Documenting from Scotland the rise of the One World King; the "masonic" Sun God.

Friday, 24 June 2016

Independence Day - Scotland is Key ?

The butterfly emerges (thanks to Anon2)

One begins a jigsaw puzzle by sorting the pieces out: the ones with straight edges and the corners are set aside to make a frame. Then one fills in the middle, little bits at a time. As one progresses it gets easier as there are fewer pieces. It's hard to complete without the picture on the box.

The picture I see, as I often reiterate, is Prince William being crowned on the Stone of Destiny (Jacob's Pillow Stone) here in Scotland,  before going on to be Rex Mundi - The King of the World. I believe that magick, sorcery and alchemy are all at play in this ritual and that Scotland is pivotal.

Yesterday was the Brexit vote. Top leave campaigner, Nigel Farage, is declaring yesterday, 23rd June, Independence Day. The United Kingdom have voted to leave the E.U. but the people of Scotland, who only last year voted to remain with the UK, have voted to remain in the E.U. Talk is of another Scottish referendum on independence, rapidly.

The leader of the leave campaign is London mayor, Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, Boris for short. We saw Boris back in 2008 at the Beijing London Olympic handover, flying the flag. Yesterday Boris was up in Scotland at St. Andrews, "causing chaos" at his daughter's otherwise orderly graduation ceremony. St Andrews, home of golf is, of course, where Prince William and Kate kindled their relationship. St. Andrew brought Christianity to many countries.  (here)

Stained glass representation of St. Andrew. Note Templar crosses. Some claim the fish represent the "astrological" sign of Pisces.
When Boris was in Beijing he shared the stage, so to speak, with Led Zeppelin's Jimmy Page who dueted with Leona Lewis. Jimmy was a great fan of Aleister Crowley. So much so he purchased Boleskine House, the Scottish property acquired by "The Beast" to carry out various magickal rituals. Crowley proclaimed that Boleskine was a magnet for harnessable energies which he could tap into.

Yesterday Led Zeppelin were cleared of plagiarising their song, Stairway to Heaven. (here)

Boleskine House, ravaged by fire the day after the winter solstice 2015. The Summer Solstice was Monday past - The Melting Pot

Yesterday and today are the 702nd anniversary of the Battle of Bannockburn. Some claim that the Knight's Templar gave Scotland handers in the alleged miltary confrontation. Some claim the Knights Templar spawned freemasonry.  Alex Salmond, ex Scottish political top-dog, described the skirmish as "the birthplace of modern Scotland". (here)

Yesterday, Prince Charles was up in Scotland playing the bagpipes.  He was here the day before too. His consort, Camilla, visited a sandwich shop in Edinburgh's Rose Street - following in the footsteps of George Clooney and to be followed by Leonardo DiCaprio later this year. Leonardo has links to Scotland via his godfather, a chap called Robbie the Pict, who may well be not what he seems. Roses are symbolic as are their lines. (Bridge Building)

One eyed DiCaprio
Last night, the would-be American President with Scottish roots, Donald Trump, jetted into Scotland. Today he is due to officially open "his" Turnberry golf resort. Donald has hailed the result of Brexit as "great thing", which apparently it is, given his ambitions. (here)

As I have noted before, when one practices alchemy, one's materials require to be "back to base" before one can begin to form the "gold". It irons out any butterfly effect.


Note that Prince Charles also visited a primary school in Kilmarnock. The alleged killer of Joe Cox, Thomas Mair, was born in Kilmarnock. It appears he was there until aged 11 or so.

Friday, 17 June 2016

Biting on Apple

Prince William is worried.

Yesterday, speaking at a conference for leading digital and technological entrepreneurs from the UK and around the world - The Founders Forum - he told of his concerns relating to cyber-bullying of children. In fact he is "appalled". However, William embraces technology, often like many of his age utilising his smart-phone for "news, sport, music and the odd bit of gaming".

Apparently though, the fly in the ointment in terms of prevention of cyber-bullying is Apple; they have not yet been tempted to board William's crusade.

Whilst at the event  Wills was introduced to "the most humanoid robot ever created" which goes by the name Nao. It attemped to dance for the Prince to Daft Punk's Get Lucky however fell over and had to be righted, it's internal gyroscope failing.

He also marvelled at a "human-sized" drone designed to carry an individual 100 metres into the air. However, it too failed, it's cargo, a Juergen Weigl, having eaten too many hamburgers.

Sometimes I see positives in failure.


News report - here.

Jesus, Holyrood and the Stone of Destiny

Allow me to return to the events in Edinburgh's Court of Session, Tuesday past.

The "independence seeking" Sovereign Indigenous Peoples of Scotland  set up a shanty-camp outside the Scottish Parliament building at Royal Holyrood; the authorities are not happy and have commenced legal action to evict them.

A Mr. McFarlane spoke for them initially. He told Lord Turnbull that he personally had spoken to Jesus, who is here for his second coming, and Jesus want's the camp to stay. Jesus has also requested that the Stone of Destiny be transported to the shanty-camp in order that he can be crowned upon it.

Mr. McFarlane has tried to secure legal representation, allegedly contacting 144 lawyers, all of whom were too busy. Mr. McFarlane advised Lord Turnbull that Jesus had suggested that this was deliberate as they would "not wish to bite the hand that feeds them". Furthermore, Jesus loves all of us including Lord Turnbull.

Lord Turnbull rebuked Mr. McFarlane for not sticking to legal matters and for making "philosophical and spiritual arguments that could not be properly examined by the court".

I'm interested in Mr. McFarlane's thesis, unfortunately though I don't see it being Jesus being next to be crowned on the Stone. Rather, his opposite prior to global kingship. Perhaps Mr. McFarlane is occultly alluding to that, perhaps he assumes Lord Turnbull knows the blueprint intimately and is poking the hornet's nest?

It's worth noting that Lord Turnbull was one of the prosecuting council in both the Lockerbie trial and the murder Jodi Jones, on 3/6/3 - an act allegedly inspired by Marilyn Manson, an individual who has certainly got his finger on the pulse.

Marilyn Manson, Magick, Jodi Jones and the Clutha


The previous Court judgement can be found here.

Edinburgh Evening News.

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Triggers with Attitude ?

History has been made. Prince William is the first member of the royal family to appear on the front page of a gay magazine. It's Attitude and it comes out next Wednesday, the 22nd, the day after Wills' 34th birthday. Bear in mind it's a leap year. Allegedly the bullying of LGBT people has it's roots in the classroom. (here)

Apparently the magazine went to print before the events in Orlando last weekend, so there's surely no possibility he's jumping on the bandwagon so to speak. Surely?

Yesterday, I noted the claims in court re the second coming of Jesus and the Stone of Destiny. Curiously, another story hit the Scottish headlines similtaneously, plans are afoot to move the Stone from Edinburgh Castle to Perth. Whether, and if so when this happens will be interesting. (Daily Record)

The Childcatcher - From London Olympic's opening ceremony

Coincidentally, coinciding with  William's ground breaking announcement, up here in Scotland the BBC are reporting via their "Scotland Live" reports that Jordan Daly,  "co-founder of the "Time for Inclusive Education" campaign said that despite the law banning the "promotion" of homosexuality in schools being repealed, there had been little progress in the past 16 years.

His comments come as party leaders said Holyrood must take a greater role in advancing LGBT equality.

Mr Daly says teachers need to be better informed.

"We're being told the same thing - that teachers do not know where the boundaries are. They do not really know where they can discuss LGBT issues. We have spoken to teachers in faith schools who believe that if they do discuss these issues then they might lose their job. It has to be made clear to teachers that you can discuss these issues, there is no law anymore that outlaws it".

Promotion being the salient word.

I have written about LGBT Scotland before, in particular referencing their A Very Gayleigh Ceilidh, targeting children aged 12+, which was held in my locality back in 2008. Flyers for the event were being distributed at schools and local health centres. In 2008 LGBT Scotland received £1.1 million from the Scottish Government. In 2008 the director of LGBT Scotland was a Neil Rennie. In 2009 Rennie was sentenced to 14 years inprisonment for sexually assaulting a three month old. Rennie was also a qualified teacher. (Who ate all the PIE)

We see the agenda unfold.


Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Words almost fail me

It's rare that a news report makes me choke on my tea or that I write two posts in one day.

Close to the Scottish Parliament building at Royal Holyrood a makeshift shanty town has been established in respect of Scottish independence. The parliament is not happy and has taken legal steps to remove them. The inhabitants of the shanty-town - IndyCamp - previously represented themselves in court. They argued about the Declaration of Arbroath and the Act of Union, basically citing that the laws being used to remove them were themselves illegal. It's a sort of "freeman on the land" argument. At the last hearing, the presiding judge, Lord Turnbull, dismissed their arguments as having "no foundation" however he suggested they perhaps utilise human rights legislation and directed them to consult a solicitor.

Today the case was continued. Apparently Indycamp have contacted 144 lawyers (12x12/ Book of Revelation) to try to find representation, however all are too busy.

I will just cut and paste from the BBC article which resonates many of the philosophies expressed here, albeit  through a looking glass :

Independence campaigners have announced their intention to cite the Queen as a witness in their fight against eviction from Holyrood.

The IndyCamp group described their vigil outside the Scottish Parliament as a "spiritual mission" inspired by "the second coming of Jesus Christ".

The parliament has taken them to the Court of Session in a bid to have them removed from the campus.

Judge Lord Turnbull has retired to consider the next steps in the case.

The latest hearing was intended to let the group provide an update on their attempts to find a lawyer to represent them in court.

In unusual scenes at the Court of Session, the hearing eventually saw the Queen cited as a witness, the rebirth of Jesus proclaimed and Lord Turnbull himself accused of "blasphemy".

 Camper Richard McFarlane told Lord Turnbull that he had contacted 144 lawyers and firms, who all told him they were "too busy".

He explained that about half of the people taking part in the camp, which was set up in November with the goal of staying in place until Scotland is independent, were on a "spiritual mission".

He said Jesus Christ had returned to earth and was "the rightful monarch" of Scotland, calling for the Stone of Destiny to brought out for his "coronation"....

 Another respondent, Arthur Gemmill, then accused Lord Turnbull of "blasphemy", saying he had "ridiculed" his belief in God.

When asked to substantiate this claim, having been warned about the potential of committing contempt of court, Mr Gemmill said he could not find the passage in the written judgement, but insisted Lord Turnbull had insulted him at an earlier hearing. 

He said that the judge had "dismissed my comment that only God could make laws for men", by saying "is that right" in a "derogatory" tone.

Lord Turnbull then rose to consider what he had heard.

I will update,when I know more.


Kubrick's Pinnochio ?

Occultist and movie director Stanley Kubrick has graced the pages of the newspaceman on several occasions, albeit with a misspelt surname at times. My bad.

Back in 2008 I commented on Clockwork Orange and it's influence on '70's football hooliganism. It's quite pertinent to my recent posts. (Eyes Wide Shut)

Then in 2009, I noted the establishment chef, Jamie Oliver, and his April Fool's Day menu for delegates  attending the G20 summit : Baked Scottish Salmon or Childwickbury Goats Cheese followed by Welsh Lamb served with Jersey Royals and wild St. George mushrooms. Dessert was Bakewell Tart and Custard made from Prince Charles' eggs, not the ones he discards at breakfast time after sampling half a dozen. For the uninitiated, Childwickbury was once the home of  Kubrick. (G20 - Food for thought)

In 2014, it was the turn of Molly and her Children of the Universe, Eurovision Song Contest entry. It was maybe just me, but the video for the track resonated The Shining. Check the "keyhole". (Molly, Children of the Universe, and Stanley Kubrick's Shining).

At the end of  May past, The Guardian published an article claiming that Kubrick was planning to cover the tale Pinnocchio, emphasing that it would be a "completely separate project from A.I. Artificial Intelligence, the science-fiction film with a robot version of Pinocchio that Kubrick planned in the early 1990s and which Steven Spielberg later directed".

Which got me thinking about the London Olympics  again. Before the actual ritual began, we were treated to an animated movie - Out of a Rainbow" in which a gentleman called George retired from his job in a steelworks and crafted, in the manner of an alchemist, under a full moon, 2 little metallic creatures (the Olympic Mascots) named Mandeville and Wenlock. He gifted these to his grandchildren in a pair of size 11 shoeboxes (that old double 11 again), they placed them on their windowsill and a rainbow brought them to life. As I noted in the post - Bye George :

There are two ways to read “The Adventures of Pinocchio”. The first is what I would call “profane” where the reader, most probably a child, learns about the mishaps of the wooden puppet. The second is a reading from a Masonic point of view, where heavy symbolism will complete, without replacing, the simple and lineary narration of events”.
- Giovanni Malevolti, Pinocchio, mio Fratello (free translation)


You tube - Out of a Rainbow

Saturday, 11 June 2016

Birds of a Feather
21 days since the Hibernian fire was stoked.

English, Russian, and allsorts of hooligans on the "rampage" in France. "It's almost like the mid eighties" except it's not.

Many things spring in Scotland; to be, in time, globalised. 

Back in the days prior to the Scottish referendum, I posited the establishment occultly desired Scotland to be "on it's tod" as part of a magickal, alchemical ritual. If something has worked once before, and exactly the same pattern is followed, then it should work again. The more one practises magick, the more one perfects. Like law and doctors and dentists. Like King James and his Bible. Like Freemasonry. Like golf. Like Grand Theft Auto.

Back in the day I was taken by the clock behind Alex Salmond pre referendum at the Nationalists' conference. I feel numbers are symbolic, always have done, it's hard to explain: potentially hard wired in my brain?

English "hooligans" are currently shouting about leaving Europe, ISIS, and the IRA.

Here's Alex's image :

On 26th May, squarely sixteen days ago, the BBC reported that net migration to the United Kingdom had risen to 333,000 in 2015. After the figures were released, those in favour of Brexit climbed. If the UK votes to leave but the Scots vote to stay, another referendum beckons. A third.

The Welsh Dragon illuminates the Eiffel Tower
