We touched on a character James Ross back in early November via the comments. He was the chap apparently held captive in Portugal over a drug debt, his kidnappers cutting of various body parts, including his privates and allegedly posted them to other, presumably rival, gangsters as some sort of underworld message. It was all related to Osiris, an Egyptian Sun-God, who's parts too were dismembered, a replacement penis being formed with gold. Later that month, the chap appeared on the front page of the News of the World. I could not get a copy picture due to copyright however noted in the comment section of Snowball effect :
Today's Scottish News of the World front page headline :I HAVE BEEN TO HELL. Picture of Lisbon torture victim, surname Ross, from Wick. He got body parts chopped off and seemingly distributed as a warning (see Osiris). As such there is a close up of his hand on the front page, he has one digit missing, thus providing the classic pyramid /Spock pose provided and discussed in aferrismoon's last post. Ross as in the terrorist Loch Lomond. Wick as in light/candle/mining ?
The original story broke on the 21st/22nd October, some 64 days prior to Christmas. 64 is indeed eight squared and the number of squares on the chess board - the latter, in some quarters, being regarded as an important freemasonic (and well before) symbol; good/evil, black/white etc. Boxing Day there was no Scottish Sun (The NOTW sister newspaper), it being a Sunday, however on the Monday we were treated to the banner headline as imaged below, the entire family dressed in black and white.
It begins with the purple attired Queen, dapper in pearls. Almost immediately she vanishes. "God save the Queen" is played, and we are transported to Hampton Court Palace. The camera lingers on an exterior unicorn and other heraldic icons. We see the clock, bang on 3, and close into the House of Stewart flag. Suddenly we are inside the Palace, the camera detailing the magnificent decoration within the chapel. Our cameraman hesitates upon the phrase "Dieuetmondroit" ; God and my right - a reference to the supposed divine right of the monarch to govern. (Basically, the monarch is answerable only to God, not to parliament, the people, any other monarch; or any church - see King James 6th and 1st))
HM reappears, now up in the proverbial "heavens". Below are angelic choir children. She begins her Christmas message:
Over 400 years ago King James VI of Scotland inherited the throne of England at a time when the Christian church was deeply divided.
Here at Hampton Court in 1604, he convened a conference of churchmen of all shades of opinion to discuss the future of Christianity in this country.
The king agreed to commission a new translation of the bible that was acceptable to all parties.
This was to become the King James, or Authorized, Bible, which next year will be exactly four centuries old.
At this point the camera image changes to a copy of the first page of an early KJV Bible:
Acknowledged as a masterpiece of English prose and the most vivid translation of the scriptures, the glorious language of this bible has survived the turbulence of history and given many of us the most widely recognised and beautiful descriptions of the birth of Jesus Christ which we celebrate today.
The Queen is still preaching as above, the image changes to another - the title - page. "To the Most High and Mightie (sic) King James". Then the Gospel of St. Luke pops up.
We then cut to little schoolchildren Bible reading Luke, they are mostly of ethnic appearance. It begins at verse 6 and ends at 13 although 10,11 & 12 are skipped. (The word taxes appears in the KJV, prior to the revision it was census). Then to the choir: all white I think, dressed in red, conducted by a black gentleman. They sing While Shepherds Watch Their Flocks". We cut back to HM:
The King James Bible was a major co-operative endeavour that required the efforts of dozens of the day's leading scholars.
At this point we go back to the chapel decoration - a Royal crown is lingered upon
The whole enterprise was guided by an interest in reaching agreement for the wider benefit of the Christian church, and to bring harmony to the kingdoms of England and Scotland.
Again back to HM
Four hundred years later, it is as important as ever to build communities and create harmony, and one of the most powerful ways of doing this is through sport and games.
Here we shoot to Wimbledon last summer and the Queen's visit there after a 33 year absence. More little children are shown, a large proportion coloured (bear in mind I live in Scotland). Again they wear red. (Later the Queen watched Dunblane massacre survivor, Andy Murray). The date is 24th June, importantly the anniversary of the Battle of Bannockburn.(Braveheart Enigma)
During this past year of abundant sporting events, I have seen for myself just how important sport is in bringing people together from all backgrounds, from all walks of life and from all age groups.
Back to HM again:
In the parks of towns and cities, and on village greens up and down the country, countless thousands of people every week give up their time to participate in sport and exercise of all sorts, or simply encourage others to do so.
These kinds of activity are common throughout the world and play a part in providing a different perspective on life.
We now cut to televisual images of the Royal Princes, William and Harry, playing football on their recent World Cup coinciding Africa trip; high fiving with little - once suffering - African children. Wills is in the familiar number 11, more camera time is devoted to him than his sibling. (Drip Fed)
Apart from developing physical fitness, sport and games can also teach vital social skills.
Back to HM:
None can be enjoyed without abiding by the rules, and no team can hope to succeed without co-operation between the players. This sort of positive team spirit can benefit communities, companies and enterprises of all kinds.
Then to images of physically"disabled" athletes, they appear to be US forces, or certainly military. Briefly interrupted by a quick blast of Charles and Camilla. Followed by Prince Andrew, watching robotic legged ex-forces playing Scots born golf. As the success of recent Paralympics bears witness, a love of sport also has the power to help rehabilitate.
One only has to think of the injured men and women of the Armed Forces to see how an interest in games and sport can speed recovery and renew a sense of purpose, enjoyment and comradeship.
We cut back to HM:
Right around the world, people gather to compete under standard rules and, in most cases, in a spirit of friendly rivalry. Competitors know that, to succeed, they must respect their opponents; very often, they like each other too.
We go to images of canoeists, canoeing. A banner states Complete. Dinghies appear. Some sort of race. Our camera utilises the number 18 gate as foreground. We see Princess Anne spectating then cut to a track event. It is the Delhi 2010 Commonwealth Games. Someone has won a race; a Jamaican, Lerone Clarke. Born 7/7. A dismal performance by his own standards but he still won. Three black athletes with medals are shown, they can't disguise their jubilation. On the podium their upper lips quiver.
Sportsmen and women often speak of the enormous pride they have in representing their country, a sense of belonging to a wider family.
We see this vividly at the Commonwealth Games, for example, which is known to many as the Friendly Games and where I am sure you have noticed that it is always the competitors from the smallest countries who receive the loudest cheers.
Back to HM (this time an ornamental nativity scene and Christmas tree flank her):
People are capable of belonging to many communities, including a religious faith. King James may not have anticipated quite how important sport and games were to become in promoting harmony and common interests. (Funny that, because King James also published a book detailing acceptable Sabbath sport)
But from the scriptures in the bible which bears his name, we know that nothing is more satisfying than the feeling of belonging to a group who are dedicated to helping each other (Here we focus solely on the nativity) :
Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them.
Then back to HM: I wish you, and all those whom you love and care for, a very happy Christmas.
To close, the choir sing Holly and the Ivy.
Matthew 7 - see Queen's penultimate sentence; watch where you are being driven.
All year I went on about the Pope's visit to the UK on 16/9, in particular the significance of it's commencement at Royal Holyrood, or Holy-cross, Edinburgh.
99 days later, Christmas Eve, the Pope has appeared on the BBC Radio programme "Thought for the Day", thanking the UK for his welcome in September and using the highly "unique occasion" to remind listeners that "God is always faithful to his promises but often surprises us in the way he fulfils them". Make of that what you will given my last musings.
Meanwhile tomorrow, one hundred (XxX) days after the unprecedented Papal State visit, the Queen's Christmas Message will break with convention after being recorded for the first time ever at Hampton Court Palace , rather than the usual Buckingham. The BBC link is below and includes a short 22 second preview which has been released by the Crown; apparently this year's "central focus" is, unsurprising given my last few posts, sport and it's apparent importance "to building communities and creating harmony".
Back in the seventies, when your narrator was just a laddie, there was a television advert which stuck in the mind. It involved a good-looking lady strolling, her long-locks fairly bouncing as the sun shone through her hair; her trousers very snug fitting.
On Saturday an interesting article appeared in the mail with one of the longest headlines I have ever read: Why Prince Charles is too dangerous to be king: In a landmark essay MAX HASTINGS tells why this increasingly eccentric royal could imperil the monarchy. In it, Max, former ten-year editor of the Telegraph, country-dweller and field sport lover (as was his father) wrote of how he fears Charles is madly eccentric (something we have touched on here before), has a Messiah complex, and is out of touch with reality. The source of the writers displeasure appears to source from the Prince of Wales most recent literary offering: Harmony. It is long article, well worth reading, a selection follows:
The Prince’s new book Harmony is indeed a startling piece of work. He begins it by writing: ‘This is a call to revolution. “Revolution” is a strong word, and I use it deliberately. For more than 30 years I have been working to identify the best solutions to the array of deeply entrenched problems we face.
‘Having considered these questions long and hard, my view is that our outlook in the Westernised world has become far too firmly framed by a mechanistic approach to science.’ He continues: ‘This approach is entirely based upon the gathering of the results that come from subjecting physical phenomena to scientific experiment.’
Some of his phrases are messianic: ‘I would be failing in my duty to future generations and to the Earth itself if I did not attempt to point this out and indicate possible ways we can heal the world.’
Obsessively convinced of his own rightness, he views his critics with the weary resignation of an early Christian martyr: ‘It is probably inevitable that if you challenge the traditions of conventional thinking you will find yourself accused of naivety.’
Some of his book reads like the ravings of a Buddhist mystic.
Charles’ book Harmony can promote only disharmony around the throne.
It ends:
But anyone who reads the Prince of Wales’ new book will have little doubt that the chief peril to our royal institution in the decades ahead lies within his well-meaning, muddled, woolly head.
Which leads me back to the point. For also in the aforementioned Harmony hairspray advert were individuals, ogling and pointing at the pretty girl. Their thoughts were vocalised: "Is she, or isn't she". As I said, I was just a laddie and could not work out what it all meant. It was, in hindsight, a double entendre: hairspray and underwear.
Yet, what if Max's whole article is indeed a double entrende with a cynical, herding-like, twist; the author being a countryman and a field sports enthusiast (indeed his own father wrote many books on the subjects) thus surely an appreciator of the great outdoors, the balance of nature, everything having it's place and role. Someone of this vein is surely capable of seeing where our world is headed, not so much in terms of cyclical climate change, of the new world order, or of pollution, but rather just the mass of ever expanding humans, both collectively and individually. Where can they all live, what will they all eat, what will they all do. This is surely not brain science nor does it require any clever thinking. There are simply far too many humans, producing too much waste, and there are more each day.
One thing about country sports enthusiasts is that they do value their sport. The wealthy ones will pay thousands and thousands of pounds to shoot grouse for a week. Others will pay similar sums to stalk a stag or try to catch a salmon in the famous Tweed Junction Pool. Gamekeepers are employed to keep down raptors and poachers. Thus, Max's whole article tone reads false to me. He decries Charles and worships a technological and sterile age. Impossible.
Personally, I am beginning to think that indeed both "Biblical end times" roles are being played out, esoterically, by the same creatures. William plays the bogus Messiah, his father plays the Messiah. Those who were foolish enough to fall for Wills are doomed, somehow. The few who were clever enough to "listen" to his father will be saved. It will begin again, with less people, another Eden, the "space age" technology saved for the elite - Gods - along with the shooting and fishing rights. In the future, as the population increases, poachers and suchlike will be sent to the colonies although, instead of Australia, it will be Mars.
How will they kill the followers of Wills ? Our answer, like Alice, may lie in the "doorway" of a rabbit burrow. For the rabbits that escaped the initial multi-killing, man-made myxomatosis virus were the one's that lived in the brambles and rough cover, the horrible (indeed it is pitiful to see) disease being spread by fleas which lingered, and still do, at the entrance of holes, awaiting victims.
On that note, I proffer up today's earthquake in Cumbria as scant evidence of my theory. For Conniston, at the heart of the shake, is noted not only for it's lake - where Donald Campbell died in 1967 after attempting to break the world water speed record in his jet boat Bluebird K7 - but also the home of the fictional government research station, ARSE, in Richard Adams' bioweapon centred, The Plague Dogs.
Note- rabbits are an "introduced" species in the UK.
Early this morning, not long after the lunar eclipse, one of the Kings of Leon's tour buses went on fire, quickly spreading to an adjacent coach (perhaps a twin), the two completely incinerated. Sixty firefighters attended the scene, called out at 8.18. Sunrise was at 8.04. The Kings of Leon are a US, family-related band, all surnamed Followill.
The venue was the 02 (perhaps Oz), once the Millennium Dome, a structure which architecturally symbolically represents the "role played by Greenwich Mean Time" (wiki).
The below image is the cover of a DVD release from last year.
Tonight is the winter solstice, midwinter, the shortest and thus darkest day of the year, all coinciding, rarely, with a total lunar eclipse.
Meanwhile in snow-white London, the Olympic stadium will be illuminated for the first time this evening, a plethora of sport stars and politicians witnessing the electrifying of the 532 individual HID lamps which light up the arena. From Bible Wheel (Revelations) re the "hidden" properties of the number 532:
"I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty"
The Number 532 is deeply integrated with many expressions of Divinity
Meanwhile, coincidentally today, the official range of "Royal Wedding" bone china went on sale; bone china being famed for it' s whiteness and translucency, or shine, notwithstanding longevity.
Note -Since I initially posted the ritual has taken place (here), the switch hit by ("elite bloodlined" -see previous post) David Cameron. It appears that there are in fact 14 triangular lighting towers, each capable of holding 44 lights, although each only have 38 at the moment, hence the 532. However, if, or surely when, they are fully luminated, there will be a total of 616 - a number that many would contest was the original pre King James' edition "Biblical" number of the beast , a fact pointed out to me by aferrismoon some time ago. Also, I have added a photo of the crown/halo/eye like stadium.
A very well educated and mannered lady called Rachel Johnson today made a comment about "being pelted with haggis in the streets of Biggar this Christmas" in a BBC news program regarding education fees. It seemed rather dishevelled, given the content of the debate, thus just maybe, Rachel, editor of a publication called the Lady, is dropping subtle, serpent like, hints.
For Rachel is the sister of London Mayor, Boris, the one who played a substantial role in the Beijing Olympic ritual handover to London. We note Boris and Rachel's mishmashed "bloodlines" from wiki:
In reference to his cosmopolitan ancestry, Johnson has described himself as a "one-man melting pot" — with a combination of Muslims, Jews and Christians comprising his great-grandparentage. His father's maternal grandmother, Marie Louise de Pfeffel, was a descendant of Prince Paul of Württemberg through his relationship with a German actress. Through Prince Paul, Johnson is a descendant of King George II, and through George's great-great-great grandfather James I/VI, a descendant of all of the previous British royal houses. Johnson is an 8th cousin of David Cameron.
One wonders if maybe we will see an announcement from the Queen this Christmas speech, perhaps notice of intent to vacate her role; in the meantime the top image is from the Oxford University in-house magazine publication, Isis, which Rachel once edited and which seems apt given recent posts.
One wonders too, just who's castle Rachel will be lodging in.
A change of track here - well maybe - as we note from today's BBC an interesting story regarding giant Fingal's Cave in the Hebrides; a "natural" sea cave which inspired Felix Mendelssohn to write his Hebrides Overture.
Today's revelations, as detailed in: Theory over famous Mendelssohn "Fingaks Cave" overture, relate of how a researcher, the vaguely Omen-ous sounding, Iain Thornber, claims that the Jewish-German musical genius released his piece on the (solstice close) 16th December 1830, specifically because that date is, presently, the only time of the year when the sun, lying at 5.6 degrees above the horizon, fully illuminates the interior of the cavern. From the link:
Mendelssohn visited the cave in 1829 while on a tour of Scotland and completed his "Hebrides Overture" on 16 December the following year.
The work, which is now popularly known as "Fingal's Cave", helped the landmark become a tourist destination for other famous names.
Past visitors include Sir Walter Scott, Keats, Turner, Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, Prince William of Orange, William Wordsworth, Jules Verne and Robert Louis Stevenson
It would appear that some of the above noted characters were dead before the work was released, but that is maybe dubious journalism.
Notwithstanding, we note more of the cave's attributes from wikipedia:
Its size and naturally arched roof, and the eerie sounds produced by the echoes of waves, give it the atmosphere of a natural cathedral.
From the inside, the entrance seems to frame the sacred island of Iona across the water
Scots novelist Sir Walter Scott described Fingal's Cave as "one of the most extraordinary places I ever beheld. It exceeded, in my mind, every description I had heard of it… [C]omposed entirely of basaltic pillars as high as the roof of a cathedral, and running deep into the rock, eternally swept by a deep and swelling sea, and paved, as it were, with ruddy marble, [it] baffles all description."
Obviously, as we are told by the masters, the cave is natural; unlike the man-made pyramids which were, apparently, specifically architected to utilise the sun in terms of illumination, again at specific times of the year.
I suppose it is no shock, given my last post, that Pink Floyd at one time produced a track called Fingal's Cave for a film called Zabriskie Point (Zabriskie located in Death Valley), and that when Felix's release (in modern parlance) was originally performed, the show included a double A side: Overture to A Midsummer's Night Dream.
Recent posts have considered the possibility of some type of crazy relationship between events in Scotland, music, and Assange's wikileaks, notwithstanding the Olympic / Zion / Wizard of Oz / connection. While the drip continues via our Guardian newspaper - the distributor of the "secrets" here in the UK - a fairly dramatic coincidence has happened.
As we know, computer genius/hacker, Assange, is remanded, awaiting extradition to Sweden to face charges of sexually assaulting two ladies. Here in Scotland at the weekend, DJ Basshunter, Jonas Erik Altberg, born 22/12/1984, who has appeared on Celebrity Big Brother, was charged with sexually assaulting two ladies in Kitty's nightclub, Hunter Street, in Kirkcaldy last Friday. He has been bailed and returned home to Sweden yesterday. Basshunter originally produced his music through a computer program called fruity loops.
Looking at this latter situation with an open mind, we note the the Swedes, thus turnips, thus turn up a connection via the computing angle, the hunting aspect in terms of Hunter Street and Basshunter, the Kitty's in Kirkcaldy crudely offering, in the manner of a rapist, a double KK or 11 and also perhaps our catch. For ex Prime Minister, Gordon Brown - who surely economically raped the UK - perhaps in a brownpipe manner - is the local Kirkcaldy MP, that's the same Gordon who, whilst chancellor, visited India. At the time a major "racism scandal" had occured, Jade Goody having abused a Bollywood Star, Shilpa Shetty, whilst participating in the TV show Celebrity Big Brother. From
Speaking in the city of Bangalore on his first official trip to the country, Britain's prime minister in waiting talked of a "new world order".
His actual quote being:
It is time to formally recognise on a more consistent and regular basis the reality of this emerging new world order
Yeah, Lucifer's Eden - a fruity loop indeed.
Meanwhile, thinking along the lines of the remarkable, bank robbing, weed-growing, "right wing" Fritz Springmeier, in terms of mind control, does it not seem strange that the chap captured swinging, pendulously, on a Union flag from the Cenotaph was Charlie Gilmour, son of Pink Floyd's David. Even more strange is that when the image initially appeared on the mail on line website it was captioned: "a man swings off cenotaph". I thought, that's not a man, it's a woman (see Baphomet). Not long later the caption was changed to "woman" swings off Cenotaph. I hope you get the gist. The mail on line claims now that Charlie - apparently on LSD -was part of the mob who attacked Prince Charles and Camilla (here) and they have another image to prove it.
Stoned co-eds of every place and name glow a rich green when they tell you that if you overlay The Wizard of Oz with Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon the color sequence of TWOZ begins precisely at the moment the track Money rolls out its first cha-ching. In cinema jargon this is called a money shot. A money shot is any shot that is extra-especially aimed to impress the audience. Please recall that Floyd's Money is metered out in the very rare 7/4 time signature.
Deeper investigations will note that a little earlier in TWOZ The Wicked Witch of the West appears in her guise original (as mean old School Marm Elmira Gulch) at the precise moment of the wake-up chimes that begin Floyd's Time: track #3 of DSOTM. As we go deeper still, keep in mind the slate black gown worn by The Wicked Witch. The Black Robe is a standard symbol of Saturn. Now it just so happens that when you overlay DSOTM with Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey Floyd`s Time peals out at the precise moment that the Slate Black Monolith first appears to the proto-human tribe. Later on, when Money begins, the viewer of 2001 will see, for the one and only time in the movie, the IBM logo. It is right there, readable above an on board navigation monitor as the Pan Am Jet docks with the International Space Station. Watch for it!
The connexion of Floyd`s Time to the Black Monolith ought to be straight away clear: Saturn = Time. It happens we prefer that an acronym of International Space Station spells ISIS. IBM is the industry standard for cash registers. And, as stated, I-S-I-S overlain is $$. ISIS, by now, must = 7. So, it thusly follows that seated upon a square she becomes 7/4. This explains Floyd`s use of the unusual 7/4 Time signature for the track Money. $$ = ISIS = Money.
"Mr Gilmour, a Cambridge University student, has already apologised for his actions at the Cenotaph, saying he was "mortified" by his "moment of idiocy". On that note, or perhaps chime, lets turnback to wikileaks and their UK media "outlet", The Guardian, owned by the Scott Trust; apparently a "left leaning" publication, certainly originally Zionist, in terms of Is Ra El (wiki). On Saturday 5th December, it published an article called: Are the 2012 Olympics part of a plot to take over the world. (Note the image above with the "fairy tales" banner was copied from wikipedia today).
In it, the author, having visited the Olympic site with a conspiracy-addict, discusses a theory of hoax alien invasion which will be created in order to achieve a New World Order. Prince William gets a brief mention, the writer offering only a few lines in this regard:
Prince William is the obvious choice for king of this New Jerusalem because of his royal bloodline, his birthday (the 21 June – the summer solstice) and the fact that he will be 30 years old in 2012, the year of the 30th Olympiad, or XXX in roman numerals. Numerology counts for a lot in these circles
He concludes with:
The London Olympics theory is an intriguing case, not least because it actually makes a prediction. Either something will happen in 2012 or it won't: the theory will be right or wrong. What will people such as David do if nothing happens? "I'll be really bloody surprised," he says, "but if nothing happens, I'd say that the forces of good behind the scenes, like us, saved the day and the forces of evil were stopped."
Which is where the author, and his "friend of a friend" David (not his real name) go tragically wrong. For nothing will happen, the Olympics is the icing on the cake, the building of the New Order or Zion en situ, the time neatly coinciding with the commencement of the (astrological) Aquarian age, and the ascension of bogus Messiah. Unless of course:
Note - The cuckoo lays her eggs in another birds' nest for them to raise as their own. Unwittingly.
Note - Basshunter's logo is as top image. It looks remarkably like El, or Saturn.His date of birth too is interesting given the Mayan calendar "end date" (21/12/12); 1984 a leap year hence a day added, thus roughly 28 years prior. 28 being the "return of Saturn" - see Wills and Kate - notwithstanding it's kabbalistic importance. Again alchemy, lead into gold.
Note - The Wrong Way Wizard, as quoted, discusses the Pan Am appearance within Ku-brick's 2001. Again, I invite the reader to glance at the astrological chart for the (wiki-leak prominent) Lockerbie (pan-am) 21/12 bombing. (The sign of the goat).
Note - Assange was bailed this afternoon, due back in court 11/1/11. Again recall Prince William in issue 1111 of Hello magazine this year, published 22/2.
Note the "incident" began in Regent Street, outside Hamleys toy shop. Hamleys, originally Noah's Ark, was established by a William Hamley, from Bodwin (home of the famous beast). Very close to the Eden project, recently discussed here.
"They use Hegelian Dialectics. This dialectic process doesn't happen on its own so it often has to be forced into happening. The idea is that each idea ("ism") called a "thesis", like say Capitalism, naturally by definition has an opposite, an "antithesis". In Capitalism the antithesis is Communism. The conflict between the two produces a synthesis. By controlling both ends of the conflict, one controls the end product, the synthesis. More than not, the One-World-Power can be seen working behind both sides of many conflicts". (Be Wise As Serpents - Fritz Springmeirer)
Before the Mastercard attack, a member of Anonymous, who calls himself Coldblood, told the BBC that "multiple things" were being done to target companies that had stopped working with Wikileaks or which were perceived to have attacked the site.
"We feel that Wikileaks has become more than just about leaking of documents, it has become a war ground, the people vs. the government," he said.
In the last post I touched on a strange Scotland wikileaks relationship conjured up through the vessels of football hooliganism, bluenoses, Prince Andrew, the England World Cup bid and rap music courtesy Snoop Dogg; since then Scotland has been in the grip of Arctic conditions; indeed so cold is it that even one's nose is blue - hence last night's original, now remastered, post. People are prisoners in their own homes, others have been trapped for the night in their cars, unable to escape. Talk today is of the army being drafted in to Edinburgh to clear the streets of snow, whilst imposing, sphinx-like, Holyrood shadowing, volcanic Arthur's Seat, carries an avalanche warning.
Julian Assange, the wikileaks top dog, too has had a hard week; "his" bank accounts and paypal frozen, now banged up on rape charges, the warrant issued on St. Andrew's Day. Notwithstanding, a wee bit digging on the secret-ousting - deluge impending - proprietor throws up a shovelful of dirty slush in the form of his own "rap-music", penned under the name Proff, purportedly as part of some sort of "on-line" war against a fellow "computer security" researcher named Dan Farmer (the links are at the end). These are the specific lyrics which jumped out at me.
I'm Dan Farmer, you can't fool me - the only security consultant to be on MTV.
I've got long red hair - hey hands off man! don't touch the locks of the mighty Dan.
philosophy's the trip - evil 'n' stuff, god, we know a lot, Mike me and Muff.
Perhaps you've heard of it? Its called SAY-TAN And it can turn any hacker into a real man!
It's so clever it can penetrate any inter-net-site, you see against my SAY-TAN they just can't fight.
Jumped out, given the name Dan Farmer (who incidentally developed a very early network vulnerability scanner called Satan) when combined with long red hair, mighty (men of renown) , evil and stuff etc. resonates strongly with the theories of British Israel, bloodlines, Scotland, freemasonry, House of Stuart and the New World Order - or global human farm. Firstly, from Fritz (as above):
IMPORTANT BLOODLINES Important bloodlines for the Power include:
•The Jewish bloodline of the Prieure de Sion which starts with the tribe of Dan,extends through the Merovingian Dynasty and into the Hapsburg royalty. This bloodline has kept a close association with all branches of the occult, often providing the leadership for the occult.
•The bloodlines of the leaders of the LDS and RLDS churches which go back to the bloodline of the Prieure de Sion, the Merovingians. A secret society of Danites was created by the LDS church
•The bloodlines of the descendants of William of Orange and those who helped him conquer England. They have been in powerful positions since, especially in England. Part of William of Orange's help was derived from those of Jewish descent.
The Canaanite territory of northern Israel was later occupied by the tribe of Dan, whose worship of Baal/Pan involved such fertility rites at Mount Hermon, also called Mount Sion. The Merovingians are the offspring of the tribe of Dan which intermarried with the Canaanite Tuatha De Danann, also known as the Dragon Lords of Anu because they were the offspring of the fallen angels (Anunnaki).
"the Merovingians were notorious for their red hair and it was believed that this is where they received all of their “powers.”
Thus, Assange's Proff moniker is perhaps short for Prophet in a similar manner to that of Scots-rooted new age (of Aquarius) guru, Benjamin Creme, who predicted, via multiple global newspaper advertisments, that the "Second Coming of Christ" would occur on Monday 21st June 1982; Prince William's "sun drenched" Cesarean sectioned birthday by the way .
"Creme has stated that when the "Day of Declaration" occurs, "The Christ will come on the world's television channels, linked together by satellite. All those with access to television will see... [His face]. He will establish a telepathic rapport with all humanity simultaneously". While the Christ is speaking... [everyone will feel far more love than they've ever felt before, that massive outpouring of love will cause] hundreds of thousands of 'miracle' cures will take place simultaneously".
Yeah, things look desperate.
Note top "wikileaks" image, the hourglass / egg timer - a common symbol along with the skull and x bones on Templar graves. I showed one a couple of posts ago. This image (sands of time) with the globe-map, speaks volumes.
Julian Assange's "wikileaks" released more "classified" information last week including, on St. Andrew's Day, supposed revelations re "ladies man", large eared Prince Andrew (here):
"The sun may have set on the British Empire, but Prince Andrew, the Duke of York, is still looking to revive the Great Game, the 19th century competition between Imperial Russia and the British monarchy for influence and wealth in Central Asia. "
Last night, on the eve of England's Fifa World Cup bid, violence broke out at Birmingham's St. Andrew's Park, home supporters - the bluenoses; their hooligan firm, the Zulus - invading the pitch to challenge the Aston Villa fans to a fight. Manager Alex McLeish (ex Glasgow Rangers / King Billy - also bluenoses) described the scene in terms of "Dark Ages"; an anonymous fan described it as a "warzone".
Today (see previous post) David Beckham, David Cameron and Prince William - who has a strong affiliation with Scotland's St. Andrews via university and Kate, notwithstanding his promoted "support" of Aston Villa - presented their bid for the soccer World Cup hosting in 2018.
They lost, and Russia won.
In the meantime, American rapper, Snoop Doggy Dogg, today announced he has dedicated his new single, Wet, seemingly a bachelor party anthem - to Prince William.
Just quickly, the mock-up directly above is from today's Sun newspaper in respect of England's bid to host the 2018 soccer-football World Cup; their presentation hosted by British Prime Minister David Cameron, David Beckham and, last but not least, Prince William.
Note how Wills still lacks a fifth gold star, surely once attained elevating him above the twin (pillar) Davids (sport and politics), in terms of overall points.
(Note 1027 on strips - Sceptre 1027, a 3 dimensional chess game, produced by Horizon; sceptre - a symbol of Royal authority and power -see William the Conqueror)