Documenting from Scotland the rise of the One World King; the "masonic" Sun God.

Monday 24 December 2012

Another Dimension

Today's Daily Mail reports of how British Prime Minister, David Cameron, has issued an "overtly religious Christmas message", quoting from the Gospel of St. John, praising Jesus as a lightbringer  - "the light of all mankind" - and a Prince of Peace, whilst at the same time praising the armed forces.

All that talk of light must have rubbed off on the Queen - head of the armed forces - as we coincidentally see her in 3D sunglasses, a nod to tomorrow's annual Christmas message.

cheers (& Merry Christmas)

Note - Tsarion - Light, Magic, and Masonry.

Thursday 13 December 2012

Only Fools and Horses ?

Today, 13th December, it is widely reported that singer, Morrissey, has commented on the Kate Middleton, Oz Radio, suicide nurse story whilst being interviewed by a New Zealand television show, 3News. Apparently, he noted that "There’s no blame placed on Kate Middleton, who was in the hospital as far as I could see for absolutely no reason. She feels no shame about the death of this woman". He also claimed that: "I’m sure the Palace and Clarence House put maximum pressure on this poor receptionist and nurse, and of course that’s kept away from the press. By this time next week, she’ll be forgotten.(mail on line) 

Morrissey is, of course, allegedly an anti-monarchist. I wrote about him here back in August when he claimed that the Royal family had hijacked the Olympic Games for their own "nefarious purpose" and that Olympic fans had a "Nazi mindset".

That's not the only time I have written about the former Smiths frontman though, back in April on the day of the Royal Wedding I noted of how he had suggested the Royals were "benefit scroungers" whilst, in the same post, pointing out that, perhaps contradictorily, Morrissey used William Blake's Jerusalem in his Introducing Cantona video. Contradictorily, because Blake's Jerusalem could well be linked to the concept of British Israelism, a concept the Royals, certainly historically, were glad to promote.

Also, back in March 2011, I noticed a further Morrissey correlation. It was the 9th of the month, and an announcement was made to the media that Prince William was to visit New Zealand and Australia to visit the disaster-struck regions of Christchurch and Queensland. In my post, Uncanny, I noted of how this announcement coincided with another disaster, millions of sardines, anchovies and mackerel washing up dead at King Harbour Marina, Redondo Beach, Los Angeles. I tied this in tenuously (Shades of Grey?) with Morrissey, given he covered a song called Redondo Beach on a double AA side single, the other track being, There is a Light which never goes out.

Now, Redondo Beach - a song about a lesbian who commits suicide - was originally written by Patti Smith and released on her album, Horses, which amazingly was released on 13th December, 37 years ago. From the linked post, re 13th December : 

"Someone else who's light never extinguishes is St. Lucy, a Christian martyr who's name is derived from lux, lucis, "light" (wiki) . Her "Day" is the 13th of December, once thought to be the shortest day of the year and hence celebrated as a "lightbringing" event." (Also, see Lucifer in this regard)

Meanwhile, also from the Daily Mail, albeit yesterday, we were treated to images of horses, hard at work,  pulling logs in the Royal's Balmoral Estate. (here) 

Last night, as Prince William watched the Hobbit premier alone, the British Comedy Awards presented Sacha Baron Cohen with an Outstanding Achievement Award. He chose to collect it whilst parodying child abuser Jimmy Savile. (here).

All of which got me thinking more on the "alchemical" concept of "making manifest all that is hidden". Basically, it resolves around the powers that be telling us the truth of what is going on - no matter how nasty and slave based it may be - whilst we sit and accept it. Do we see this with Morrissey, is he part of it, telling the truth - making manifest ? Is Sacha Baron Cohen allowing the scandal of Jimmy Savile to somehow dilute, by making fun of it ? That's how it seems. Hail Lucifer.


Note - Morrissey appears on BBC radio tonight in some sort of tribute programme.

Sunday 9 December 2012

Nursing Nature

Biodynamics is something newspaceman is interested in and as such he shares a bond with Prince Charles, no less, according to an article in today's mail on line.

The headline itself should shine some light on the processes involved - We are aMOOsed ! Prince Charles triggers surge in "cosmic farming" where cattle are allowed to form personalities (and crops are planted according to moon phases) - although there is more to it than that, personally I would describe it as a blend of sorcery and hermetic horticulture/agriculture. The basic idea is that one takes into account the astronomical/astrological outlook (as above) before, for example, planting one's carrot seeds (so below).

The theories behind the methodology were allegedly discovered by Austrian philosopher, Rudolph Steiner, although in my opinion, they have probably been known for far longer than that. An example of one of Steiner's propositions is in respect of eradicating field mice. One has to catch a few and skin them when Venus is in the sign of Scorpio. Then burn the skins, collect the residue and simply scatter on your fields. From then on, one won't be bothered with the critters.

Whether or not it works, I cannot say as I have no fields, nor mice. However, if we go on the basis that it does, and that other biodynamic techniques work, then there is surely some scope for mind expansion.

Lets take for example Glencoe, scene of the infamous massacre, and of Jimmy Savile's lair. What if all those years ago, other principles of biodynamic magic were utilised. Perhaps the skull of an unfortunate MacDonald was obtained, cleaned, and filled with a mixture of whisky and haggis. It was then buried and, to this day, still emits a type of unseen force which unknowingly subdues the rebellious spirit of  the Scots.

After all, Charles himself has his own eco-model village in Scotland,at a place called Knockroon, the heart known as Adam Square. I refer the reader to a short post of mine, The Full Monty, where I considered the potential possibilities :

One can imagine the future, a helicopter lands in Adam Square, a crowd of young humans looking on in bewilderment. These are the survivors of the 2012 virus, somehow children were immune, their new "carers" rescuing them Pied Piper style.

Charles disembarks, although immaculate in white he is old and stooped like a poor man's Gandalf. He picks up a potato and looks at it. Then he cuts it in half and smells it and nods his head. The dozen or so adults in the 300 strong mob begin to cheer and whoop: "He says yes". The thick skinned children follow suit.

That night, they get chocolate


Sunday 2 December 2012

More in the same vein

It seems to be raining James Bond related stories thus I am again thinking about Michael Hoffman and his thoughts on movies coming out at the same time as "group mind ritual" events. (Chicken Licken)

London 2012 Olympic Beckham/James Bond torch boat on sale (BBC)

The National Trust of Scotland are seeking donations to help pay for looking after the Glencoe landscape that was "used as the backdrop for the new James Bond movie Skyfall". (BBC) 

James Bond fails the tech test in Skyfall (BBC)

 Beckham plays last game for LA Galaxy (here)

Whilst, just to take us back to Scotland in a round about way :

Beckham teams up with Snoop Doggy Dogg for an animated version of Dickens' A Christmas Carol (Mail on Line)

Snoop Doggy Dogg considers becoming a Director of Glasgow Celtic football club. (Mail on Line)


Note: Snoop Dogg red-hand image (from link) is something that would probably not go down too well at Parkhead. 

Saturday 1 December 2012

Mountains out of molehills ?

Recent posts have centred around a Glencoe - James Bond - James "Jimmy" Savile - monarchy connection.

Let's go back to Glencoe and explore more, first by travelling 60 miles or so North East, to the Cairngorms. Today's BBC news resurrects a story about how Scotland beat Arizona in terms of filming  ( CIA) aircraft stunts for  Batman movie, The Dark Knight Rises, according to the special effects supervisor, Chris Corbould. Apparently Arizona is too bland.

Which allows me to resurrect the James "Joker" Holmes London Olympic connection as noted here. Basically, James "Jimmy" Holmes carried out his Aurora - Batman -  massacre very close to the same time as the Olympic torch was received at the Tower of London by Dame Kelly Holmes. Lord Coe, Olympic chairman,  noted that the tower was a fitting place for the flame to enter London because "it is where the power and the significance of the Monarch resides".

Let's then fast forward to the end of the Olympics. Who could forget the closing ceremony and Paul McCartney, resplendent in red threaded attire whilst bellowing out, Hey Jude, to close proceedings.

Which takes us swiftly back to Scotland and today's news. The mail on line reports of how wrinkly rocker, Paul, is to fulfil a boyhood dream by appearing in the Dandy comic (a 75 year-old institution) just before it ceases publication as a comic (but is due to resurrect - on line only).

Apparently he stars alongwith "Desperate Dan and friends".

From here, re Tribe of Dan :

James I of England (1567–1625) believed he was a king of Israel. (Note - James is also the 6th of Scotland, the Bible reviser and UK amalgamater)

A key tenet of British Israelism is the belief that the Israelite Tribe of Dan migrated into Europe before the other tribes of Israel because they were a maritime people (Judges 5: 17).
British Israelites believe that an early Israelite colony was established in Greece and quote from Josephus who wrote that the Spartans descended from Abraham and from 1 Maccabees 12: 21 which says the same thing, as well as quoting Stephanus of Byzantium who established genealogical links between the Greeks and Israelites. Links between Danaus and other ancient European peoples are further established in British Israelism literature.

British Israelites believe the Tribe of Dan left a trail all over Europe, pointing out that Jacob prophesied that Dan would be a ‘Serpent by the way, an adder by the path’ (Genesis 49: 17) meaning that he would leave a trail wherever he would go. British Israelites specifically believe that this trail would contain the word ‘Dan’.


wiki - The Dandy.

Note bottom image is Desperate Dan with horned pie. Surely worrying ?