Documenting from Scotland the rise of the One World King; the "masonic" Sun God.

Tuesday 7 October 2014

Favours returned

Just briefly :

I touched on David Cameron's alleged gaffe in respect of the Queen and Scottish independence in the post Pussies Galore - the British Prime Minster  being "overheard" remarking to Michael Bloomberg that H.M. had "purred down the line" after he telephoned her at Scottish Balmoral to advise of the referendum result. As I noted within the post, I found it hard to believe, the whole scenario no doubt stage managed.

That was back on 23rd September.

Yesterday, 13 days after the event,  it was reported by the BBC that Michael Bloomberg has been knighted by the Queen and will now become a Knight Commander (KBE).

I wonder if he purred when he heard the news.


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