A mother, Sharon Wright, who killed her own baby daughter, Leticia, followed as we heard that the child was locked in a room with no toys and that when found she had over 100 separate injuries. Countless images of the girl were shown and we heard from neighbours who had seen the child standing at a window on countless occasions - eventually they had phoned the authorities which was when matters came to light. Sharon and her boyfriend, who was not the father, were both given life sentences.
Soldier killed in Afghanistan - Arial map in blood red to illustrate
2 soldiers killed in Iraq yesterday - named and photographic images shown.
Alzheimer's disease, campaigners yesterday lost their attempt to force the NHS to prescribe drugs to sufferers. The NHS claim that the drugs in question do not make enough of a difference to make them worthwhile for the majority. We heard from sufferers who were disgusted at the decision and images of adorable grandchildren were shown.
Body found in Essex, believed to be that of Natasha Coombs, aged 17.
The McCanns again, they are angry at speculative media reports which appear to link them and their holiday party with that of their missing daughter. We saw images of Maddy and were told of the little actual facts there were. We heard of Robert Murat, the families campaign (like nothing before), David Beckham cropped up as we heard of "sophisticated multimedia", and then we saw Mrs McCann with the Pope.

Again we were reminded of facts and speculation. There seems to be "few hard facts". Nothing was uncovered in the searches of Mr Murat's mothers property. Mention was made of the bloodstains and that the "Portuguese police question the abduction"Again we saw the McCanns and we concluded by being told we "dont actually know anything."
Secondhand Lions anyone ?
Coming up - football - foreign players - the FA are worried.
Foot and Mouth - we heard how the disease appears to have been contained and that some of the culled animals did not actually have the virus at all. David Shukman, the chief scientific reporter for the BBC, told of "parallel fronts" and "stress in labs". Gordon Brown, the PM, told how "Britain is open for business." We spoke to John Emerson via telephone, a farmer who's
herd of cattle was destroyed and then to close we hoped of no further outbreaks - "touch wood."
Kenny Ritchie, a scotsman who has been on Death Row for a considerable number of years has had in sentence overturned.
Serving military personnel are to be forced to seek approval from the MOD before posting any blogs, video clips etc to the internet. We heard how this could be a security risk - images were shown of home made mobile phone video battle clips.
Football as promised, a long feature on foreign players and whether they are good for the game - all the usual celebrity footballers were on hand, black and white.
To finish, the death of Anthony Wilson yesterday. Mr Wilson was heavily involved with the Manchester music scene and the Hacienda night club, images were shown of him and we heard of New Order. From Black Friday to Blue Monday.
I saw the Mc Cann film the other night. Considering some people's opinion that the parents perhaps have an interest in the burgeoning business [ due to donations and media speculation] out of kilter with worried parents, this film does synchronize. the mother sends the boy off to the 2 'uncles' but it's her way of finding out where all their loot is hidden. She also sends him off so she can spend the summer with a new man.
Good to find a Spanish or Portuguese poster.
It is uncanny, cheers
Makes me wonder whether the MOD decision was something to do with the recent video clip of British squaddies engaging the "Taliban" in a poppy field in Afghanistan whilst calling in an airstrike on the enemy positions. One of the soldiers is apparently heard saying he'd like to throw a grenade into the middle of the crop but another tells him he'd be in for the telling off of a lifetime if he did.
The media seems to inform us that the Taliban are responsible for the massive amounts of heroin that are currently being produced and that Afghan farmers are encouraged by us to grow alternative crops such as mint. Just how stupid do they think we are?
As Craig Murray points out:"The truth is that the vast majority of heroin produced in Afghanistan is
produced by members of the Afghan government, which our
soldiers are dying to protect."
It could well have been Martin, thanks.
It could almost be the case in certain deprived areas of Scotland, that the real viable choices for children (aged 16) are either join the forces, or end up a smackhead.
You cant win, either way.
Couldn't agree more, mate.
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