The above image is from a "charity photograph" taken of dark Prince William just before his official visit to Australia. This snap, along with some others, was purchased by Hello magazine.
What is most interesting is the issue number, 1111, or eleven eleven, and the date (in the English manner of notation), 22/2/2010.
What is most interesting is the issue number, 1111, or eleven eleven, and the date (in the English manner of notation), 22/2/2010.
I will leave you to ponder over the opening paragraph of the mail online article, along with the interesting noted numerical coincidences, indeed, just what are the odds ?:
Could it be a trick of the light? Or is Prince William the first member of the Royal Family to dabble in, dare one say it, a touch of Grecian 2000?
In addition 222 , via the hebrew = BRK -[2+200+20}
Seems its seamless
The rich and the poor have a common bond, The LORD is the maker of them all.
Proverbs 22:2
Centrepoint charity for homeless patron visit.
I bought it. my first ever issue of hello!
The Batman Superman Movie: Worlds Finest (1998)-
The Joker: I sense we are kindred spirits, you and I. Oh, there are
differences, to be sure... like hair.
[Chuckles and pats Luthors bald head]
I sense we are kindred spirits, you and I. Join me, stranger. I will show you pleasure -- and power -- beyond your wildest imaginings!
--Shadow King (Earth-616)
"In 2005, however, a fragment of papyrus 115 was revealed, containing the earliest known version of that part of the Book of Revelation discussing the Number of the Beast. It gave the number as 616, suggesting that this may have been the original"..
papyrus 115 points to 616. Williams helicopter squadron patch is 115.
Deek at the pic-
The Qumran scrolls indicate that they equated the prophecies as a:
diptych - meaning "TWO-FOLD"
diptych - from the Greek di- "two" + ptychē "fold"
Remember....""The diptych is a reminder of the way in which all of us, whatever path our lives have taken, are ultimately neighbours and share a common bond" - Prince William.
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