Documenting from Scotland the rise of the One World King; the "masonic" Sun God.

Sunday 26 February 2012

Order from Chaos

Well today was the day for the "Sunday Sun" and, as noted in my last post, Rupert Murdoch's Scottish edition carries the "Independence" front page headline as imaged above. Personally, I would take the date with a pinch of salt. There was also an article on Glasgow Rangers which claims that the newspaper has a copy of a letter which implies that there is no chance of them avoiding liquidation given previous (illegal) tax free payments to players. Hence it looks like Rangers' phoenix nest is reading for torching, with a debt-free club rising immediately from the smouldering ashes.

It's worth casting a light over the shenanigans again. Glasgow Rangers were owned by a chap, Sir David Murray, a muti-millionaire tycoon who made the majority of his loot through his company, Murray International Metals, or MIM, or maybe even M eye M. He was also the chap who organised/oversaw the aforementioned tax avoidance scheme: HMRC (Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs) are currently involved in a court battle with Rangers over an alleged £49 million liability allegedly due to the tax free payments. Murray had been trying to sell the club for a few years and, last year, was introduced to another alleged multi-millionaire, Craig Whyte. Murray agreed to sell the club for a £1, with Whyte allegedly proving he had £33 million spare which he was going to utilise to clear an £18 million overdraft and provide working capital. Everyone seemed happy, even the supporters.

However, it has transpired that Whyte is a potless chancer who probably never ever had the £33 million and instead, allegedly secretly, sold the future rights for Rangers' season tickets for £24 million to a company called Ticketus. He then used 18 of the 24 million to clear the overdraft before, again allegedly secretly, selling Rangers' other assets including some long held and valuable Arsenal shares and the future rights to the pies and bovril (catering) income. He has fled to France, no one knows where the money is. As it stands, if the club lose the tax case, they will owe £70 odd million, 'cause Mr Whyte has also run up some £9 million additional tax arrears in his short time at the club; whilst they don't appear to have any fixed assets left.

Which just leaves the phoenix Rangers resurrection outcome; which incidentally is tipped to be headed by a South African businessman, Dave King.

Then there's the global banking system, apparently Scots rooted; certainly we were one of the first (1695) and it was indeed Scotsmen who founded the Banks of France (John Law 1716) and the Bank of England (William Paterson 1694). It appears that the whole global-economic-caboodle is, like Rangers, ready to fall, Greece, Ireland, Spain etc., no doubt bringing down the rest like a tower of dominoes.

My contention is that once that happens, we will need to begin again,
afresh. The world economies will allegedly, on paper at least, be bankrupt. My understanding is that this is already the case and that to all intents and purposes we could compare the bankers with Murray and Whyte who have surely conspired together in the Glasgow Rangers (The Billy Boys) debacle. Therefore we just await global financial meltdown,"our" Dave King (King David) "white knight", and his rescue package.

To be ritually sourced in Scotland via the Stone of Destiny.

Pure alchemy; welcome to the Golden Age.


bottom image, front cover of top-freemason Albert Pike's (Scottish Rite) Morals and Dogma craft-classic. De rigeuer in every Lodge library. Note the 33, the 33 stars, the double headed eagle (phoenix), and the Latin phrase Ordo Ab Chao: Order from Chaos.

A sunny trap - an old post of mine regarding crop circles, David Murray, Suntrap, Oatridge College, freemasonry etc.

Note - Craig Whyte re Castle Grant here.

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Rupert and the Bears

At the beginning of the year the BBC told us : News Corp's Rupert Murdoch joins Twitter social network.

Couple of days ago they told us: Scottish independence: Rupert Murdoch tweets 'Let Scotland go and compete', noting in the process that just last Sunday, Murdoch had also described Scottish Prime Minister, Alex Salmond, as clearly "
the most brilliant politician in the United Kingdom"

This Sunday sees the launch of Rupert's substitute 7/7/11 demised, The News of the World: the Sun on Sunday. Rumour has it that the paper has a huge story regarding Glasgow Rangers which it is saving for the occasion. Rumour has it that that this will be the nail in the coffin for the club, if indeed it needs another nail. We don't need rumours to know that the uber-popular Sun tabloid will be canvassing for Scottish independence when the time comes.

Given my last few posts, it's all coming together for the forthcoming phoenix Rangers, a microcosm for Prince William's kingship of the financially-bound and Scots rooted, New World Order.

Meanwhile down in London today, the first anniversary of Prince William's dark, eleven-eleven, appearance in Hello magazine (issue 1111), saw a massive rehearsal for a potential Olympic terrorist attack. Whilst yesterday, we read of how a companion/twin concert is to be held in conjunction with the London Olympic closing ceremony, star performers being Blur, New Order, and the Specials. Speaks for itself really.


BBC - Olympic terrorist rehearsal.

bottom image - Glasgow Rangers, nickname The Teddy Bears, pin badge

Saturday 18 February 2012

Bill's Truth

Today saw the Glasgow Rangers faithful - The Billy Boys - gather at Ibrox Park for the game against Kilmarnock, the club programme front page as imaged above, the quote from historic manager, Bill Struth, self explanatory and indeed, in my opinion, highly relevant to the grander scheme of matters: a one world totalitarian state ruled by a new King Billy, or maybe Arthur. Indeed, it is indeed the type of perverse motivational mantra one is likely to hear in respect of global financial Armageddon once the elite's grand alchemical dissolution of the current systems is completed, to pave the way for a one world currency/ one world order. Money makes the world go round.

Bear in mind that there is more to the ongoing saga than meets the eye, ex Chairman, Sir David Murray, selling the debt-ridden club last year to Mr. Whyte for a pound. Mr Whyte since then has withheld some £9 million of taxes from Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs, has "sold" four years advance season tickets for £24 million to a company called Ticketus, has placed the club into administration and has flown away. The administrators don't seem too sure where the money has gone but seem sure the club will emerge fitter and leaner. Sounds familiar, maybe Royal Bank of Scotland ?

Then there's also the sectarianism issues; being frank, a lot of people in Scotland take the Protestant/Catholic divide rather strongly, it is historic, although nowadays the "State" are clamping down hard on this type of behaviour, whether at the game or on-line it is no longer acceptable and is classed as
hate crime. One has to watch what one writes, even in jest. The image below is from last year in relation to this.

Bill's truth :

Our game plan is, and has always been, simple. For us to live like Gods in "our" Garden of Eden with a dumbed down human-slave-worker race (you) to provide for us. To utilise the genetic and technological capabilities we already possess in this respect; furthermore to duplicate this process, eventually on other planets, slowly but surely colonising outer space.


bottom image - from today's game courtesy BBC.

Friday 17 February 2012

Ball Games (sowing seeds)

Thursday 16th saw British Prime Minister, David Cameron, flying North. His first stop was a porridge factory in Cupar, a town through which the river Eden flows, where he sampled the breakfast cuisine, with cream, before heading to Edinburgh for a St. Andrew's House located "independence" meeting with Scottish Prime Minister, Alex Salmond. The image above is from the factory visit, the kilted chap painting is an iconic advert for Scott's porridge oats. My understanding is that the subliminal message here, in terms of the original marketing is: eat our oats, get a big sack...; you get the drift.

Heart of Midlothian supporting Alex, notwithstanding his reported "Where's the beef" question to Cameron, was additionally in the news that day, reason being that he apparently made comments regarding Glasgow Rangers (see previous post), stating that their bitter rivals, "Catholic" Glasgow Celtic, need their intense rivalry to "prosper". Craig Whyte appears to have shafted Rangers, whilst Celtic were seemingly raging (BBC report).

Meanwhile same day, surely mind-controlled, global air-travel altering "underpants bomber", Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, got a life sentence for his 2009 Christmas Day terrorist attempt. Umar is pictured below in his Glasgow Celtic "away" strip.


Note middle image, Cameron's speech, Edinburgh Castle (Stone of Destiny) backdrop.

wiki - Cupar.

Tuesday 14 February 2012

For Queen and Country

In my last post I broached the subject of football club, Heart of Midlothian (HMFC), and their pressing tax problems, wondering out loud if perhaps they were bankrupt. I was wrong, they settled their account.

Today though, on heart festooned Valentine's Day, we read of another Scottish "Protestant" football club and their financial woes; giant Glasgow Rangers are alleged to owe Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC) some 49 million pounds, their new owner, Craig Whyte, applying to the Court for "administration" yesterday. Today however, HMRC, attempted to appoint their own administrator to "wind down" Rangers, the club was given until 3.30pm to arrange their own facilitators which they duly did, New York headquartered Duff and Phelps.

No worries though, because it is likely that Rangers will survive and what is known, legally, as a "phoenix company" will arise from the debt-ridden ashes; a new streamlined, financially efficient entity, fresh for the 21st century.

Watch the forthcoming parallels in respect of Prince William as he rises with a dynamic new Monarchical arrangement from the ashes of the debt-ridden globe. AKA the New World Order. Meanwhile, from the BBC we read of the alleged battle between Sweden and Scotland as they vie for Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic contract, surely a stepping stone towards future space colonisation.


bottom image - Mr. Whyte

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Sex in the City

In the Irish Origins of Civilisation link to the right (sub section Light, Magic and Masonry), the author Michael Tsarion notes:

In the Book of Enoch, in speaking of the fallen angels it is said: "The name of the first is Yekun: he it as who seduced all the sons of the Holy Angel; and causing them to descend on earth, led astray the offspring of men...and the name, as Yekain, is fitly represented by a phallic column" - Albert Pike (Book of the Words)

Yekun becomes Jakin, one of the pillars at the gates of Solomon's (Aton's) Temple. We see these two stately pillars at the portals of all Masonic lodges and important government buildings. These phallic altars to Lucifer (Aton) can be found in most civic centers in the world as the obelisk, tower, or single erect stone monument. They stand in the center of prominent city "squares" and near important banks, churches, and educational institutions. The very word phallic comes from phalos which meaning "white" or "bright." It is akin to phaos that also means "light."

By the very name, it (the phallus) was connected with the Sun - Albert Pike

Edinburgh's phallic symbol is then, most probably, the Walter Scott monument in Princes Street Gardens, in the shadow of Edinburgh Castle. Yesterday's Evening News told of how the structure is likely to be joined by another this summer, a giant Ferris wheel. Very close by, on the Mound (full details not released yet), we are told that an London Olympic Ring design is to be added; it was originally planned to be attached to the Castle although this was abandoned.

Meanwhile, football team Heart of Midlothian (who share the same name as one of Scott's novels), are financially in big trouble, Her Majesty's Tax collectors have today given them seven days to pay up or face liquidation. Their sack is empty though. Whilst Walter Scott's old abode - Abbotsford House - is in the news, again today, an "
array of architectural treasures" unearthed as the property undergoes a "major overhaul".

Some sort of birthing ritual ?


BBC - Walter Scott story.

Heart of Midlothian.

Sunday 5 February 2012

Landscape Gardening

It's the Queen's Diamond Jubilee of her accession to the throne tomorrow*, her father passing away on 6th February 1952, the news broken to her whilst in Kenya, residing at the Treetops Hotel; treetops being literal, the hotel was indeed a treehouse. Another resident wrote of the momentous occasion in the visitors book:

For the first time in the history of the world, a young girl climbed into a tree one day a Princess and after having what she described as her most thrilling experience she climbed down from the tree next day a Queen — God bless her."

Today, ex British Prime Minister, Knight of the Garter, and chairman of the Diamond Jubilee Trust, John Major, spoke on the BBC's Andrew Marr show telling of how there was "
no question" that Prince William would become King before Prince Charles and that the matter is "settled". Nevertheless, he praises Prince William and his "globally iconic" reputation. Major, typical of a politician, can't altogether be trusted, he clearly showed that during his stint as Prime Minister and what he neglects to advise is that Parliament could change the laws of succession almost overnight if required; furthermore, Charles could simply abdicate immediately if he took on the role thus leaving it free for summer-solstice born William. (Bear in mind public opinion here, and that there has been recent political question over the laws of succession in respect of the ban on Roman Catholics)

Whilst last week, apart from stripping ex Royal Bank of Scotland chairman, pharmakos Fred Goodwin, of his knighthood, we saw our Majesty in action at Sandringham, planting an oak tree to kick-start a project to plant 6 million trees, creating new woodland, as part of her Diamond Jubilee legacy. Schools and community groups are being given packs of native species trees, each including a sapling grown from acorn seeds collected on a royal estate.


* It took almost a year and a half before the actual coronation to happen, on 2nd June 1953. Prior to this, on 4th November 1952, she had signed the declaration required by Parliament.

BBC - bbc - Queen tree story.
BBC - Major on Marr show (video)

Friday 3 February 2012


Touched on this before, the human illumination of Edinburgh city-centre extinct volcano, Arthur's Seat, in respect of the London 2012 Olympics. It appears that matters are progressing well in the 21 night "Speed of Light" event, 2500 volunteers have already signed up to dress and run in "special lightsuits", whilst 800 spectators are also needed each evening to "generate light" via some sort of "bespoke walking staff".

Worth pointing out again that the hill resembles a lion couchant from some angles, is reputed to be named after King Arthur, and lies in Royal Holyrood Park as does the Scottish Parliament and the Royal Palace where HM the Queen unprecedentedly entertained the Pope a little over a year ago on 16/9. It's capstone, or volcanic plug, is the chunk of rock that Stone of Destiny containing Edinburgh Castle is built upon.


BBC report. (source of top image)

wiki - Lucifer/Lightbringer.

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Snakes and Ladders

Yesterday I wrote of Prince Harry's comments re HM Queen's reliance upon her husband, Greek Prince Philip, in order to perform her duties. Just after posting, it was reported that she had stripped Fred Goodwin, ex top-boy at the Royal Bank of Scotland, of his knighthood.

Today we read of how long running and iconic child orientated BBC television programme, Blue Peter, has, for the first time in it's 53 year history, awarded a "gold badge" to a structure, namely the Forth Road Bridge, which links Edinburgh with Fife. It appears that that the recognition is in honour of the bridge's history, it is now 121 years old and was opened by the then Prince of Wales, who placed a symbolic golden rivet on the crossing . The potential significance in relation to Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, notwithstanding the double eleven synchronicity (11 squared is 121), is that two years ago I highlighted that his (secret) funeral arrangements were codenamed Forth Bridge in a post, Building a roadbridge to heaven, a post where I also noted that the architects who are designing a new, third, Forth bridge crossing, are the same characters who designed the Bird Nest Stadium for the Beijing Olympics . This time however Arup are in partnership, the new company called Jacobs Arup. (Think Biblically in terms of the Stone of Destiny - see link too in terms of 11 11 infatuated Uri Geller and his purchase of Lamb Island, the reputed location of returning Egyptian princess Scota's treasure and not a million miles from the bridge).

Tying in laterally with all above, again from the BBC, we read of how more details are emerging of the forthcoming London Olympics, the torch and flame due to arrive from Greece in a gold-liveried aeroplane on 18th May at the Royal Navy Base where Prince William undertook his helicopter training. The location is Culdrose, the Lizard Peninsula, Cornwall.


Note - the Olympic torch is due to cross Alesteir Crowley's old haunt - Loch Ness.

Note - Prince William, Hello Magazine front page last year, issue 1111

BBC Blue Peter/Forth Bridge