Up here in Scotland, a favourite children's performance is called the Singing Kettle, basically a sing-along, act-along, stage variety show for the precious wee-ones.
Somehow, I was reminded of this act when I tuned in to the Red Ice "conspiracy" site and found a headline banner advertisment for an event called The Alternative View,
run by a character called Ian Crane, who, incidentally, receives messages for mankind via a mysterious shamanic entity. We read from the AV mission statement, a pre-requisite for any corporate organisation nowadays:
To advance awareness and facilitate discussion of Political, Scientific and Spiritual alternatives without constraint by Consensus Reality and/or Received Wisdom. Mankind is at a fork in the road. Ahead, potentially, is an Orwellian nightmare, or an opportunity to participate in creating a new beginning for our world.
Tickets for this "opportunity" come in the manner of Olympic medals; gold, silver and bronze, the gold priced at £149, with an "earlybird saver" deal of £129, giving an enhanced range of facilities as we note:
Seated in Front Section of Auditorium (First 5 Rows).
First option on all Workshops (No extra Charge).
Join the Speakers for Cocktails in the Green Room on both Saturday & Sunday Evening
Dinner with Speakers on either Saturday or Sunday Evening (Dinner not included)
Free Tea/Coffee during designated breaks.
Designated seating area for Tea/Coffee Breaks
5% discount on Event DVDs
Free Access to The Alternative Market
It should additionally be stated that in order to qualify for one of the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory style golden tickets, one must also book three nights hotel accommodation.
All together now, from the Singing Kettle:
Let me tell you something, all you need to know,
everything about yourself from your head down to your toes:
Eyes, nose, cheeky cheeky chin,
cheeky cheeky chin, nose, eyes.