Documenting from Scotland the rise of the One World King; the "masonic" Sun God.

Saturday 20 October 2012

Speed bonny boat

There's a big party up in Scotland's palindromic Glenelg today. Reason is that it is to be twinned with another Glenelg, the one on Mars. From the BBC we learn that the Glenelg in space "takes it's name from a particular rock found in the Northwest Territories" in Canada, although it's roots are indeed to be found up in the Scottish Highlands.

Back in the 1700's an (English) redcoat barracks was constructed there shortly after the Jacobite rising, whilst a century later the bulk of the population were burned out their homes during the Highland Clearances and then sailed off to colonise British territories elsewhere on planet Earth.

During the week, again from the BBC, we learned that the the pyramidical rock imaged above, which was discovered on Mars and named Jake, has been analysed by top boffins in Nasa and discovered to be a classification of the Earth type mugearite. It is apparently a "cosmic coincidence" that this rock type was originally "discovered" only 25 miles west of Scottish Glenelg, on Mugeary, Isle of Skye.

As I have noted many times before, the game plan appears to be to create a unified global slave-based civilisation here on Earth, whilst colonising outer space over the future. One wonders if yet again the Scots will be uprooted to facilitate the exodus and, just maybe, if there is more to the palindrome than meets the eye.


wiki - Skye Boat Song

wiki - Jacobitism

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