camp had previously been peaceful when, all of a sudden, a platoon of eco-warriors, all dressed in white, marched ominously towards the bank headquarters. They carried a standard above them, emblazoned with an image of the sun. Between them and their target flows the Gogarburn, no doubt fairly oozing given the recent rain. A footbridge links the two spaces and we saw a handful of police officers, perhaps caught off guard, valiantly attempting to defend the crossing point. Within a few seconds their enemy forces had broken through the cordon and rushed towards the large glass 'n steel structure, some trying in vain to smash the large windows, others dancing and whooping with delight. However, police reinforcements soon arrived to quell the disturbance.

Again recalling the story of William Wallace (see last post). A knight, landowner, rebel leader and outlaw, his main military achievements were overseeing the Scots army during the early part of it's Wars of Independence, firstly at the Battle of Stirling Bridge (the small bridge being paramount) where he defeated King Edward - the hammer of the Scots -and his army on 11th September 1297 , followed next year by the Battle of Falkirk on 22nd July, where he got thoroughly beaten (note where Gandalf was discovered). After this he bolted to France, handing over control to Robert the Bruce who, with the alleged help of the Knights Templar, routed the English forces at Bannockburn thus paving the way for Scottish independence via the Declaration of Arbroath - the model for America's own Independence Declaration. As noted in my last post, Wallace was beheaded on the "Royal Bank day of action" - 23rd August - in 1305, aged 33 or thereabouts; so sketchy are details of the man that even his birth date is unknown, most tales originate from a Royal Court entertainer and storyteller going by the name of Blind Harry .

Yesterday saw five climate change protesters appear in court. Three were accused of breach of the peace in relation to glueing incidents and chanting, whilst another faces vandalism allegations in respect of defacing litter bins. The last though is the most interesting and relates to the aforementioned bridge battle: A Martin Wallace, from France, is accused of of "assaulting Sgt Kevin Storey of Lothian and Borders Police at Gogarburn Bridge on 22 August by rubbing his head, which had nettles attached, against the policeman's arm."

Note - In my recent post The Braveheart Enigma , I first noted the prominance of this William Wallace theme, it should be noted that boxing promoter Barry Hughes' wife appeared in court last Friday, charged with various illegal activities.
BBC - protestors in court.

Video - Protestors storm RBS Headquarters - note solar standard to front of throng

Gandalf found -BBC.
wiki - Battle of Stirling Bridge.

Thursday 19 August 2010

Head Hunting

Previous postings now seem to be working together in unison, first with the story that plucked from obscurity Pop Idol winner, Michelle McManus, is to join X Factor legend, Susan Boyle, at Bellahouston Park in Glasgow, where they will both sing numbers for the Pontiff after his 16/9 trip to Royal Holyrood and lunch with Cardinal O'Brian. This typifies the merging of standard religion with standard televisually promoted sporting/celebrity worship, no doubt in preparation for the coming of the One. If you doubt that, remember Diana's funeral and anyhow, T shirts, mugs and suchlike are already on sale - what would Jesus make of that ?

Next story is music to my ears, given previous ramblings about the "crop circle" at Oatridge farm college resonating human-farming which I linked in with David Murray, Glasgow Rangers chairman, and his development at Gogar, to the West of Edinburgh (
A Sunny Trap). The Royal Bank of Scotland headquarters are located very close by and today we read from the BBC, Climate protest camp targets RBS headquarters, of how eco-warriors have set up a base camp in Gogar woods in preparation for next Monday: "a day of mass action against the Royal Bank of Scotland" .

Monday's date being 23rd August: the day after the historic Battle of the Standard and St. Columba's "Loch Ness monster experience" (
Ringers) , more importantly though, the date William Wallace was executed - hung, drawn, quartered and beheaded by Edward 1st (Braveheart Enigma).

Maybe though, despite all the noted depression and surely misguided "warriors", there is some hope in the pea-soup gloom. For yesterday a giant vulture escaped from the World of Wings centre in Cumbernauld, forcing an national aircraft warning.

The bird's name is Gandalf, wonder if he's ringed.

Monday 9 August 2010

Cardinal Sins

Britain and America have seen some relationship cracks recently, what with Obama's "British Petroleum" slip and the ongoing Lockerbie bomber early release debate. The fracas regarding the latter was yesterday joined by none other than the boss of the Catholic church here in Scotland, Cardinal Keith O'Brien, who is due to meet the Pope directly after the Pontiff/Queen 16/9 (4,3, 13 squared) Holyrood mega-occult-ritual, at Morningside in Edinburgh.

In an interview with BBC Scotland, Cardinal O'Brien said Americans were too focused on retribution.

"In many states - more than half - they kill the perpetrators of horrible crimes, by lethal injection or even firing squad - I say that is a culture of vengeance," he said.

"An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth - that is not our culture in Scotland and I would like to think that the US government, and these states that do still have capital punishment, would learn something from us."

"He said Scotland had a culture of care".

"We shouldn't be crawling out to America, or having them come here and questioning us on our own territory."

Given that a majority of Scottish people apparently favour capital punishment for certain crimes (mainly child abuse), and that Scotland is hardly known for her "caring culture" - other than of course the ubiquitous "carry out/cairy oot" (obtained from the off-licence) - one wonders if there is perhaps a "hidden" agenda at work here.

Thursday 5 August 2010


A great stushie has broken out this week over cloned animal meat which has made it's way into the human food chain. It seems that over in America animal cloning for food is all the rage; here in the UK we were, until now, clone meat free.

The source of the trouble can be rooted to North East Scotland and the picturesquely named Newmeadow Farm, also known as Drumduan Farm, near Auldearn. Here the Innes family have been breeding cows-4-milk from American import clones for a year or two it seems, although details have only this week emerged of the eight embryos; their names including Dundee Paradise, Dundee Perfect, Dundee Paratrooper and Dundee Parable which is interesting as we shall see.

From the short wikipedia entry on Auldearn we note of how it gained it's name from William the Lyon's, or William 1st of Scotland's, castle of Eren. William also founded Arbroath Abbey where the Declaration of Arbroath (the model for the American Declaration of Independence) was signed and where the "Stone of Destiny" was returned anonymously on 11th April 1950, after being repatriated from Westminster by an group of students. He also adopted the Lion Rampant as his colours, although the dragon resonating lion had been seen before in porridge land.

Meanwhile again this week, although slightly further North, the Queen was due to conclude her summer cruise round the Western Isles on the liner Hebridean Princess with a meal at Mey Castle, "around the time of the 110th anniversary of the late Queen Mother's birth" - born 4th August 1900, died 30/03/2002 aged 101- the haunt being a favorite of Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes-Lyon.

Today at Loch Ness - haunt of occultist and "black magic" enthusiast Aleister "The Beast" Crowley, musician Jimmy Page and infamous monster - a sponsored swim in aid of hospital building in Afghanistan is taking place: seven brave ladies from the curiously named, London Serpentine Swimming Club, are to relay the length of the loch. Although the history of the monster purportedly goes back to Christian missionary Saint Columba in the year 565 - he made the sign of the cross after encountering a water beast thus saving a man (also see founding of Holyrood by King David) - it only gained prominence, and the title "monster", in 1933 when the Inverness Courier ran a story regarding a Londoner, Mr. George Spicer, who claimed to have seen the beast on 22nd July. The date of publication was 4th August 1933, the 33rd birthday of the Queen Mother, whilst the 22nd of July is the anniversary of the Battle of Falkirk where William Wallace (The Braveheart Enigma) was defeated, subsequently handing his role to Bruce. Mr Spicer is noted as stating
"the nearest approach to a dragon or pre-historic animal that I have ever seen in my life".

We can perhaps make some semblance from the above by means of the remarkable Prince Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg, author of "The Dragon Legacy: The Secret History of an Ancient Bloodline", and a snippet of an interview (here):

TT: Who are the "Dragons" that you write about in your book?

NDV: In brief, the recorded Dragon lineage starts with the Anunnaki and descends through the proto-Scythians, the Sumerians in one branch and the early Egyptians in another; the Phoenicians, the Mittani, back to the Scythians again through marital alliance, along to the "Tuatha de Danaan" and the Fir Bolg; down through their Arch-Druidic, Priest-Princely families, to the Royal Picts of Scotland and the high kings of the Horse Lords of Dal Riada; through to the Elven dynasty of Pendragon and Avallon del Acqs, and down to a few pure bred families today.

TT: Were the Dragons originally a separate species from what we would call "human"?

NDV: Dragon tradition related to all the current genetic and historical evidence says yes they were. Both relatively recent and ancient accounts of Dragons or Elves going back to the Annunaki speak of them as having clearly distinct physical attributes, and these attributes are inherited from a species that scientists now assert preceded the human genetic bottleneck by about thirty thousand years. These attributes are not human in the accepted sense. Whether this ancient race was hybridized with another before history is anybody’s guess, but their later hybridization to produce the Elven God-Kings and Ring Lords (the King Tribe), is clearly recorded in the Cylinder Rolls.

Accepting De Vere's theories may seem sketchy in the least, however given that humans are now cloning animals and travelling in space, is it really all that far fetched ? Perhaps we are being fed the future with these three stories, in that the "Royal guardians of the Earth" intend to create their perfect slave-worker-human and from there, simply clone. This would feasibly allow them to act as Gods in "their", recreated global Eden (see the cows' names), and indeed pursue interplanetary colonisation, perhaps with force.