This is my post from January this year - Concrete Jungles - reposted given the current Jimmy Savile media storm:

Urban myths are something rarely paid much attention to here at newspaceman. For example there's the Jimmy Saville one from ten or so years ago, where rumour had it that super-celebrity Jimmy, now deceased, was a necrophiliac, and indulged in some form of cadaver tampering. It went in one ear and out the other, at the time.
Then there's Stephen Hawking, the genius physicist, crippled with motor-neuron disease from age 21. Some say his disease stemmed from an ill advised attempt at time travelling. Now, as he approaches his 70th birthday, he has told how in order for the human race to survive, outer space must be colonised, and predicts that this will happen, although not in the next 100 years. Furthermore, he predicts that Earth will become uninhabitable within the next 1000 years, either through nuclear war or global warming.
This is music to my ears to a certain extent, given my own thoughts on how a one-world society is being created and indeed how colonisation (from Scotland and Ireland) could be seen to be the backbone of this world order and indeed a nod to the future.
And Jimmy Saville ? Well he passed away last November and was buried, after a three day celebration of his life, in a Tutankhamun-style golden coffin. Curiously it was tilted at a 45 degree angle "to enable him to see the sea". It was then encased in concrete "so that the grave couldn't and wouldn't be opened again". That should fix it.

BBC - Jimmy Saville concrete burial.
wiki - necrophilia.
mail on line Hawking Mars story.
You know after this article i fully believe there is a 45th masonic or other degree.
I don't know what Saville thought about UFOs but the 45 degree angle at which his coffin lies is a significant pointer.....if he wanted to see both bays then stand it up at 90 degrees, Non ???
North and South bays.....polar opposites.....dualism (how the people are blinded).....
Jimmy wanted to see the 'sea'....was he seeking redemption ?
Jimmy knew more than he was letting on, in more ways than one !
Stephen Hawking....time travel.....more likely Karma, methinks ?!
all the questions have no answers.nothing is happening to no is a journey on the ocean there is no truth no lies there really is nothing.nobody knows the truth cos it doesnt exist everything is known and unknown at the same time.there is unjustice but also justice in equal measure.we will never know.soz about that .
life is unfolding as it should thats all it does.people throw spanners in the works.a person can believe or not believe its that simple.some people believe in a government others dont.newspacemen i think u are ace but deep down after all this time do u really give a shit about any of this we will never know we were not born to know .its out of our control.and do you or i really care.i say fuck jimmy saville he was a weirdo jonathan king all of em weirdos .lets forget all of these sad bastards and get on with our lives,whadda think about that.
Kal - no doubt there is more happening up the top, but very few will be in on it.
Anon2 - I thought that it was so his backside was furthest from the surface - if you dig that ?
Anon - thanks, I think you are pretty much bang on, it is out of our control but somehow I feel I must keep tryring/writing athough deep down I appreciate that it is indeed pretty pointless. I spoke to an old friend about the television and it's effects and how we are basically slaves, he replied that he does'nt really mind that much,'cause he really likes TV. That sort of sums up the mentality of the majority.
yep thanks for your sincere reply u are a good un.yep there sure are a lot of brainwashed people these days.the most important thing to some is facebook iphone and x factor in that order.if there is a devil he may be winning.but like i said jimmy saville can go fux himself hee hee.
I don't doubt your personal feelings towards the thoughts/ideas that you talk about.....however, i have to disagree with you both (to an extent).
Things are not out of our control - but. yes, we are controlled (TV, Apple,Twitter,Facebook,X-factor).
The prison that we live in - and to which we are re-gurgitated/re-incarnated for what seems forever-and-a-day - can, like all prisons, be broken out of.
Only our conscience and learning from our past (lives) can remedy this. We have to come to the point where we become actioners over our lives rather than be actioned against.
We are not gods but we are Spirit...we are much more than we will ever know (if we stay in this down-beaten state).
Whaddayathink ?
yep we are spirit.Courage is required for this reality.Me personally i have to muster all i can on a daily basis.The more i do this with positive thinking,life reflects back to me better ,fate seems to be kinder.This prison isdesigned to be escaped from.I refuse to be downbeaten anymore.Life will carry on news ,sport fear will be ignored family freinds will be loved.And deep down inside peace ,strength and contentment will grow.
inner disputes need to be resolved so one can become one this is alchemy me thinks...
Hiya thanks for the comments, appreciated.
Anon - you make me laugh, luckily I don't have/use facebook, i phone or watch x factor, in factthere is no tv nowadays.
Anon 2 - I agree, I was maybe a bit down when I said "out of our control", I maybe think too much and take matters too seriously sometimes but it is depressing. You have uplifted me somewhat as has the next commentor who appears to speak from the heart and gives good advice.
I have been meaning to say this for a long now know that world of 'reality' into which we chose to come (and were subsequently imprisoned) and how the world(earth) is based on number and geometry and the re-incarnative principle that we keep are 'locked' into.
Your next move forward should be to understand your Spirit. You know your depressive/unhappy chapters have been done before - it's part of this principle of (re-incarnative) life.
The point is not to be positive in thinking to make oneself happy(-go-lucky) but to recognise the failures and correct them......this is indeed a very difficult process which very few people even get a sniff of understanding......but is massively important in terms of karma and conscience.
Like i noted previously past actions have to be taken care of. However, unless we move/go onto this new path 'our own way' then we will be locked into the number/geometry world (next up the world of four-square and onwards to the 'rose').
That's more like it - you have been free point in telling yourself that you can't be again !!
cheers Anon 2, I will work on it.
What about the paedophiles within St John ambulance who are about to receive awards from the Queen's representative:
Frank, thanks. The info you provide is most revealing, there is a site called aangirfan who would probably be glad of it too, as he/she deals with that type of thing regularly.
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