I thought I had covered the Friday night televised news scam before - where they finish the report of the day's events with reference to a more upbeat type of story other than the usual "bad news" which makes up the majority of the programming. It seems not however - according to google anyway. The basis of the swindle being that the average viewer is in a different frame of mind come Friday at 10, their minds loosened, indeed perhaps susceptible, with the thought of a lie-in on Saturday and a day or two "off".
Last night was no different on the British Broadcasting Company channel, our dashing hero, Prince William, opening a "new" military rehabilitation centre (again something I have written about but can't find) which was funded by charity Help for Heroes, thus we were treated to images of recuperating patients, mainly amputees with artificial legs and suchlike; the gist being that this was no bad thing really, they had lost limbs defending our great country. Whilst this may not sound too "upbeat", I can assure the reader it was presented as such as we saw the chaps apparently on the road to recovery; the majority involved in some type of amphibious physiotherapy involving pools, tanks and suchlike.
Last night was no different on the British Broadcasting Company channel, our dashing hero, Prince William, opening a "new" military rehabilitation centre (again something I have written about but can't find) which was funded by charity Help for Heroes, thus we were treated to images of recuperating patients, mainly amputees with artificial legs and suchlike; the gist being that this was no bad thing really, they had lost limbs defending our great country. Whilst this may not sound too "upbeat", I can assure the reader it was presented as such as we saw the chaps apparently on the road to recovery; the majority involved in some type of amphibious physiotherapy involving pools, tanks and suchlike.
Just after the "big news" comes the 5 minute regional presentation. Here in Scotland we closed that with another royal based story: watching Prince Charles nosing a glass of the water of life as he opened the extension to Chivas Brothers', The Glenlivet Distillery, in Speyside.
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