As with Saturday, we moved on to Gordon Brown and Cobra; the exclusion zone and the home made foot and mouth signs with wellie wash tub. This seemed handy because our reporter from yesterday, Jeremy Hook, was then pictured at a country fair in the essential green wellingtons. Obviously the fair has been badly affected by the livestock movement ban and we saw the image of a tannoy loudspeaker as it advised of the "malicious outbreak of foot and mouth". David Cameron was also at the fair and he had a few words to say about it all. The feature closed by telling us that the "exclusion zone is the foundation stone of the campaign against the disease"
Madeleine McCann next, the suspect hopes that the third search of his property which is currently being carried out will finally clear his name. We saw a video of the girl and were told that her parents intend to remain in Portugal until the girl is found.
Immigrants have escaped from a detention centre near Oxford. Apparently, they escaped after a fire was started and we saw images of police with riot shields. We heard from a local resident who had caught one, however there are still 14 on the run. Mention was made of the conditions these people are held in, it does not sound too salubrious.
Summer finally reaches England and Wales - the hottest day of the year. We went to a kiddies festival in Bristol where we saw a young girl playing, dressed in a pink top and bonnet, very similar to the clothes worn by poor Maddie. Images were then shown of brightly coloured yachts, bobbing in a bay.
A long feature on Lewis Hamilton next, he won his third Grand Prix this season and is seven points ahead. His teammates did not look too happy and we heard of bad feelings given an incident between them yesterday.

Whisky advertising - foundation stone of motor racing ?
Chelsea and Man United - Penalty shoot out at the new Wembley.
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