Documenting from Scotland the rise of the One World King; the "masonic" Sun God.

Thursday 17 February 2011

A load of shite ?

I really cannot be bothered writing about the myriad of Prince Wills stories which abound at the moment, however this one about his father, Charles, caught my imagination.

In it we read of how Charles today launched a conservation project to save the red squirrel from extinction in the UK, meeting some volunteers and noting:

"It is really only by working together that we will have a chance of preserving this most iconic of species.

"Reds are now returning to the woodland and the gardens where they were once terrorised by greys in certain areas and this is something to celebrate. "

The reader might need reminded at this point that the grey squirrel,was originally introduced to the UK by the Victorians as a garden novelty, indeed a whimsie, although soon escaped and took over - apparently they carry some sort of virus which kills the reds.

In my post
a full monty , I conjured up the possibility that Charles was acting a Messianic role, the intention being to recreate a global Garden of Eden with new "Gods". If we carry that thinking slightly further, could it be that the red squirrels are metaphorical of true mankind, the type before the alleged genetic tampering by aliens to create a worker slave. Obviously the "greys", as they are known, represent the alien DNA'd hybrid species.

Could it be that Charles is in touch with our "alien creators", who realise their experiment is a failure. Thus a deal has been done. In return for say 50 million humans in 2012 (the spiritual oneness we hear of), the aliens will leave the Earth alone in future and allow Charles et al, to act as Gods thereafter, perhaps eventually breeding out the alien DNA, from their worker slaves, entirely.


Images are Tufty, a Government funded squirrel who has taught road sense in the UK for some decades. One can see how he has devilishly evolved over time.


Anonymous said...

Tufty is an ugly wee critter in the scheme of cute squirals. z

aferrismoon said...

On the top badge Tufty does look like he's having a wee shite.


For whatever reason it was common in our area to refer to gays as grays, it rhymed. Perhaps it also had something to do with Larry Grayson.

The Grays/Greys are connected with probes


Anonymous said...

I am under persistant attack for months now from a demon that has occupied the space contained within the form of a humanoid type scheemie chavvie residing in the flat below me! Its not fun. Z

little dynamo said...

"On the top badge Tufty does look like he's having a wee shite."

New Wave Tufty gone corporate, adjusting tie whilst taking a dump on UK



Old Tufty: frozen in shitdom, decidedly male

New Improved Tufty: female (or, at stretch, androgynous) bursting out of a, well, triangle, full of promise n confidence n energy, with New Improved ear wing uh horn ... things



Anonymous said...

Will and Kate's first official act took place six-six-six days before 12/21/12...

Newspaceman said...

cheers to all, will get back to posting soon as..

aferrismoon said...

Delete all your Zion Olympic logo posts or see them as reasons for possible war.


Newspaceman said...

Moon, just got your comment now, had already posted. cheers

little dynamo said...

"Delete all your Zion Olympic logo posts or see them as reasons for possible war."

both of you are Terrorists i've said it all along

and AF's advocacy for Zion/Israel is, likewise, well-documented

shame on you


Newspaceman said...

Yeah Ray, Taliclan.


Alveriooydr said...

cheers to all, will get back to posting soon as..