Documenting from Scotland the rise of the One World King; the "masonic" Sun God.

Friday 27 June 2008

Scotland, a freemasonic Israel ?

Just going back to the Scottish Homeland 2009 250th Robbie - son of Scotland - Burns testimonial, as noted in King Conn

We are all aware of the Fourth of July, American Independence Day, the day when America seemingly received it's freedom from Great Britain.

Yet, one does' not have to travel too much forward in time from then - five years exactly to the day - to find another significant happening for our current world, the year 1781, where we find none other than Scottish bard Robert Burns (at the age of 22) being entered as an apprentice mason by the Lodge Tarbolton (Kilwinning) St James No 135 - a lodge he would spend his final meeting with on 11/11/1788, seven years later aged 29. (See WW2 for another 11/11 happening)

Although Rabbie fornicated with thoughts of overseas employment whilst in the grasp of this new religion (for want of a better description maybe?) , it was not to America that his emigration plans lay, but rather Jamaica, where he was offered and considered employment within the clerical division of a slave trading company, employment he eventually declined to accept, instead remaining in Scotland and writing screeds of nonsensical ( to my mind) poetry whilst drunk; until finally dying, seemingly young, on 21st July 1796 - his funeral four days later.

Lets go back to Kilwinning though, the second bit in brackets above. We glean from wikipedia the history of the place:

North Ayrshire has a history of religion stretching back to the very beginning of missionary enterprise in Scotland. The Celtic Christians or Culdees of the period of St Columba and St Mungo found here, in this part of Scotland, a fertile field for the propagation of the faith.

More importantly maybe though, we read (from the same source):

Kilwinning is notable for housing the original Lodge of the Freemasons. When the Lodges were renumbered, Kilwinning was kept as Lodge Number '0', the Mother Lodge of Scotland.

The origin of the Lodge is unclear with the first documentary evidence being a mention in The Schaw Statutes of 1598 and 1599 which identify it in its first paragraph as the "heid and secund ludge of Scotland".

And from the above Mother Lodge ( again as linked):

It is reputed to be the oldest Lodge in Scotland, thus the oldest lodge in the world, and is styled The Mother Lodge of Scotland attributing its origins to the 12th Century.

Legend has it that Kilwinning Abbey was built by stonemasons who had travelled from the continent and established a lodge there.

And of Israel? We confirm our worst fears with the first sentence of this in depth report entitled Fortress Britain

“The public has to be more alert”, warned one “international terrorism expert” in the Daily Mail
late last year, because Scotland “is set to become another Israel within five years”. “[A]nti-terror measures will soon become a common feature of life”, he assured the audience, and called for “routine arming of police officers” and increasing children’s “awareness of the dangers of terrorism” and for them to be “encouraged” to report anything “out of the ordinary”.


As above, so below

As the Red Arrows fly over New York for the first time, we see the Dow Jones' index show a fall of 3.03%.


Please also see Give 'em enough rope and shoot that poison arrow through my heart.

AOL New York Display

BBC - Global stocks slide into the red

Monday 23 June 2008

King Conn

Following on from recent postings.

We read yesterday of Sean Connery and his apparent support for Donald Trump's proposed golf resort and housing development in the North East of Scotland. From the local Evening Express
we hear more of his comments, stated in the presence of Scottish Prime Minister Alex Salmond, whilst the pair partook in a round together at Peterculter Golf Club on the outskirts of Aberdeen.

MOVIE legend Sir Sean Connery today backed Donald Trump’s Balmedie golf plan – and said it must go ahead.

And he told how he would be the first to tee off at the Menie Estate.

Sir Sean said Mr Trump’s £1 billion resort should be backed by the Government so it can complement Paul Lawrie’s course at Blairs and Jack Nicklaus’s near Stonehaven.

The James Bond star announced his support while on a special mission in Aberdeen to promote Scotland.

The 77-year-old was at Peterculter Golf Club on the outskirts of the city to promote Homecoming Scotland 2009.

At first I thought that perhaps Homecoming 2009 was only related to the forthcoming Star Trek X1, a film which may in fact have it's European premier in historic Linlithgow, birthplace of both Montgomery "Scotty" Scott and Alex Salmond (see Background to the future), however it appears that additionally:

Homecoming 2009 has been organised to coincide with the 250th anniversary of the birth of poet Robert Burns.

It aims to attract ex-patriots and visitors from around the world for a mass celebration of Scottish culture.

Sir Sean said: “I’ve been a lifelong supporter of golf and Burns, so to combine the two next year seems very appropriate.

First Minister Alex Salmond, who was also at Peterculter Golf Club, said: “It is fantastic that Sir Sean has decided to do the film.

“Steven Spielberg couldn’t lure him out of retirement, but Homecoming obviously has.

And so it seems did the potentially-Biblical Stone of Destiny, as again on Monday night we saw Messrs Connery and Salmond back in action together - on the anniversary of the important Battle of Bannockburn - this time at Edinburgh Castle, cutting a stone shaped cake to celebrate the release of a film based on the daring removal and return to Scotland of this historically significant Coronation Stone. As we read from the Scone Stone's wikipedia entry:

Traditionally, it is supposed to be the pillow stone said to have been used by the Biblical Jacob. According to one legend, it was the Coronation Stone of the early Dál Riata Gaels when they lived in Ireland, which they brought with them when settling Caledonia. Another legend holds that the stone was actually the travelling altar used by St Columba in his missionary activities throughout what is now Scotland. Certainly, since the time of Kenneth Mac Alpin, the first King of Scots, at around 847, Scottish monarchs were seated upon the stone during their coronation ceremony.

It should perhaps be noted that there were two large events in and around Edinburgh last weekend; the annual Royal Highland Show at
Ingliston (just up river from the once Roman stronghold port of Cramond) and the Great Scottish Walk, the latter a 6000 strong human throng led out by none other than Glasgow Airport - anti-terrorist hero - John Smeaton - the same cigarette loving individual discussed in my post Regal King Size et cetera. The march followed a route including the Royal Palace of Holyrood and Edinburgh Castle which is in fact the headquarters of the 52nd Infantry Brigade, the same brigade that Prince Harry marched with in Edinburgh just last week, just a couple of days before his older brothers birthday on the sun drenched 21st June - a brother who's potentially imminent Coronation will no doubt involve the aforementioned stone.

I would further refer readers to my post Ex-luna, scienta when we saw Prince William receive his Royal Air Force wings from his father Charles at RAF Cranwell. The date of this ceremony was 11th April and I wrote about the "coincidence" that King Billy, or William of Orange, was crowned together with Mary 2nd of Scotland as joint Sovereigns of the United Kingdom on the same date, some 319 years before. Surely somehow connected to the fact that when the stone was "returned to Scotland" after the audacious Christmas Day 1950 theft, it was next seen on 11th April 1951, having been left in the alter of Arbroath Abbey on that date by the perpetrators for safe keeping by the Church of Scotland.

An annual gathering

I leave you with a old Scottish saying: Mony a mickle makes a muckle,

Or, lots of little things add up into big things


Burns and Freemasonry - Gie Me the Master's Apron

Cake cutting Stone of Destiny story is here, courtesy Edinburgh Evening News

also, Hurray for Holyrood

Friday 20 June 2008

Royal Mascot

It is surely more than coincidence (bearing in mind my Monarchy/Europe/global domination theory) that a horse called Henrythenavigator won the St James Palace Stakes at Royal Ascot on Tuesday at odds of 4-7, the very week that the Treaty of Lisbon has again hit the headlines.

We have seen the Irish vote no - but little heed being taken; then our own House of Lords ushering the bill through on Wednesday night, before, on Thursday, HM the Queen gave Royal Assent, using the customary Norman-French language to do so. From the Guardian:

Gordon Brown will today attempt to put Britain at the heart of the debate on the future of the EU when he meets Nicolas Sarkozy in Paris as the Queen gives royal assent - in Norman French - to the parliamentary bill enacting the Lisbon Treaty.

Curiously, when one looks into the history of the Norman-French language, we find another treaty, The Treaty of Saint Clair-sur-Epte, an agreement which allowed the vikings to settle in France and establish their own region. The year was 911, the region was Normandy.

From my post Going back to our roots regarding the occult aspects of the signing of the treaty on December 13th in Lisbon:

The venue itself is also worthy of consideration, Jerominos Monastery, located in the Belem District of Lisbon in Portugal. Constructed on the site of a monks hermitage using local gold coloured limestone, building began in 1502 and took half a century to complete, several different sculptors being involved in the project. Within the building are two statues, one of Henry the Navigator, the other of Saint Jerome, after whom the Monastery is named.


Bay City Stroller

My last post concerned Prince Harry and his visit to St Giles Cathedral in Edinburgh to commemorate the soldiers of the 52nd Infantry Brigade who were killed or injured in Afghan action. We read more of Wednesday's events courtesy of the BBC in Sombre memorial for Harry comrades :

They were met by crowds of supporters, who lined the streets of Scotland's capital.

The group of schoolgirls chattered as they walked down the Royal Mile in Edinburgh. As they came to the barriers, the broadcast trucks and the waiting crowds, they stopped and stared.

"What's all that about?", one wondered. Then they remembered. "Harry's here," her friend declared.

Readers should be assured that the aforementioned "crowds" numbered in the mid hundreds bracket, the majority no doubt relatives of the 200 marching participants along with the ubiquitous posses of Japanese and American tourists who frequent the historic Royal Mile all year round. From a city with say half a million residents it seems a pretty poor turnout, but that's just my opinion.

What interests me more - from a social conditioning aspect I stress to add - is the, somewhat pointless, mention of young ladies in the report.

"Whats that all about?", I wondered. Then I remembered. Ginger-bred.

Youngsters from Cathays High School in Cardiff screamed, cheered and some even broke down in tears when the 23-year-old prince arrived

When he arrived dozens of schoolchildren from years seven and eight strained against crash barriers chanting "Wales, Wales" then screamed "Harry, Harry" as he got closer.


Middle picture is 52nd Infantry Brigade "colours". I find them most curious considering that Prince William may well have received top mountaineer Edmund's Hillary's Order of the Garter the day before; and the Order of the Thistle chapel/ St Giles connection as noted yesterday. It is also perhaps relevant that the Order of the Thistle is believed to date from 787 after the battle of Athelstaneford where a cross of St Andrew was seen in the sky.

Tuesday 17 June 2008

A Holy New, World Order ?

Scottish Rite Freemasonic Symbol

Prince Harry is up here in Scotland today, to take part in a tribute parade commemorating the troops of the 52 Infantry Brigade who were killed-in-action, or injured, during their recent deployment in Afghanistan.

From the BBC report :

The 23-year-old Household Cavalry officer will join 200 servicemen and women attending the service at St Giles Cathedral on Wednesday. Relatives of those killed or wounded, which included British, Danish, American and Czech soldiers, will also attend the memorial, along with UK Defence Secretary Des Browne and his Danish counterpart Soren Gade.

St Giles Cathedral, with a fairly ancient documented history, is considered very important to Scottish Presbyterianism, some regarding it as the "mother church" of this protestant offshoot of the Christian religion - fascinating stuff indeed - and yet perhaps more fascinating, in the light of my last posting and the Order of the Garter, is that the cathedral houses the chapel of it's Scottish sibling - The Most Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Thistle , an Order again with Her Majesty as Sovereign and again with a contested and shady history.

Order of the Thistle

Yet, despite this "coincidence", does it not seem slightly paradoxical that this building, seemingly constructed for the worship of Jesus, is being used for celebrating our war dead in Afghanistan; especially given that Edinburgh was on the border, and a main metropolis of, the Holy Roman Empire, whilst the "Taliban" of Christ's time were held at bay in the Scottish Highlands by a number of heavily fortified boundary walls and soldiers.

I leave you with a quotation from Prime Minister Gordon Brown's newspeak speech to the Church of Scotland Assembly (not a stones throw from St Giles) on 17th May 2008:

"If anyone had said fifty years ago that the people of our world would achieve black civil rights, tear down the Berlin Wall, bring an end to apartheid, no one would have believed it.

But in the next fifty years think how much more can be achieved with this new great power at work in our world: the power of people united by conscience, armed with unprecedented means to communicate and mobilise, determined to turn moral values into common action and shared vision into a global reality: to 'undo the heavy burdens and let the oppressed go free'...

part of Great Seal of United States,here

...the powerful linkages that clubs and societies - many church-related - brought to those who joined them: boys and girls, men and women, young and old"


Brown's speech here.
Presbyterianism - wikipedia
St Giles Cathedral in Edinburgh - wikipedia

Keeping us in suspenders

While we wait for Prince William to become King, he yesterday received the prestigious Order of the Garter from his grandmother, coincidentally the thousandth one issued since 1348. We glean more from the BBC report :

He was officially appointed by the Queen at a service at St George's Chapel in Windsor Castle.

The numbers of the 24 Knights Companion were depleted recently with the deaths of the conqueror of Mount Everest, Sir Edmund Hillary, and former Prime Minister Sir Edward Heath.

Prince William, who will be the 1,000th Knight in the Register, wore a blue velvet cape and black velvet hat with white ostrich plumes for a procession from the castle to the chapel.

It should perhaps be noted that George Bush also visited Windsor only the day before; again from the BBC:

Mr Bush's 45-minute tea meeting with the Queen was billed by Buckingham Palace as a "private and informal" visit between "old friends".

They were joined by the Duke of Edinburgh, American ambassador Robert Tuttle and his wife, Maria

Their traditional tea of cakes and finger sandwiches was followed by a brief photocall in St George's Hall in Windsor Castle.


Thursday 12 June 2008

Trojan Horse

Although I view minimal television nowadays, I watched the final of ever-popular The Apprentice last night, a competition type Big Brotherish programme in which the eventual winner lands a plum job with business tycoon Alan Sugar, a "self made" multi millionaire tycoon.

This years top candidate was a milkman's son called Lee McQueen, a man so desperate to win that he lied on the application form about his further education experiences.

Lee told us a bit more about himself when he declared, during the last task of designing and promoting a man's aftershave, that all men aspired to be like James Bond: suave, sophisticated, and deeply masculine. He then opted to name the fragrance Roulette and promote it by way of an advertisment depicting a lady thrusting herself upon a 007 type character in a casino. Furthermore, Lee assured us that masculinity was back in vogue, replacing metrosexuality as the thing to be nowadays.

From the Daily Express, You're hired we read:

MILKMAN’S son Lee McQueen walked away with a £100,000-a-year job as he was crowned winner of The Apprentice last night.

Millions tuned in to watch the handsome recruitment sales manager steal the crown from three finalists with his formula for a new aftershave.

Afterwards the 30-year-old admitted he would love to splash out on a sports car, just like his namesake, Steve McQueen.

Milkman's son may seem irrelevant until we remember it is the same occupation as pre-fame Thomas Sean Connery, probably the most famous and best "Bond", a man who declined, and regretted doing so, the role of Thomas Crown in the Thomas Crown Affair, the role taken by Indiana born Steve McQueen in the 1968 original and subsequently played by another 007, Pierce Brosnan, in the 1999 remake.

Perhaps the Man Who Would Be King explains all.


Wednesday 11 June 2008


"Bring on the new messiah
Wherever he may roam"

Billy Smart's circus continued with it's global strategy yesterday, when it was the turn of the dancing horses and George Bush at the European Summit in Slovania; the last summit that George will attend.

Just with reference to my theory that the United States will become part of Prince William's Europe, as a unified-by-fear-and-religion one world order, we read from the BBC - US and Europe back in step again:

Speaking to reporters on the sun-drenched lawn, Mr Bush said it was "really important for the US to stay close with the EU and work harder together to solve problems".

For the outgoing president, the biggest problem now is Iran's nuclear ambitions. And here, Mr Bush said, he and the Europeans were on the same page.

"Iran with a nuclear weapon," he warned, "would be incredibly dangerous for world peace. So we have got to continue working to make it clear, abundantly clear, to them that it is their choice to make, that they can either face isolation, or they can have better relations with all of us."

For those unaware, this also an "important" week in terms of the 27 nation Treaty of Lisbon; a trilogy of happenings; an Irish vote, a High Court hearing and a House of Lords decision of some description or other.

Horses were never meant to dance.


Tuesday 10 June 2008

Great Chieftan o' the puddin- race !

In tandem with my last post:

Yesterday, top business tycoon Donald Trump, arrived in Scotland for the enquiry into his plans to build a luxury golf course - and houses obviously - on a nature reserve in the North East of Scotland. This matter has been ongoing for a while, permission initially being refused, however it seems that we now enter the latter stages of this saga.

As such, Donald took a detour yesterday, flying to Lewis to see the old childhood abode of his mother, one Mary MacLeod, who emigrated to the United States in the 1930's and passed away in 2000 aged 88. We read from more the BBC about Donald's self proclaimed Scottishness:

Mr Trump has long spoken of his affection for Scotland and his desire to build the golf resort in the country where his late mother was born.

Following the visit to the house, in Tong, Mr Trump said: "If it weren't for my mother would I have walked away from this site? I think probably I would have, yes.

"The reason I got involved was because of the feeling I have for Scotland.

Handicapped ?

It should perhaps be noted that here in Scotland, ancient "spiritual" home of golf and America- founding-freemasons, there are already ample courses, and indeed clubs for members; clubs which are generally male orientated with ladies only very recently being allowed to join the majority of these establishments.

Additionally, in my youth, I funded my anti-social drinking by collecting and selling lost balls, and it strikes me that rarely, if ever, did I see a person with coloured skin striding up the fairway.

Can't see the wood for the trees ?


BBC report on enquiry etc. is here.

Lewis/Black Magick, see here

Sunday 8 June 2008

America, Barack Obama, and bad smells

Henry Williamson, Tarka the Otter, 1927:

"Already his mother had ceased to care, although she would never entirely forget, that she had loved a cub called Tarka"

Some say that Barack is a symbol of an emerging New World - a world where racism and sexism have finally been eradicated - Mr. Obama being the proverbial proof of the pudding in the black equality stakes.

For sure he is something new, something different, potentially a fresh start for a country economically, militarily and spiritually bankrupt; only a blood drained and dry corpse remaining. (see Give 'em enough rope)

A country ready to be reborn, as always predestined?

The United States of Europe? - (See Going back to our Roots)


Henry Williamson, Tarka the Human, 300AW(1):

Already the people had ceased to care, although they would never entirely forget, that they once had a black-president called Obama, a black- president who failed them, a black- president who led them into a living soul-less slave hell.


(1) AW - After William. In 2012, the televisually hypnotised human slave population of the earth appointed Saint Diana's sun, William Windsor Wales, as Global living God-King - after a period of 3 years or so abject collective misery.

Friday 6 June 2008

Ginger-bred ?

Prince Harry visited Wales, officially for the first time, on Thursday, as we read from the

Prince Harry was given a pop star-style welcome on his first day of official engagements in Wales.

Youngsters from Cathays High School in Cardiff screamed, cheered and some even broke down in tears when the 23-year-old prince arrived.

When he arrived dozens of schoolchildren from years seven and eight strained against crash barriers chanting "Wales, Wales" then screamed "Harry, Harry" as he got closer.

One youngster Hollie White, 12, from nearby Gabalfa, sobbed uncontrollably as Harry approached and stopped in front of her.

A smiling Harry stopped to talk to a group of student nurses, commiserating with them about their long working hours, before holding five-month-old patient Lexi Hailstone.

As he talked to a fellow red-haired boy he told the 12-year-old: "I'm ginger - gingers love gingers."

See where we are going ?


wikipedia - The Gingerbread man

wikipedia - Hare Krishna

Thursday 5 June 2008

Keeping it in the family

About a month or so ago I became embroiled in Macbeth, initially due to the comments of James Shelby Downard, the American "conspiracy theorist", in his JFK based essay King-Kill/33, and then in my post When shall we three meet again?, when I noted a trilogy of Macbethean "coincidences"; new gates at Glamis Castle - a tribute to the Queen mother, the snared hares of Cawdor, and the first and final meeting of the the three luxury liners, Queen Mary 2, Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth 2nd.

On Monday past, we saw Her Majesty the Queen "marking 55 years since her coronation by waving off the luxury cruise ship that shares her name", the aformentioned QE2, a ship she launched in 1967. Full BBC story is here.

The day after, Tuesday 3rd, we read of the young Prince, William Windsor Wales, and of the commencement of his naval training. From the BBC (here)

The prince's navy attachment is part of a project to familiarise the future monarch with the armed forces he will one day command.

He is already an officer with the Household Cavalry's Blues and Royals and has also completed a four-month attachment with the RAF.

His first morning was spent being taught how to operate a Picket boat, learning how to perform an 180-degree turn and how to drop anchor.

It should be noted that the latter task was the one which the media seemed to focus on.

What also requires highlighting is that 3rd of June is the Ancient Roman festival for Bellona, their war goddess. From wikipedia :

...and is supposed by many to have been the Romans' original war deity, predating the identification of Mars with Ares. She accompanied Mars into battle and is taken variously as his sister, wife or daughter

Especially when read in conjunction with my post Armilustrium of last October, when William visited Faslane, the nuclear submarine base :

On 19th October Prince William visited Faslane Military Base, home of the UK's Trident nuclear defence missile - the UK's only active nuclear weapon system.

Per wikipedia, 19th October is a Roman festival, in honour of the planet of war, Mars. It is named Armilustrium, a day when the weapons of the soldiers were "ritually purified and stored for winter".

And the Macbeth connection?

Again from wikipedia on the goddess Bellona:

Near the beginning of Shakespeare's Macbeth (I.ii.54), Macbeth is introduced as a violent and brave warrior when the Thane of Ross calls him "Bellona's bridegroom" (ie Mars). The goddess has also proved popular in post-Renaissance art as a female embodiment of military virtue, or a good opportunity to portray a woman in armour and helmet.


Daily Express - Wills slips up with anchor

Wednesday 4 June 2008

Global Strategy

From wiki, Walt Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean:At World's End:

"I felt it important that the third film was the end of an era — like in a postmodern western where the railroad comes and the gunfighter is extinct. It seemed that we had an opportunity to take a look at a world where the legitimate has become corrupt and there is no place for honest thieves in that society, so you have darker issues and a little melancholy. The myths are dying."


Pirate photo courtesy of Murdoch's News International

Sunday 1 June 2008

In the blink of an eye I knew his number

Crowley tug, see here.

Recently in my post Billy Smarts Circus, I alluded to the possibility that perhaps the recent City Salute pageant in London (to raise money and awareness for injured military personnel) was nothing more than part of a giant ongoing, shepherding, global programme to establish the chief guest, Prince William, as a doer of great deeds - with a host of even greater deeds yet to be done - before his eventual crowning as Rex Mundi, King of the World

This week we saw further media driven perpetuation of this ideology, firstly on Tuesday, when we heard that Wills had been voted, in the manner of a Sun God maybe, the "top spot" of "world's hottest royal" by a Scottish founded American business magazine called

We read from the Telegraph, somewhat confirming my aforementioned suggestion :

Prince William heads the list thanks to his "international intrigue and unparalleled media attention".

Then yesterday, a further announcement, as we heard of his forthcoming oceanic stint in the Caribbean on one of his grandmother's ships , HMS Iron Duke , seemingly chasing cocaine traffickers. Again from the Telegraph, we read the stable society grabbing headline:

Prince William to take on Caribbean drug lords

From my previous post regarding the giant television screen programme ( as linked above) :

There was silence as the audience hung on his every word, while images of him in his uniform were displayed.
And there was an audible gasp when the camera panned out to reveal his missing legs and arms.


Wiki on Aleister Crowley, the Beast, 666, see here