A clandestine meeting was arranged; at a garage service station - a shrewd move by Harry; according to Sangita - as he would be able to monitor other vehicles who may have been observing or following her. Negotiations to purchase a baby for "adoption" were quickly made.
After a couple of further hotel meetings at which Harry offered to procure an infant for 60,000 euros ,a viewing was arranged in an outdoor cafe. Our reporter sat whilst no less than four adorable little-ones were displayed by their parents or grandparents. They told of their struggle to bring up their children and their wish for a better home for them.
That seemed to be about it. Sangita had reported Harry to the Bulgarian authorities and they had arrested him. We were treated to some figures about child trafficking, 330 in the UK in 2005-06.
1.2 million per year worldwide. No mention was made of Madonna and her penchance for purchasing babies.
Floods were next and tragically two men perished in the basement of a rugby club, probably from fumes from a faulty pump. The usual flood images were shown before we went to Gavin Hewitt in Gloucester. Gavin told how the water crisis is easing with "less agitation round the bowsers today". He warned of further torrential rain though and told that although some were "still desperate for water", it appeared that unknown individuals have been maliciously "turning on the dowser taps and letting the water simply run away". One wonders how they could do this, given the queues ?
Gavin then said he heard a gentleman shouting at another, close to a bowser. He raced from his vehicle with the camera crew and appeared to instantaneously apprehend an Asian couple with their car boot open. The camera showed about a dozen five litre drums of water. Gavin asked why they had all the water, they explained it was for their family. Gavin nodded suggestively. Either liars or maybe they do have a big family ? We saw exactly the same senario earlier in the week with the free bottled water and another Asian gentleman.
Soldier killed next by Taliban in Afghansitan
16 year old boy shot in London. Was chased first by a gang on bicycles.
Comedy writer, Chris Laghham, who faces various child abuse charges told a court how he himself had been abused and that he had attempted suicide. We saw images of him frantically smoking a cigarette.
A test case on overdraft charges by the banks will be heard in the High Court today.
Financial Services - share prices plummeted.
An honour killing next, details of another of these, almost religious, killings.
NASA next where a nefarious individual has, apparently, tampered with some equipment, cutting wires and suchlike. Notwithstanding this, it appears that some astronauts have been drunk going up into space.
Poor Shambo next. The Hindu monks sacred cow was taken away to be killed because it has bovine TB, a cattle disease. We saw the police invading a religious service and dragging away some worshippers before Shamo was put in the back of a cattle-van and driven away. There was filth everywhere. Last thing we saw was its eyes looking out the truck but a monk told us Shambos life was not in vain.
And neither was this feature which started in May this year. What it was telling us is that it doesnt really matter about logic any more, or decency or principles or even common sense. We live in a totalitarian state where any deviancy will not be tolerated. You might not think that but this type of feature is part of a very slow and nefarious conditioning programme. You see enough of these features and you just accept what you are being told - you have already been conditioned through the television to believe that resistance is futile - because you have seen it happen so many times on your screen.
Last word on Shambo. We are due to slaughter thousands of badgers because they are believed to carry bovine TB. This has been done before and does not actually work. We are doing this so that Shambos genetically modified brothers and sisters are available cheaply for us to eat.
ITN - "Off your face in outer space"

Moonshine ?
Ahaaaaaaa. a fine picture of what looks like Polish Slivovice , and it certainly can be described as moonshine.
Here the Czech Republic contains a large area of Land called Moravia, which is famous among other things for its production of Domaci [Domaatsy] Slivovice - Home made Plum spirit. it's usual for CzechoMoravians to collect plums or damsons [ Slivo] , take them to a distillers and have them distilled. Many Moravians have their own distilleries. Moravians claim that Slivovice keeps in check a variety of bugs, illnesses etc. I have been to a newsagent-foodstore [ privately owned] at 7 in the morning and waited behind a little old lady knocking back a wee one fi' the constitution. A friend took some to India to stave off bacteria attack. Usually around 50% proof, often higher, it offers a morning free of hangover.
Ther's a link to that clock at my blog
Nazdravi [ your health]
Hi Brian,
I lost one of your messages last week. Apologies for that...
Have been checking in at your blog- love the Hermit post. Have you had any takers yet?
All the best
Cheers ferrismoon, I was not being cheeky about the German, I am not too great with computers, even in English.
Hiya Ben, thanks; no joy with hermits job, closest I have come is Charles Jencks ? head gardener trying to swap a ginger beer bottle last night.
He even tried a fox, crow , cheese strategy, luckily I read aesop when younger.
I should probably also thank you about the loss, especially if it related to Captain Pugwash.
I can't read the German either , I tried the 'translate this page' which turned into a strangely syntaxed wierd thing.
1004+1006= 2010 = 2 years to go
Chow 4 now
No Pugwash involved, unless that is a crude metaphor for U R Semen.
Sadly I seem to be losing messages and e-mails at the moment... Is someone trying to put me out of business? But I'll still be around even if you don't hear from me.
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