In Yellow Brick Road last December we noted the student "revolution" demonstration and the "attack" on Prince Charles' car en route the Wizard of Oz billboard festooned Palladium for the Royal Variety Show. Top image is from that post, bottom from Wills' current Oz trip.

Isn't there going be a huge new production of the Wizard of Oz in London in 2012?
Oz backwards is 'zo' and any Scrabble expert will tell you that this is another word for 'zoo' or 'beast' -
actually the etymology is:
From comb. form of Gk. [[[zoion]]] "an animal," lit. "a living being," from PIE base *gwei- "to live, life"
The bracket emphasis is my own - that word is very close to "zion."
I also must post:
"And he had power to [[[give life unto the image of the beast]]], that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads."
Revelation 13:15-16
The bracket emphasis is my own.
So then what is the "image"?
Big willy plays some football with the melbourne demons manager.
Look hither, did you know that a plane crashed on wills day of birth?
Image is a reproduction of the beast. What that is, we don't know.
Image = imagination = hologram?
The image could easily be contained on one of those "bangle" things that many wear nowadays to advertise their commitment to a particular cause. In this instance, it may be world peace.
Zion = In Oz.
The Oz production is running now Jimbo, Dorothy was selected via a TV show.
Kal, what can I say, you are genius ?
as at AF's the pix are telling the tail recently...
reaching, reaching, celebrity cultomania, whether it's liverpudlian beetles, adolphs, baracks ...demanding hand-mana their idols never possessed
just before checking in here i was reading about the porcine, collective-manic nature of the cult of diana at ephesus, which paul called "global" (early first century)
Kerang from aboriginal-- cockatoo, parasite, or moon
11 killed, 23 injured in 2007 crash on the Swan Hill Railway line in Kerang, Victoria
all the children in the photo have their heads covered (ie spiritually) except for one -- the one the prince is looking directly at
So instead of the Olympics, Oz runs through the Royal Wedding. Still, appropriate.
William is still associated with Zion (his crest.)
Not to disagree or get sidetracked but back to 'hologram' for a second:
1. Prince Charles was the first person we know to be transported via hologram.
2. The root of 'hologram' is the word, "whole" and "whole" can mean pure and perfect.
Ray, thanks very much (again), your info is much appreciated.
Jimbo, the Oz theme certainly runs through the wedding, today's BBC state that Kate will be using the riot damaged blood red (claret) Rolls Royce (as per post image) for her "big day" :
I am no genius Newspaceman, i am guided.
Unless I have missed it, I think it would be interesting to note in an article how Kate seems to be calling on the spirit of Diana for this wedding.
Kate was born on a day with a lunar eclipse (sound familiar?) So there is the whole moon connection with Diana. But then there's the ring and the car and the buggy and it probably goes on and on and on.
This is no shock to any of us but there are sinister forces at work and they are empowered by ritual after ritual.
Jimbo, this year on Diana's bday is the first new saros eclipse cycle since 1927, we are currently on 117 through 155, it will be saros 156 and there wont be another new cycle born untill June 21, 2058 - PW's bday!
This year there are four solar eclipses compared to the usual two or so.
Three eclipses all in 30 days coming soon..
"I am the first and the last":
117 is the first and 157 is (our) last, 117 will die four years before 157 begins.
"For solar eclipses, (in 2003) the 39 series numbered between 117 and 155 are active, whereas for lunar eclipses, there are now 41 active Saros series"
The last, saros 157 is born on PW's bday i mean in 2058, he will be 76 - thus he catches the death of his birth series and the birth of 157 on his 76th bday.
sorry guys but you're absolutely wrong. If you think God works by the rules of 'gematria' or whatever occult shit Kal Dani is obsessed with (fancying he is some kind of messiah of sorts) you are no smarter and no better than them. God's ways are beyond human logic and cheap human calculations. The Jews tried to pull this long before you and they got burned pathetically. You just can't take random numbers and dare think you got his thinking. If the flight number was different Kal Dani would have used the number of passengers or maybe the pilot's shoe size wouldn't he? I am really really sorry for you.. and disappointed too. I have hoped this blog was smarter than the rest of the crap spilled all over the net..
You are right Raphael, this blog is smarter than the average blog. Hence, when I checked Dani's "messiah" post I immediately realised his "missing link". Yes, it is me, newspaceman, born exactly 2 years and 2 days (the double 11) after Dani, in central Edinburgh, where the "real" Stone of Destiny is stashed. 13/12 being St. Lucy's Day, the date of the treaty of Lisbon siging and, pertinatly, the date Saddam was captured in his bunker. Thus Dani is indeed genuis, his remarkable post leading to myself.
Eureka! Voila, it was elementary my dear Watson.
Now Newspaceman i shall section you and make you whole.
I too claim the stone of destiny for i am also in edinburgh. Fight you for it! Square goz.
I really hope you are being wry... Because I hate to be the bad news bearer but Brit land superbia is definitely NOT the center of the universe, nor do its inhabitants carry that kind of global significance. In fact historic accounts tell the story of a barbaric people with accordingly primitive beliefs and the stone worshipers convention gathered on this blog is the living proof.. With philosophers like Kal Dani there's no wonder the world is circling the drain..
Do you REALLY think a stupid piece of shit stone is relevant in ANY FCUKING WAY??? Do you REALLY??
Raphael, perhaps you are right i dont know but remember God structured the universe on mathematical fashion: Pi does not change etc yet it dictates the measutrement of a circle every time, this is a physical sign of the truth of a theoretical or esoteric principle, a template (math theory and practice).
It mentions a man with a measuring rod in revelation and also it makes mention of being compassed.
I did not make up these calculations in my blog and as for the coincidences, well that is there for you the reader to quantify what is real or not.
Not unless that is i am "the Lathe of heaven" as in the book, dreaming reality!
Layth by the river of Leith in Loth-ian.
...is near the Liath fail which was stashed in the Lathe factory by the Scottish students when they took back the stone.
Two golden calves - one in Bethel and one in Dan.
Dan used to be Laish which is Hebrew variant of Layth and Bethel is whence the stone of Scone/destiny came from.
Add 2 and 2 to that!
Newspaceman you mention president Saddam, and well you should:
He used to make a speech on 8th August and he opened his swords of Qadisyyah monument on August 8th
The stone of destiny was stolen on August 8th 1296.
He sent 336,000 troops to the 19th provence, Kuwait.
He commisioned the 336,000 words written in his own blood in a Koran.
336,000 hours between his son Uday and his wielding the massive ceremonial sword.
The stone of destiny weighs 336 lbs.
You sure its the real one?
Hey guys you dont mind an Iraqi being cleverer than you? Dont worry, we invented writing and the wheel and besided we teach you chivalry. you can trust me.
"At the end of the anticipated Royal wedding in April, Prince William will smash a glass, as is typically done in Jewish weddings, Jewish Chronicle reports. ..."
"Mazal Tov! Prince William and Kate Middleton's Jewish wedding" - Haaretz.com..
"The expression comes from the Mishnaic Hebrew mazzāl, meaning "constellation" or "destiny." This in turn is thought to have derived from the Akkadian language manzaltu, mazzaztum" wiki
Akkadian is one of the ancient languages of Iraq.
Jimbo, you are a dabbler in astronomy?
"Mazal-tov literally means "a good /favorable zodiacal constellation."
""Few realize, however, that though that is what is intended, that is not what the phrase means. Mazal-tov literally means "a good /favorable zodiacal constellation."
"....The observation of the heavens for fateful indications, a task performed by a corps of astronomers-priests, assumed a key role in Babylonian times....
"....Today’s horoscopic astrology’s roots go back well beyond the Babylonians, the "Chaldeans" of Greek reports. Coupled with the twelve-month calendar, the notion that Fate and the Zodiac are two aspects of the same course of events undoubtedly began at least when the calendar began - in Nippur, in 3760 B.C. (which is when the count of the Jewish calendar began). That such an association can be gleaned, in our opinion, from one of the Sumerian constellation names, that of ZI.BA.AN.NA. The term, understood to mean "Heavenly Fate" literally means "Life-Decision in the heavens" as well as "The Heavenly Scales of Life...." In the Papyrus of Ani, the god Anubis is shown weighing the heart (Day of Judgment) in a balance and the god Thoth, the Divine Scribe recording the result on a pallet."
@Kal Dani
If you really are an Iraqi you better shut up before I stop feeling sorry for what happened to your people. I just hope not all Iraqis think like you, otherwise the destruction may be well deserved..
Not at all, i am most crude in comparison to the manners of Iraqi's. Its my Irish heritage coming out in this dull and crude netherzone of the world, Caledonia.
Do not feel sorry for my people, feel sorry for yourself, for the iraqis destroyed your country's economy, pride, integrity, respect and future. The Iraqi resistance destroyed your army and the world laughs at your stupid cruelty.
Allah shines on our martyrs and we are a much more ancient people with thousand of years of civilisation. Iraqis are stronger than you can comprehend and will rebuild.
Saddam built a country again from dust, your politicos destroyed theirs even though it was so lofty.
spaceman, did you remove my reponse? i dont see it
perhaps it was misplaced midst all the glittering commentary ;O)
Indeed there is a post missing! Perchance spaceman has censored it? Ran away with it and is in a foetalposition fondling your coment in a little cubby hole?
Well spaceman, care to spill the beans??
Ray, was it contentious? Valuable?
Kal, please dont comment here again, I will just delete them from now on or close comments completely. I don't have time for this. cheers
Ray - this is the missing comment here, don't know why it did not post:
Jimbo wrote:
"The root of 'hologram' is the word, "whole" and "whole" can mean pure and perfect.
"Unless I have missed it, I think it would be interesting to note in an article how Kate seems to be calling on the spirit of Diana for this wedding.
"This is no shock to any of us but there are sinister forces at work and they are empowered by ritual after ritual."
what's being discussed in this post is a portion of a much larger overarching Dianic/Demetrian ritual, under general rubric of the Royal Wedding (which, to the medieval or modern alchemist constitutes the crux of the "great work," manipulating the primal duality NRG of female/male)
that's why i mentioned the global and EXTREMELY popular Cult of Diana (both virgin and mother goddess) at Ephesus, contemporaneous with christ
all alchemical operations, particularly Royal Weddings (coniunctio) require LOTS of blood, preferably human blood, to “drive” the occult NRG, and this one’s no different, which is why i mentioned the Swan Hill Railway “accident” that yielded “prime” masonic numerals (11 dead, 23 injured)
reading James Frazer and his many accounts of Dianic goddess-worship rites, we find that Druidry and oaks/holly are major facilitators... thus, at the Royal Wedding in question, someone pretending to “christianity” (Archbishop Rowan Williams) but who actually practices Druidry – like any early-A.D. pagan priest – will facilitate and officiate (seal) the Royal Wedding
b/c Diana was and is largely a Virgin Cult, borrowed from many predecessors (Isis, Astarte etc.) the equivalence of “hologram” with “pure” (virgin) speaks volumes
where have we seen virgins, goddesses, and holograms coincide before?
answer: at 20th century “visitations” by the “holy mother goddess” at various locations around the world
given the large number of witnesses at some of these events, mass hallucination (tho not mass influencing) is ruled out – those people saw SOMETHING, and most go along with the claims of the “entity” that she is the Virgin Mary, manifesting to lead the planet out of its crises
however, i think what they witnessed were holograms, of varying sophistication, used in concert with differing sound systems, depending upon technology available at the time
recall that members of the “Synchronicity Foundation” claimed repeated visitations by the “Holy Mother” at their large compound in Virginia, and that the leader of this Foundation and his young daughter subsequently were killed at the Mumbai Massacre (Mumbai = goddess)
thus the personalized icon/idol goddess, Princess Diana, tho dead still overshadows the Will/Kate royal wedding, b/c the over-riding ritual is archetypally Dianic in its ancient bases... a recapitulation... round n round the old maypole we go
the Virgin Goddess, despite moniker, is a whore, as were the “priestesses” of the ancient cults of Diana – their virginity refers not to sexual chastity, but to the independence/sovereignty of human females from any authority of God or man
in Christian terms, the females’ heads are “uncovered” meaning in rebellion -- and thus open to, and inviting of, malevolent spiritual influences
thats why William stares directly at the only uncovered female in the group, and she stares directly at him (he is “marrying the goddess” like any historical or prehistorical year-king, the girl being actually more representative of the Virgin than his own betrothed)
with the New Woman Order already in place in most of the world, and consolidating fast, the William/Kate alkhemical wedding takes on capstone-like significance
the post-war Working of Parsons and Hubbard (after Crowley) specifically sought to incarnate such a goddess
Awesome stuff, Spaceman.
This could really complicated but I will keep it very short.
Mary means 'mother of Jesus' but comes from 'maryam', which means 'rebellion.'
Rebellion, the Old Testament tells us, "Is as the sin of witchcraft."
Was this an imbedded clue for us today? A clue about Mary Magdelene?
Is it any coincidence that Mary Magdalene (the prostitute) had the first name, Mary - and certainly is used today by Dan Brown and the others of that ilk to confuse and corrupt the beliefs of people who do not know the Bible?
It's no coincidence. It's also no coincidence that MM was a prostitute (the opposite of virgin/pure), nor is it a coincidence that she was the one who first saw Jesus after His ressurection, according to the Gospels. She would be linked with Jesus there and before and even now in different ways. All the while, our brain connects Mary to his mother. So there is even the incest connection.
No coincidence that M is the 13th letter of our alphabet and 13 is the number of witches in a coven.
MM. I'll bet her middle name began with an 'm' as well. Isn't that convenient?
Jared Loughners mental evaluation has to be completed by April 29th , for some reason.
Ties in headwound to Giffords and headwound to Wills 20years ago.
Wills was 9 , as was the age of 9/11 born Christina Green [ killed at Tucson]
If not already noted , Wills and Kate are both ensconced on Anglesey which was the last refuge of the Druids [ or many of them] in Roman Times. Allegedly many were tarred and feathered and pushed into the sea at Holyhead.
A link to RAF Fali/Valley where there's a dragon carrying something emblem
thx for finding yesterday's response Spaceman
"If not already noted , Wills and Kate are both ensconced on Anglesey which was the last refuge of the Druids [ or many of them] in Roman Times"
sounds right AF ... v tidy indeed
speaking as an ignerunt furrener, i also seem to recall Anglesey as something of a longstanding goddess stronghold.... reminds me of the cat stevens paen to her, "she moves like an angel/and seven evening stars"
chris knowles at secret sun blog suggests that 'Katherine' is a goddess sobriquet ie ka + hathor
Hi Ray
Mon Mam Cymru - Mona, Mother of Wales, as it grew enough corn to feed all of Wales.
Mona is a goddess for the Saxons but apparently Mona is from Latin .
When I lived there the island had a Nuclear Power Sta., Oil refinery and Zinc works but no hospital, that was on the mainland.
It has a very old copper mine - parys Mountain and at one time Anglesey was one of the world's biggest copper exporters.
Do not feel sorry for my people, feel sorry for yourself, for the iraqis destroyed your country's economy, pride, integrity, respect and future. The Iraqi resistance destroyed your army and the world laughs at your stupid cruelty. Allah shines on our martyrs and we are a much more ancient people with thousand of years of civilisation. Iraqis are stronger than you can comprehend and will rebuild. Saddam built a country again from dust, your politicos destroyed theirs even though it was so lofty.
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