I need to take a break from this - in the meantime fresh from today is the story that golden hearted Prince William is to train with the RAF Search and Rescue Force as a "full-time pilot", furthermore stating that he wishes to "serve operationally"within the service.
Search and Rescue is part of 22 Squadron, their badge as pictured a curious combination of a Maltese Cross with the symbol for pi fimbriated.

BBC report here .
S-Quad also infers 4 [ with the 22].
Hope u have a fine break, and that wee lad and fine lady are well.
Catch 22 was inspired by a Czech novel called 'The Good Soldier Svejk[ shvayk]' by Jaroslav Hasek.
Worth a read
Cheers afm, I read catch 22 at school, will look out for the other at the jumbles sales etc.
All is well, just need to clear my head (and my expanding belly) a bit.
Pi in the sky.
Sorry Jimbo.
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