Although the Pope is long gone - almost a month now - a legacy of his visit remains here in Scotland: a facsimile edition of the Lorsch Gospels given to the Queen which is now on display at the Palace of Holyroodhouse. The original copy was produced back in the late seven hundreds, early eight hundreds, at the court of Charlemange - an empire building king who was crowned on Christmas Day, 800, and who, according to wikipedia, is regarded as not only "the founding father of both French and German monarchies" but also the "father of Europe"; indeed in his day he was seen as the representative of God on Earth.(BBC 12/10 Pope book)
The Abbey of Lorsch in Germany, where the book obtained it's title, was founded back in 764, although to popularise it as a shrine and a place of pilgrimage the custodian, Chrodegang, arranged for the body of Saint Nazarius to be sent by Pope Paul 1st; they arrived on 11/7/765. I mention this simply because of the date, 11th July, allegedly the date Robert the Bruce was born in 1274; the regular reader will hopefully remember how Bruce took over ownership of the Scottish army from William Wallace in time for Bannockburn, a battle which, with alleged Knight Templar assistance, led to the Declaration of Independence (from England), signed at Arbroath Abbey, and used as the model for America's later independence declaration.(The Braveheart Enigma)
The Abbey of Lorsch in Germany, where the book obtained it's title, was founded back in 764, although to popularise it as a shrine and a place of pilgrimage the custodian, Chrodegang, arranged for the body of Saint Nazarius to be sent by Pope Paul 1st; they arrived on 11/7/765. I mention this simply because of the date, 11th July, allegedly the date Robert the Bruce was born in 1274; the regular reader will hopefully remember how Bruce took over ownership of the Scottish army from William Wallace in time for Bannockburn, a battle which, with alleged Knight Templar assistance, led to the Declaration of Independence (from England), signed at Arbroath Abbey, and used as the model for America's later independence declaration.(The Braveheart Enigma)
Sept-ember the 11th, at some point in the past was 11/7
September 11th was the Battle of Stirling Bridge. That was the main battle that William Wallace is meant to have won, after that was Falkirk which he lost and then passed the reigns to Bruce. Then Bannockburn, Templars & victory, then "independence".
The SNP financial boy said yesterday that Scotland can't afford to stay part of the Union.
Looks like more "independence" , no doubt as part of a global "United Kingdom".
Also, according to Jeff Nisbet's Mystery of Bannockburn, the Scots forces knelt in prayer as Venus (and Sirius) rose, just before combat.
The last post comments re Norgrove and Trump: at the time of the alleged rescue mission, along with the new moon, venus was stationary, just before turning retro.
Venus being lucifer
"The last post comments re Norgrove and Trump: at the time of the alleged rescue mission, along with the new moon, venus was stationary, just before turning retro.
"Also, according to Jeff Nisbet's Mystery of Bannockburn, the Scots forces knelt in prayer as Venus (and Sirius) rose, just before combat."
sirius biznessie!
in A Flying Scroll for Shinar, by far my most popular 'umble effort, i wrote about venus as near-earth "travelling base" for celestial, including sirian, interests
declaring independences, She of "Liberty"
the idol/logo for branson's Virgin Galactic undertaking is the twin-headed (binary sirian) female atop the red dragon
(speaking Great Things no doubt) :O)
oct. 10 VG's SpaceShipTwo test-"flew freely" (independently) in the low-astral for a twinny 11 minutes, "carried aloft" & "followed by" the mothership
mothership name is WhiteKnightTwo (templars on a mount)
like mutter, like dotter!
tested in Mojave desert (sinai west) .... spaceport currently under construction in Jor-nada-land of en chant ment, new mehico
"just before combat" izzit well sir richard manson dr donald chump et arcadia infinitum do let us know when you imagine you are mashalled and ready
more tests! calibrate n calculate! by all means more tests lol
ciao spaceman, ray
Cheers Ray, Branson's choice for his tourist space runs is Lossiemouth I believe, not far (70 miles) from Trump's golf course, not far either from Spinningdale and it's cairns.
cheers Ray, appreciated
it just continues all this intrigue but no answers.something is going on i know that much,but what is going on i dont know.I maybe never will!However i know the majority of the people around me are repeaters when we have company the topic of conversation is based on tv xfactor ,an idiot abroad etc.Are we all brainwashed?Maybe this is all there is?Newspaceman what do you think.Me personally i see a lot of angry ignorant people around me who will happily drop others into the shit.
I mostly despair of what is going on anon and totally agree with your sentiments. I rarely watch Tv and don't bother about football and sport nowadays so that leaves little to converse about it appears.
I personally believe that the tv is a far greater influence on our behaviour and culture long term than most would imagine. It influences thinking and sets behaviour parameters. It genuinely is the modern day Trojan horse.
As regards dropping others in the shit and suchlike, this is culture propagated by programmes (a great word) like the Apprentice which works on a selfish, do anything to get to the "top" basis. Money buys power and that i am afraid is the goal, as people inside feel powerless and thus perceived business success is an antidote.
The same for x factor on a different plane.
Also see celebrities.
I hope this makes a bit sense but no, I dont think this is all there is, it is all we are conditioned
to think there is.
cheers, brian
I mostly despair of what is going on anon and totally agree with your sentiments. I rarely watch Tv and don't bother about football and sport nowadays so that leaves little to converse about it appears.
I personally believe that the tv is a far greater influence on our behaviour and culture long term than most would imagine. It influences thinking and sets behaviour parameters. It genuinely is the modern day Trojan horse.
As regards dropping others in the shit and suchlike, this is culture propagated by programmes (a great word) like the Apprentice which works on a selfish, do anything to get to the "top" basis. Money buys power and that i am afraid is the goal, as people inside feel powerless and thus perceived business success is an antidote.
The same for x factor on a different plane.
Also see celebrities.
I hope this makes a bit sense but no, I dont think this is all there is, it is all we are conditioned
to think there is.
cheers, brian
thanx for your reply.football these days is just an advertising oppurtunity.i cannot understand why the worship continues.60 pounds to watch a live game and the people pay happily.fans know all the facts and figures ,yet if you threw in a question about life or what is going on,u would be savaged.newspaceman you seem to be a good egg.
also its paulo.we had a large family get together, my relatives i would describe as well educated.the main topic of conversation xfactor unbelievable.i am flesh and blood.we all are.i would never go out of my way to upset anyone but, unfotunately a lot of people would.i am married with kids but behind the mask i walk a lonely path.
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