Thursday 20 October 2011

Hearts and Minds

Being quick here, it's late, note the chap's attire (above), Mohammed El Bibi - the man who allegedly killed Gaddafi, especially the New York Yankees baseball cap and striking tee shirt, then note the similar NYY headgear of John Clark Wilson, the man who attacked Neil Lennon, the Celtic manager, at a football game last May; an incident with severe ramifications.

Remember, it was Celtic, playing away, at Hearts.


my Braveheart post re Wilson is here.

Lets not mention a golden gun would be rather heavy.

Note my last post, given the Yankees are nicknamed the Highlanders.


  1. Lennon and Gaddafi both 'wear' green.

    Celtic 3rd so may be a regime change.


  2. Is it possible that a 'double' was killed?

    - Aangirfan

  3. look too at the regime change at Glasgow Rangers aferrismoon, and a damning BBC documentary on their "new" boss, Mr Whyte, aired on Thursday. Animal Farm indeed.

    Anngirfan, that would be my understanding, Gaffafi had several doubles. Note the front cover of the Sun newspaper had a close of of his blood splattered head with the headline - Thats for Lockerbie. Inside they showed a variety of Gaddafi images, including those where he posed with Brown and Blair.

    Basically, adding to the agenda that no (British)politicians can/should be trusted and paving the way for a "revolution", where the monarchy will still be at the top of the "new" system. Include (Glaswegian) Liam Fox in that too.

    cheers, and thanks

  4. I believe so [ Gers] , and also a report last week that the whole SPL is "doomed"

    But , a new Great Britain footy team fro the 'lympics


  5. Wondered if you have studied about ARTHUR CHRISTMAS movie coming out 11-11-11 in UK, Trailers seem to point out all KINDS of things to be aware of.

  6. Plenty of crap will take place on 11:11:11
    Here's a piece of it:

  7. 11 11, new age nonsense, see Geller. Might have "majik" properties, symbolically, so have lots of numerals. As you say, it is crap, although it obviously has some merit for the powers, given prince wills on front page hello mag, 1111, last feb 22nd.

    Look up "new age" guru Benjamin Creme and his "messiah" prediction from 21/06/1982 - Prince Wills' 0 birthday.

    Re the Arthur movie, thanks for info, did google, nice pic of alien "mothercraft". See Rik Clay.


  8. Ther appears to be an animated film coming out soon titled



  9. wow! check this out:

    preparing the public for another strike of the 'curse'?
