Whilst I appreciate it is easy to get carried away and perhaps read too much into numerology, or the hidden power of numbers, it is perhaps worth reflecting on today's date (UK style) of 20/10/2010. Ignoring the zeros leaves 2121, a tidy 21 x 101, almost symmetrical, in a roundabout way.
And so, today, as well as the parliamentary release of the harsh financial "big squeeze" measures which will drastically effect our society, it is surely no surprise to note Prince William is to appear tonight on Sky 1 in a show called Prince William's Africa where he apparently digresses off topic - given the title - and discusses Afghanistan, his Royal minders, and Kate Middleton.
No surprise, given February 22nd this year - and the Dark One's appearance in issue 1111 of Hello magazine.
And so, today, as well as the parliamentary release of the harsh financial "big squeeze" measures which will drastically effect our society, it is surely no surprise to note Prince William is to appear tonight on Sky 1 in a show called Prince William's Africa where he apparently digresses off topic - given the title - and discusses Afghanistan, his Royal minders, and Kate Middleton.
No surprise, given February 22nd this year - and the Dark One's appearance in issue 1111 of Hello magazine.

Newspaceman -February.